《Providence [Naruto Fan Fiction]》Chapter 26


[A/N: Hello! We finally reached Shippuden! Congratulations to myself! Enjoy reading! (⁎˃ᆺ˂)]

Nara Kashina



Kenjutsu master, Sealing master and Taijutsu master

Lord Third - Sarutobi Hiruzen

Team 7 led by Hatake Kakashi

Ah, it's been a while since I went back to the village. Both Neji and I went outside of the village for our 3-month classified mission as a brand new Jonin. Yup, Neji and I was promoted as a Jonin last year while the gang's finally became Chunnins as well as Sakura!

It's also been a while since the last time I saw Kakashi and Sakura. I wonder how're they? Maa, I'll meet him sooner or later since Naruto's arrival is up! It's been 2 years and 5 months! I'm sure he became taller but I'm still taller than him! They're still chipmunks but Neji's definitely taller than me!

"Where are you going? Aren't we supposed to report to Lady Hokage first?" Neji asked as soon as he felt that I'm about to leave him alone. I pouted on him and didn't bother to argue. I'm 100% sure that Neji on his past life was once on a debate team! He's always winning against me!

"I'm just going to smoke but nah, I'll do it later." Yup, I develop a new bad habit which is smoking. But I wasn't a heavy smoker like Asuma-sensei, I'm just smoking thrice or twice a day or whenever I'm stressed or free.

Kakashi wasn't aware of this but he's aware that I'm drinking. Mom made her frying pan fly and bonked my head when she heard that I started drinking alcohol when I was 13. Dad on the other hand, he's happy and on the verge of throwing a party but mom made her spare frying pan to fly on him. Too troublesome, right!? They're still unaware that I'm smoking and I will never let them know!

Only Shikamaru and Neji does.

"Do it later, we had to report this mission success." Yey! About Neji, at first he was oppose to me, smoking but then he realized that he can't terminate my new addiction now. On our 3-month mission, he's always scolding me every day and every night since I'm always forcing him to drink alcohol but he's ALWAYS rejecting me! He's no fun!

"Okay, let's just teleport?" I asked innocently but he just look at me with 'What kind of dumb are you to think of teleporting there? Do you want to be killed by her ANBU's on duty?'. Apparently, that's what he mean. "You know, you don't need to lecture me with your eyes." I pouted.

"Then don't spout nonsense." He muttered which causes me pout even more! He's no fun!!!


'Come in' I held the door's knob before carefully pushing the door to open it. Neji and I made our way inside and to be greeted by Tsunade and the whole gang!! Naruto's there with Jiraiya, Sakura's also there while Kakashi's on the window holding Naruto's gift! Shikamaru and Temari's also inside the room.

Kyaaa!! I was about to rush towards everybody but Neji was fast, he grab a hold at the back of my collar and fully stopped me from doing what I wanted. "Stop whatever you're thinking."

"You're no fun! I'm just going to give them a hug!" I protest but he just sighed on me as if I'm the very disappointment that happened to his life.

My depression was chopped when everyone in the room laugh in the scene we just made! It's definitely Neji's fault! I immediately went behind him to shield his body so I could hide from embarrassment.


"My, my, Neji that's okay. Anyway, everyone let's wrap our reunion. I need to talk to them." Tsunade's authoritative voice roared inside her office so everyone made their way out of her office.

"Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi-niisan... meet me later at Ichiraku's!" I told them before they could finally disappear in front of me.

After sensing everyone's chakra disappeared, Tsunade signaled her ANBU's to leave the room before activating her office silencing seal. Neji and I immediately brought out the scrolls that we've obtained during our 3-months outside the village. Our mission was to retrieve every stolen scroll from the Hokage's sealed storage room. That happened when Lord Third was still the Hokage and Lady Tsunade noticed that some of the Leaf's important scroll was missing.

She already placed her suspicion to Danzo. And I'm also aware that it was Danzo's work but I didn't say anything and just continued following the flow.

We obtained at least 20 important scrolls that contains Leaf's financial accounts, A-class techniques, S-class techniques and classified summoning scrolls. Tsunade immediately changed the password for the storage room and she immediately executed the previous Storage Room's master along with the guards and placed a new storage master and guards under her direct command.

I also hand her the information that Neji and I gathered about Akatsuki's movement. That said, after Sakura and Naruto's bell test - Gaara's abduction will happen the next day. Ah, Gaara's the Kazekage now! I'm so proud! We became buddies and sometimes I would pay them a visit with Neji or Sakura just to get a free boxes of alcohol!

