《Forbidden Percabeth》Chapter 33
For a moment I didn't comprehend it. I mean, seriously, can you ban someone from seeing someone else?
But it soon registered in my mind. And it registered like a punch to the gut.
I rounded on my mother, my face contorted in rage, "How could you do this?" Athena was calmly getting up from her gray marble throne. She turned towards me. Her face was expressionless to some people, but beneath that every present mask I could see she was satisfied and a bit smug.
My mouth opened and closed. I was unable to think of words harsh enough to say.
"You should be grateful, Annabeth," my mother said, folding her arms across her stomach. "At least I didn't object to you two being forbidden to see each other starting tomorrow, when you will go back home. I let you have the rest of the day and tomorrow morning. You will be leaving at noon tomorrow, by the way." She was about to walk out of the room, but I stopped her.
"Don't you dare walk away from me like nothing happened, Athena." My voice was dangerously low, overflowing with venom.
The goddess froze, and turned back to look at me. Her eyebrows furrowed, and her grey eyes were narrowed. "You are not one to command me to do things, young lady. Am I understood?" She practically spit the words at my face.
Her eyes were like thunderclouds. Dark, perilous, and threatening. Like I had said before, a mad Athena was not a pretty sight. If I had to guess, I would say she was the goddess of scariness. But I was angrier than I've ever been before. I imagined my dark grey eyes were a hurricane, or a tornado. Much worse than a thundercloud. Knowing how mad I was, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually looked like what I imagined.
I stood up and looked Athena straight in the eyes, "I will when you understand that you can't command me either."
"I'm trying to protect you," my mother said, her eyebrows rising, "not hurt you."
"Well, you're failing." I replied shortly. It was true. The thought of never seeing Percy Jackson again, the endearing, cute, funny boy that I had grown to care so much about made my mind almost want to explode in pain, anger, and sadness.
"Annabeth Chase. That boy has clouded your mind, contaminating it," Athena stated. "This is for the best."
"That may be what you think, but it isn't true! Percy is one of my best friends, and he has saved my life many times!"
"Annabeth, as your mother, I know this is the best for you, even if you don't. You will look back one day and thank me. That son of Poseidon is just an unwanted distraction."
I felt like hitting something. Preferably my mother. But I just let out a frustrated mini scream instead. "He is not just an unwanted distraction, and as much as you try to convince me otherwise, I do care about him. And I know I will regret it and hate you for it if I just leave this be." I was struggling to keep my composure and complexion calm.
"As I said before, your mind is clouded," her words were clipped at the end, and I could hear an unmistakable tone of command in it. "I'm sorry, but it can't be changed."
Usually, when my mother used that tone in our arguments, I just dropped it and gave up, although most times I still thought I was the right one in the argument. It was just to keep the peace between me and my mother. But I was done with that. Just looking at Athena's face made rage bubble up in my stomach, clenching at my heart until I had to let it out.
I stood there, my hands shaking in fury. I put as much anger in my voice as I possibly could, and that was easy, seeing as I probably couldn't speak without an angry voice at the moment. "You aren't sorry, Athena. Even though you say this is to protect me, don't think for a second that I don't know this is just another way for you to irritate Poseidon. I don't think my mind is the clouded one."
Athena ignored me, but I could see that she tensed and breathed more deeply. For a second, I thought I would bear the wrath of Athena for insulting her, and get incinerated on the spot. But the goddess took a step forward. Then another. I stared at her until she had fully exited the council room. Most of the people had left, but some hadn't yet. All the demigods were still here, as was Poseidon, Zeus, Artemis, and Apollo.
I felt someone come up beside me, and felt a hand on my arm as Darryn tried to comfort me.
"Annabeth, it's okay. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything," he said.
I got mad at his words. Well, you aren't the one being banished from seeing their best friend. I angrily shoved his hand off, not meeting his eyes. I glanced across the room to see Percy arguing with his father. There was a lot of hand throwing and shouting. Then Percy turned away, sitting back down in his chair. His hands ran through his black hair, making it even more unruly than it was before. Poseidon pinched the bridge of his nose. After taking a few deep breaths, he looked at Zeus.
