《Forbidden Percabeth》Chapter 59



"Annabeth? Are you gonna answer or not?" Thalia's words penetrated my deep thoughts, allowing my concentration to actually shift to her.

"I'm sorry, Thalia," I said, shaking my head a little. "I'm just-"

"Why do you keep staring at Percy?" she interrupted. "Well, more than normal."

Normally I would scowl at her, but I couldn't work up enough energy to do that. I was exhausted, and I wanted nothing more than to curl up and go to sleep on my comfy bed at Athena's temple. But we weren't done yet. We still had to get to Mount Olympus and see what the gods will do, and who knows how long that will take.

Plus, I thought as my eyes were drawn back to Percy who was riding on Blackjack about twenty feet ahead me and my friend, I don't think I could sleep right now. There were so many thoughts flooding my mind, and it took all I had to keep them at bay for a little and let them in, one drop at a time. But it was hard, and I feared I would soon drown if I didn't clear some things up.

Not suprisingly, most of those things had to do with Percy.

"I'm just..." I trailed of thoughtfully. "Worried about him. That's all."

I couldn't see Thalia's expression when she replied. "Yeah, I know what you mean. He's kind of... well, I don't really want to admit, but he's getting kind of scary. Just look at when Luke was taunting him. He started an freaking earthquake without even knowing it. That's a lot of power right there. And if he can't really, you know, control it..." her voice trailed off, but I caught her meaning.

It was true- what he did earlier today had been crazy. I mean, starting an earthquake took an amazing amount of power already, but when he did it almost involuntarily, it was even more unbelievable. We had all known that Percy was a powerful demigod, but this was almost impossible.

But it didn't make him invincible. This weight was pushing hard down on Percy. He hated hurting people, even people like Luke. He hated having others scared of him, he wanted to help. So this power that some would call a gift, he called a curse. The bags under his eyes and the slight depression he showed proved it. I wanted to help him, but at the same time, I didn't.

Well, I mean I wanted to, but lately Percy kind of has retreated into himself. I knew he blamed himself for the deaths of the Questers during the war, and on top of that, Luke's presence was a constant irritation, and... I just didn't know if he wanted me to help. He looked helpless and miserable, but did he want me to help him?

My mind for the hundredth time traveled back to what I had told him before, about the possibilities after the war. My first thought was about my mother. When I saw her again, I would have a lifetime of scolding for running off (I had been kidnapped, first) and staying away from her (despite the small fact that we couldn't communicate with them in anyway) and especially doing it with a son of Poseidon (even though he was my best friend, and even more than that to me). I doubt she'd approve of even a friendship between me. She'll probably just want the Forbiddance Law to be put up again.

But if that happened, then I wouldn't be able to see Percy.


Gods, I loved him so much. If that stupid law happened once more, I would never forgive my mother, and I would never be the same. But watching Percy, his broad back as he led us all on Blackjack, the wind ruffling his black hair, what does he think?

He hadn't even really said anything about... well, anything since after the war. I wanted to try to help so badly, but I wasn't going to push him. If he needed space, then space I would give him, no matter how hard it would be for me. But how long would he need his space?

"You're staring again," Thalia mused from beside me on her own pegasus. I sighed, not bothering to answer.

We were almost back to Mount Olympus. In fact, we had been flying over land for a little while now. I glanced back and did a quick headcount, just in case. Piper had wanted to sleep, so she was sitting in front of Jason so she didn't fall off. Funnily enough, however, she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. Thalia, upon noticing this, just rolled her eyes, saying something about how she couldn't wait to get back to the hunters. Luke had his hands bound, and he was sitting astride a caramel-colored pegasus, watched by the Stoll brothers. He hadn't been able to get anything for his nose, we just left it bleeding. He noticed me watching, and he sent me a scowl, which I returned.

I had hated him at first, but my hatred had shot up so high I couldn't even reach to contain it when I figured out exactly what he had done to Percy. When I heard him saying those things to Percy, knowing what it would do, I almost let Percy kill him then. Seriously, though, I had saved the guy's life. You think he would be at least a little bit grateful.

Then again, it was Luke. Murderer and evil demigod.

I knew he was still bitter that he lost the war. But really, in the end, he didn't really stand a chance. My brothers had come through. Back when I last saw them at Athena's temple, I had asked them to try to rally up as many fighters as they could, and they were able to make it to the battle in time to help us defeat the drakons and all. They had only been able to conjure up about fifteen demigods to help, but they had been experienced fighters, and that had turned the tides of the war. My gaze shifted to my three brothers riding alongside the Questers.

Castor sent me a smile, and I returned it. I was glad they were here with us.

"There she is," I heard Leo say on the left of me, and I followed his gaze to see Mount Olympus appear out of the clouds, looking as majestic and beautiful as ever. Soaring columns, intricate carvings, delicate statues, everything that makes an architect go wild. But at the moment, I wasn't in that kind of mood. I didn't think any of us were. We just wanted to get some sleep and try to forget the past few days.