Don't underestimate the alcohol of the Sand!!!! It's my new dream now, to fucking taste every alcohol on every village that I can go to.

"Damn." Tsunade's slamming her desk made me stop thinking about alcohol. "If ever I found that fucking rat who's behind the reason why these scrolls disappeared... I'll fucking burned him!" Arara~ I want to burn Danzo too! After all, he's sole reason why these scrolls disappeared. "Anyway, give me your written report."

Neji's the one who handed our written report to her. Well, It was supposed to be me but I'm lazy to write! I had to force him last night to finish our paper works and reasoned out that I'm on period and I'm lazy which is definitely the truth!!!

"Our 3-month mission: Success." I said seriously but happiness was evident on my face. Tsunade smiled on us before giving us our pay! Yey! Alcohol later!

"Ah, Kashina... come to the training ground later, Sakura and Naruto will do their test." SHOOKT! As in now?! Then... Deidara and Sasori's on their way to the Sand Village!! I regain my composure back when a sudden panic hit me.

"I see, I'll come then." Both Neji and I waved our goodbye's before turning our back to her and walking outside the Hokage tower.

I took out my pack of cigarette as we both reached the outside world. I began feeling stressed because tomorrow's the press button of everything. First, the sand will request for Leaf's assistance because their Kazekage was abducted by Akatsuki. Next, we'll be meeting Itachi and Kisame but they're just a very powerful Illusion. It was Zetsu's ability - he's the only one in the group who can copy the exact Jutsu or chakra of someone by just grabbing a hold, directly on his target's chakra system.

"What's wrong?" I didn't realized that Neji stayed beside me. I thought he already left. I just shook my head to him and didn't bother to answer. I put a light on my cigarette and started to inhale it. "I ask you what's wrong?" This time, Neji's serious so I looked back to meet his gaze.


"I... I started to feel uneasy..." I gulped. I don't want to tell him what will happen tomorrow so I decided to tell him that. "Forget it, maybe I'm just imagining things..." But he didn't buy my reason.

He just sighed. He knew that I won't admit tell him anything so he peacefully surrendered. I chuckled, he's so cute. "Why?" He asked upon noticing my gentle chuckles.

"Nah, you look cute whenever you're strict." I grinned. He just look on me as if I'm a joke or something. "I'll be going now, I'll be meeting the team later. Take rest, NE-JI-KUN!" I seductively stated the 'Ne-ji-kun' only to earn an eyeroll from him! See?! He's cute!

"Cut it! I'm going now. Take a rest too." After nodding on him, he teleported to God knows where but I didn't bother anymore. We'll surely do the missions together again soon since Team Guy will aid Team Kakashi's Kazekage recovery mission.

I went to the town to visit my favorite resto bar to take out my favorite alcohol! Yeah! I'll be using my pay for my alcohol! I'm living alone now since I was promoted as a Jonin. Same building with the other Elite Jonins. Neji's also separated himself - he's still upset with their Clan elders so he decided to live separately.

Yup, he's no longer the destiny boy I knew.

I only buy a bottle of alcohol before moving to my next station which is the Dango shop that I missed. I take out dango for 5 since I knew that Sakura and Naruto liked them. Kakashi dislike sweets so I didn't bother thinking of him.

"So you have finally decided to come!" Jiraiya's annoying voice from above made me twitched. This is our first meeting after 2 years and 5 months yet he already manage to annoy me! He just laughed loudly after realizing that he just manage to annoy me.

"Where's Tsunade-sama?" I asked him when I jumped upwards to join him sitting on the branch. He just pointed Tsunade's location together with Shizune and her pig.

I see, so the two finally started their fight. Sakura is a Medical Ninjutsu master now, sooner or later she'll surpass Tsunade. Maa, for now, let's see if she's not the useless Sakura anymore. Ah! Sakura also learned infusing her chakra on her fist! It's for physical so she manage to destroy the ground and found Kakashi's hideout.

"Geh, Tsunade-sama just made Sakura as her mirror, isn't she?" Maa, I'll probably lessen making fun of her, she'll destroy me. "Yeah, plus both of them has a short tempered. Yeah, she definitely made Sakura as her mirror." Jiraiya responded with a loud sigh. He's probably worried about Naruto now.

