《Breathe Princess (Daryl Dixon Love Story)》Chapter Six


Birds were chirping. The sun shone brightly.

I struggled to open up my heavy eyes and came face to face with a blurry green roof of a tent. I sat up yawning, not feeling the greatest. Yesterday was honestly a struggle. There were moments where I'd wake up paranoid or in a panic. I couldn't sleep last night so instead of trying, I sat up all night worrying about this place. Something was telling me this place is not as safe as it looks.

I grabbed my backpack taking out my organized medication box and some clothes. I popped in four pills in my mouth swallowing them with the rest of the water I had. I stripped out of my dirty clothes shoving them into my backpack. I threw on a white cropped top and put on my shorts. With an old comb, I combed my hair tying it up and slipped on my dusty boots.

I walked around spotting everyone doing their own thing. From talking, gardening, and even ironing. Everyone seemed comfortable and glowing in their own skin, which wasn't what I was expecting. I held onto my backpack strap feeling completely useless. I walked over to where Rick was, him giving me an uplighting smile ''Good morning sunshine''

''Good morning'' I replied quietly to his teasing, chuckling as he nudged me. He seemed happy. He was surrounded by his family, people who he was searching for from the start. Happiness truly suited him.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder making me walk alongside him through the camp, myself eyeing the different individuals and families. It was odd. They weren't fazed by what was going on. They seemed normal. ''How did you sleep?''

I put on a fake smile not wanting him to worry ''It was good''

''Good to hear that after what happened yesterday'' He responded making me replay yesterday's events in my head. I need to get myself under control. I can't have people notice that something was wrong, that I would be the black sheep on the group.

We kept on walking silently for a moment, myself completely ignoring his comment, taking in how peaceful our surrounding truly was ''I might go back''

My jaw dropped in disbelief. I stopped dead in my tracks putting my hands up instructing him to stop ''You can't be serious, you barely made it out last time'' Is he crazy? Going back there to get himself killed? He almost died the last time we were there, we barely made it out. Before he could say anything, children's screams echoed through the mountains.

Everyone started to race down to where the screaming was coming from, even I did to my own surprise. I crouched down putting my hands on my knee's breathing heavily, taking a moment to breathe. As soon as I reached where they were, wee stumbled upon a walker that was chewing and eating pieces of a deer that had marked arrows stabbed onto it. The walker turned around and noticed us, his growls made me back away. The guys started to beat him with their weapons but that wasn't going anywhere as we all cringed watching them try to put him down. Lastly, Dale has had enough and finished it off by chopping its heads off with an ax.


''It's the first one we've had up here. They never come this far up the mountain'' Dale pointed, clearly shocked, but Jim on the other hand doesn't seem that surprised.

''Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's why'' Jim commented emotionlessly. I knew this place wasn't going to last.

All of a sudden, we jumped at the sound of branches snapping and footsteps heading out way. Everybody got out their weapons, ready to kill any walker coming our way. But instead came out a man. A gorgeous man. The dirt smeared on his face and body suited him like that look was meant to be for him and anyone could get lost staring into his ocean blue eyes. My stomach started to twist up with butterflies, enough for them to get me to suffocate, and it was in a way that I had no problem with.

''Son of a bitch. That's my deer! Look at it. All gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!'' His southern accent was sharp and familiar, kicking the walker with frustration. His accent sounded exactly like Merle's.

''Calm down, son. That's not helping'' Dale said trying to ease him down.

''What do you know about it, old man? Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to on golden pond?'' He said flicking off Dale's hat, going back to the deer. I frowned my eyebrows noticing the resemblance between the two.

''I've been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison. What do you think? Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?'' He commented pointing to a certain idea around the deer. Everyone didn't seem keen about the suggestion.

''I wouldn't risk that'' I said quietly making him look up at me. He stared at me for a moment before sighing.

''That's a damn shame. I got some squirrel... about a dozen or so. That'll have to do'' Suddenly, the walker starts to move its teeth making Amy and Andrea gag before leaving.

''Come on, people. What the hell?'' Daryl said shooting it with his crossbow making his muscles flex ''It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothing?''

We all headed back to the camp. Glenn informed me that Daryl is Merle's brother which makes sense if you put two into two together. Daryl called for his brother but Merle was off somewhere doing whatever the hell he was doing, drinking or probably doing drugs.

Rick announced to everyone that he was going back to the city for the bag of guns he dropped and I just walked away. It wasn't worth it, going back there, it wasn't a risk he should it. I was sitting on the ground, my fingers circling the ground beneath me. I stared into the beautiful river sighing as I sensed Rick taking a seat beside me.


''Who's going with you?'' I asked, not making eye contact, giving him my exact thoughts on why this wasn't the smartest thing to do. A bag of gun isn't worth it.

''T-Dog, Glenn, Daryl and I'' He replied making me frown.

'You don't have to go back there, it's not safe Rick'' I said quietly, now making sure to look at him dead in the eyes.

''Don't worry about me. I'm just going to be fine''

Night time stumbled upon us and we all were gathered around the campfire having fish that Andrea and Amy caught and cooked. The guys didn't come back from their run yet and it drove everyone into madness. I played with my food not having the appetite to eat, I was worried, extremely.

''Eat up honey, they'll be back soon'' Lori nudged me as she gulped. I could feel the uneasiness in her voice. She wanted to believe it but I sensed the doubt in her voice.

''I've got to ask you, man. It's been driving me crazy'' Morales said chuckling at Dale as he stopped eating, paying his attention to Morales.

''What?'' Dale asked confused, giving him a short smile.

''That watch'' He pointed to the watch on his hand.

Dale looked at his watch getting even more confused ''What's wrong with my watch?''

Morales shook his head smiling ''I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass'' Everyone started agreeing on that, myself lost in between the conversation.

''I'm missing the point'' Dale said looking around, giving me a confused expression making me shrug as I was just as puzzled as he was.

''Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while'' Jacqui commented.

''But there's you every day winding that stupid watch'' Morales added to Jacqui's previous comment.

'Time. It's important to keep track, isn't it? The days at least. Don't you think, Andrea? Back me up here. I like, I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said, I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father's before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it." Dale pitched making us all go quiet, making sense of what he was saying.

''You are so weird'' Amy said breaking up the silence, making me giggle for the first time in this camp.

''Where are you going?'' Andrea questioned Amy once she got up from the campfire, dusting off her pants.

''I have to pee. Jeez, you try to be discreet around here'' Amy roll her eyes walking away.

And what happened next wasn't something we expected or were prepared for. Amy got out of the RV announcing that we ran out of toilet paper and then a walker stepped right up to her arm and bite into it making her scream out loud. In shock, I dropped down my plate and ran as fast as I could as everyone starts to scatter for safety. More walkers were appearing out of nowhere. Everything was dark and I didn't notice that a walker ran up in front of me that made me tremble and back away. It lung itself at me making me trip backwards, itself falling on top of me. I screamed out trying to get it away from me by pushing it up by its throat. Tears streamed down my face as I screamed for help, no knife in sight. No one came to my rescue. It started to growl and snap in my face. I let out a sob shaking finally ready to give up. I waited for the bite to make headway but I just felt it's weight being lifted off me. Someone grabbed me by my waist pulling me up.

''You're okay'' A southern voice said making me hold on to him, Daryl. He tensed the more I held on. I kept ahold of him trying to calm myself down as my head rested onto Daryl's chest, him trying to be comfortable which he clearly wasn't.

Everything went quiet. All I could hear was myself trying to control my breathing, sobbing, and Andrea's cries over her sister. Like I said, I knew this is isn't a safe place to be in.

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