The pegasi circled around the home of the gods before settling down in the city right outside the temple. We all dismounted and the horses took off, going back to wherever the gods sent them from. For a minute, we all just sat and stared.

We had made it. We had won the battle, regardless of the danger and near-deaths for all of us. We were safe and Greece was safe. We were all together, but we also felt that gaping hole that the five demigods that weren't with us left.


Percy exhaled tiredly, then started moving forward, and we followed him. Our footsteps rang off the walls of the buildings, and nymphs, satyrs, and demigods alike all stopped to stare as we made our way to the staircase. We were a sight- about forty diry, battered, beat-up demigods trudging down a clean, spotless, perfect street to the home of the gods. Plus one of us had his hands tied behind his back and was guarded by four demigods.

Once we reached the doors to the temple, they opened and we entered, following the familiar path down to the council room where we were told to be at. The air was tense around us, each trying to figure out what was happening next. I was bracing myself for my mother's anger that would hit me like a cow once I entered the room. My brothers had left her without telling her as well, and I could see them exchange anxious glances.

The council room doors towered over us, taunting us with the prospects of what lay behind them. Nico and Jason both heaved open the doors, allowing us to walk in. The group straggled in, each of our heads high as we waited.

The room was huge, windowless, and supported by high, spiralling columns. Through the light of hundreds of orderly placed Greek fire torches, we could see twelve forms sitting on twelve thrones.

There was no sound except the clanking of our boots as we walked to stand in front of the Lord of the gods. For a moment everyone stood, looking for their parent or, in Percy's case, avoiding their parent's eye. Poseidon's face had the look of a father worried about his son, and his frown deepened when Percy wouldn't look at him. I knew Percy was ashamed of himself, but I wish he'd let his dad help him out. Poseidon sure as Hades didn't blame him for anything, that I could see.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me, and I took a deep breath and forced myself to look at my mother. She was staring at me with a little anger, but there was mostly relief. Relief as she saw all of her children safe. Contrary to pop pilar belief, she really did care for her children, she just didn't show it much. However, I knew there would be a lot of yelling and a lecture to come.

Then Athena's eyes switched to the figure with bound hands, walking up alongside is all. She glowered daggers at Luke, who was wise enough not to do anything back, just avert his gaze. As a group, we all walked up and bowed before Zeus.

"We all would like to thank you for what you've done for us and for Greece," he began in a stately voice. We lifted our heads to look at him. "I wanted to clear up details today, but someone-" he glanced at Poseidon "-demanded I not. We have agreed to let you have one day of rest before the council tomorrow at midday. The servants will show you to your rooms, there is food waiting for you in the dining room. Thank you again, you've done well. All of you." He motioned with his hand, and two guards came up as grabbed Luke. As they walked him out the door down to a cell, he glared at each god. They just glared right on back until he was out of sight.

A collected sigh went up for us. What Zeus just told us to do was the equivalent of a million drachmas to us. The Questers looked dead on their feet, and the last thing they wanted to do was sit through a boring council. I could see everybody sending grateful looks towards Poseidon. A bath, food, and sleep was Elysium. Once we were dismissed, we all backed out, heading towards the hallway once more.

As he had said, two servants stood there. I was happy when I saw Mellie waiting for the girls with a big, warm smile. She went around, making sure we were all okay before taking us to our room. I looked over my shoulder at the retreating group of boys following their servant. As I did so, Percy glanced back as well. Our eyes met for one moment, each of us holding back a million things we wanted to say, do, and ask.

I grit my teeth, swinging my head back around. I exhaled largely as we walked. A comforting hand placed itself on my shoulder, and I turned to see Hazel giving me a reassuring smile.

"He'll be fine," she said. "He just needs a little time." I returned her smile half-heartedly, and we continued to walk.

After I had a shower, gotten some clean clothes, and eaten something, I was wondering what to do. Most of my friends were either sleeping or eating or just relaxing for the first time in a long time.

I was so tired, but when I laid down, sleep stayed out of my reach. I tossed and turned until Thalia yelled at me to be still. So I just got up and left the room knowing I wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

I kept thinking about Percy. Nobody knew where he was, but we weren't worried. He was probably just sleeping somewhere or had gone on a ride with Blackjack. I wanted to find him, but I didn't know if he wanted that. So instead, I figured I'd pass some time just wandering around the temple. I passed through the garden, greeted some nymphs, marveled at the library once more, and came to a stop in front of a familiar door. It was the door to the arena I had used the last time I was at Mount Olympus. Percy and I had practiced swordplay, archery, throwing daggers... and it was the time we had sat together before we had to split up thanks to the law.

After deciding I'd practice a little, I pushed open the door, heading inside. Once the door clicked shut, I started towards the weapon rack. However, I jumped when I saw a figure sitting on the bench, and my heart picked up when I saw the green eyes watching me.

"Percy, you scared me," I said. For some reason, when I said that, he winced.

"I'm sorry."