"Maa, her strength was effective, let's see how's Jiraiya-sama's training influenced Naruto." I teased him. "You really think that I missed, huh?!" He scoffed! I just wore my shit eating grin on him and didn't bother myself to answer because I'm busy with my alcohol and I'm also busy watching their moves.

It's because I made the Dango I purchased as my savories, I began feeling drowsy. I had to put a chakra on my butt so I could stop my body from falling whenever Sakura landed a punch on the ground. Note! It's a powerful punch! Sakura sharpened her instincts but not to actually her limits, she's still on the average as a fighter but when it comes to medical - bro, hands down! While Naruto, his speed increases. His firepower increases. He's lacking on jutsu's! His only jutsu was Lord Fourth's Rasengan and Shadow Cone Technique! Ah, add the Talk-no-jutsu!

The match ended after Naruto discovered Kakashi's weakness: ! Well, that's definitely laughable and I wasn't able to stop myself from laughing until Kakashi went beside me to cover my mouth.

"Shut up now. You're drunk?!" He hissed but I raised my right hand on him and then waved to disagree. "Nope, just tipsy. I made dango my savories, that's why." He grabbed my hands and immediately jumped us down the ground which causes me to feel nauseous! He's smirking right now! He's revenging!

"Damn you, Kakashi-niisan!" I whisper-yelled on him.

"You guys made a bet on them?!" I hissed on Jiraiya and Tsunade when I heard their conversation. None of them won the bet since both Sakura and Naruto's skills has increases. "Yeah, Tsunade asked for a bet before." Jiraiya crossed his arms on his chest to pout since he receive nothing.

I'm planning to join them for dinner but I'm feeling drowsy so I had to pass and apologize to them before walking away. Jiraiya and Kakashi will talk later about Naruto's current skills also Jiraiya will leave Naruto back in Kakashi's care because he'll continue to supervise his spy network about Akatsuki.

"Are you drunk?" A menacing voice from Neji roared inside the hallway. Here comes my daddy. "Nope, just tipsy. Why're are you here? I thought you're already asleep." Neji's a fucking early sleeper so it was a surprise for me seeing him awake.

"You're late." He said in bitterness.

Uhm, how do I explain this? We're living together. Just same apartment but different bedrooms. We're not together! We're just friends. That explains our sudden closeness.

"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked while scrunching his nose after getting a sniff on my alcohol's fragrance! Yey!

"Nope, I told you I had dango's!" I shouted and Neji immediately covered my mouth using his palm to prevent me from yelling again. "Stop! You're disturbing others." He scolded me again!

"You're always mad at me." I pouted before shaking his grip on my shoulder. I suddenly held on the wall when my vission spun and I had to support myself from falling. Damn, sweets plus alcohol is really a no-no. I just had a liter but my tipsy and drowsy feeling were extreme!

"Oh yeah? Am I mad?" I heard him asked but I just scoffed on him before walking away towards our apartment. "You're mad." I hissed.

I heard him chuckle before opening the door. He opened the lights so I went to our living room to rest up my head on the couch's backrest.

"Here, drink this cold water first." Neji hand me a glass of water so I gladly accepted and drank it until I remembered that he's mad on me.

"Hyuuga Neji! you yelled at me earlier and scolded me again! You hate me don't you?!" I whisper-hissed on him. He just ruffled my hair before putting the glass on the sink before going to his bedroom to get me a pack of wipes.

"We're on a fight, you shouldn't be touching me." I hissed when he started to clean my face using his wipes. "Oho, were on fight?" He's teasing me, right? He's enjoying the view.

I didn't answer. I just stayed in silence. It was a very comforting silence. It wasn't awkward and uncomfortable. It was a pleasant silence between us.

Unconsciously, I slightly tapped his arms before putting myself on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his nape so I could burry my face on the crook of his neck to sniff his scent. He became stiff at first but when he regains his composure he adjusted our position on the couch so I could rest easy.

"You're flirting on me." That made me chuckle.

"Am I?" I asked innocently, I love teasing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist to support my weight on him. I felt him rested his head on mine so I closed my eyes and let myself get addicted to his unique scent.

"Yeah, you're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" He asked again before gently stroking my back which made me to feel drowsy even more! I felt his hands went on my hair to stroke it gently and that really made me feel sleepy.

"I'm sleepy, don't you dare put me back on my bed. I'll definitely punch you tomorrow." I warned him only to earn a chuckle from him. And there I let myself to fall asleep on Neji's comforting hug.

Ah, I love this feeling.

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