He kept watching me, his sea green eyes observant as he took me in. He looked exhausted and beaten down. I bit my lip.

"I can-," I gestured back to the door, "I can go. You know, if you want-"

"No," he cut me off, shaking his head slightly. He wasn't looking at me anymore, rather the floor in front of his feet. "Stay."

I took a breath, glancing around. My feet shifted uneasily. He just sat there, not saying anything, but looking dejected.

"Percy." He didn't look up, but I know he heard me. "Percy, I- I want to help. I know how you're feeling, I do. I just... if I can help, then just tell me what to do. If you need some- some space, I can give you that. If you-"

"Annabeth, come here." He was looking at me again, and I couldn't read what his eyes were portraying. I did as he asked and came closer, standing a foot away from him. He was still sitting down and I was standing, so his head came up to my upper chest. He had lift his neck to look me square in the eye.

I waited, but he didn't say anything. He looked like he wanted to ask something, but was hesitant to do so. He opened his mouth, but his words wouldn't come at first. For a moment we stared at each other in silence.

"Gods, my life is so messed up right now." That one sentence he whispered was filled with so much despair and misery and desolation that it felt like a punch to my gut.

My lips pursed, I went forward. I didn't care if he needed space, I couldn't stop myself. I put arms around him, hugging him tight. He rested his head on my chest, and I put my chin on his head, kissing his ebony hair gently. Percy slung a hand around my waist, holding me there.

"Thank you," he said, his words muffled.

"For what?"

"For..." he paused, searching for the right words. "For always being there for me. And just being with you gives me strength each day. Thank you for sticking with me."

I ran a hand through his hair. "I'll always be here for you."

But as I said that, the law ran through my head, teasing me. I knew he was thinking of the same thing. He tightened the arm around me, and for a moment we just sat there together.

"Percy!" We broke apart, albeit reluctantly, both looking to the door where we had heard the call. Jason appeared there a second later. He had healed nicely and was no longer pale.

When he saw us, he addressed Percy. "There's someone- well, some people- here to see you."

Percy frowned. He obviously wasn't expecting anyone. "Who?"

But before he could reply, a figure appeared behind the son of Zeus. "Percy?" asked a small, female voice.

When the woman shouldered her way past Jason, I saw she was pretty short, with dark brown hair and warm chocolate eyes. She stared at Percy, and he stared back.

"Mom," he said, getting up and rushing over to her. She grinned, meeting him halfway. Jason and I watched with small smiles on our faces as the mother and son reunited. I was glad she had come, she would be able to help Percy. A mom like her always could. For a moment she just hugged him tightly, standing on her tiptoes to be able to get her arms around his neck.

"Oh, Percy," she said. "I was so worried! And with all these rumors flying around, I didn't know what to think. I couldn't bear to lose you, not after..." She stopped and leaned back, capturing his face in her hands. "You're not hurt or anything?"

He gave her a slight, sad smile. "Not physically."

She pursed her lips, gazing sorrowfully at her son. She knew what wars and things like this did to him.

Then she caught sight of me standing behind them. A big smile lit up her face. "You must be Annabeth. I heard you were traveling with Percy and the Questers."

Percy smiled back towards me. "Annabeth, this is my mom, Sally Blofis."

She came up to me and enwrapped me in a hug. I was a little surprised at first at the sudden show of affection, but something in her touch- the part that was so like a worried mom, even though I had just met her- made me want to cry. It was weird but one motherly touch could make you break down and want to curl up and sob. Everything had been so pressuring the past few days, what with the war, Luke, and of course, Percy. She leaned back, patting my cheek affectionately.

"Thank you for keeping my son in check," she whispered, smiling. "He's definitely a handful."

I returned the smile, fighting back the tears. "He sure is."

"Where's Paul?" Percy asked from by Jason.

Mrs. Blofis pointed back to the doors. "He's talking with some Questers. He always finds your quest so interesting. I think they're terrifying."

Percy laughed, already looking a little happier after seeing his mom. "That's why you're not a demigod."

She shrugged, agreeing. Jason started talking. "Uh, Percy? The Questers wanted to talk to you." He seemed kind of skittish as he said so, glancing at me and Percy's mom. "Just the Questers."

Percy frowned, following his glances. "Oh, okay." He came over to his mom. "You'll be okay?" She nodded, assuring him she'll be fine, and he turned to me. His hand came up and he brushed a stray strand of hair away from my face, tucking it back behind my ear. Even though the touch was light, it was strangely intimate and sent my stomach into a million little flutters. I noticed his mom watching us carefully. "Thank you," he whispered. I dipped my head, then shooed him away with a hand.

"Go, they're waiting." He bobbed his head, then retracted his hand as he and Jason departed.

Sally and I watched them go, then she turned to me with another smile. "Well, for some odd reason I'm in the mood to bake something. Would you and your friends like to join me?"

I grinned. The thought of Thalia, Piper and I all in one kitchen with flour sounded very messy, but also like a fun relief after everything. "Absolutely."

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