"Zeus, please... don't do this," Poseidon begged.
Zeus grimly shook his head. "I'm sorry, but the vote was made, and Athena did have logical reasons. She just wants to keep her daughter safe."
Poseidon glared at his brother, but Zeus shrugged, spreading his hands out and saying, "You can take it up with Athena herself if you want to argue more, brother. However, I advise you not too. It would not end well. Just give it time. The children will get over it."
Poseidon just shook his head, then pivoted on his heel, stalking out of the room. Zeus sighed, watching his brother, then turned to the twin gods still present in the room.
"Is there anything you need? Why are you still here?"
Apollo looked at Zeus, no expressions upon his face. But soon, his face morphed into one of disappointment. "I just want you to know that I fully disapprove of this. I didn't think you and the other gods would be this cruel. It's a true and pure friendship." He slowly shook his head, then followed Poseidon's path out of the room.
Artemis looked at the ground for a moment, then her steely gaze met Zeus. "As much as my brother and I don't see eye to eye, I can't help but agree completely with him on this matter." She got to her feet, nodded goodbye to Thalia, then paced gracefully out of the room.
Zeus sat for a moment longer, rubbing his temples. I'm pretty sure every demigod was glaring accusingly at him. I would've felt bad for him had I not been so mad.
The king of the gods looked up wearily. "You are dismissed." I remembered that we weren't allowed to leave until Zeus permits it. None of us moved for a moment. Then my brothers headed for the door, departing the council room. The rest of my guards quickly followed them. They all filtered out until it was just me, Percy, Thalia, Jason, and Nico left in the room.
Thalia shook her head, seeming madder than I've ever seen her. She looked disgusted with her father as well. Turning quickly, she stomped out, slamming the door as hard as she could. Actually, she slammed it too hard, so that it didn't stay, and bounced back open again. I saw Zeus wince, gazing after his daughter.
Thalia pounding loudly down the hall. Knowing her, she would probably be mentally yelling severe curses in her head, or whispering fiercely under her breath. As she walked by a vase on the ground she aimed a kick at it, shattering the intricately carved glass.
Jason left behind her. Quieter, and more calmly, but no less angry. I looked back to see Nico gone as well. I don't know how he got out, because I hadn't seen him leave. But I pushed that to the back of my mind.
I stared long and hard at Zeus, Percy doing the same.
My mouth opened, but like before with my mother, I didn't know what to say, so I shut it. I looked helplessly at Percy, and he stared back at me similarly. Then he looked down at the floor, fists clenched.
"Now," he started in an angry voice, "I officially hate Athena." I nodded slightly in agreement.
The son of Poseidon turned to Zeus, his sea green eyes pleading. "Please, Uncle..." He trailed off uncertainly.
Zeus didn't say anything, he just looked back and forth between me and Percy. Then he firmly shook his head. "Go. You have until tomorrow, when Ms. Chase will leave. Captain, another quest has arisen, and you and your team will be dispatched tomorrow afternoon." Then Zeus turned away, obviously done with the small conversation.
My jaw tightened as I scowled at Zeus's back. My gaze shifted to Percy, who was looking at me with unbearably sad eyes. I couldn't stand it anymore. If I stayed any longer, I would explode. Swinging around, I trudged out of the room.
Once I was in the hallway I started running, trying to get anywhere to be alone. My mind drifted towards Percy.
His bright green eyes. His lopsided smile. His untamed ebony hair. The way he could make me annoyed and irritated with him, but still set off the butterflies in my stomach. His easy and joking manner that I liked so much.
Tears threatened to overtake my eyes, but I shoved them away. I would not cry over this.
If I had never met Percy, I would've scoffed and called myself an idiot for acting this way over one boy.
But I had met Percy. And Percy was different than any other boy I have ever met. He was exceedingly loyal and kind, humble, and someone I could rely on. Sure, I had lots of other people to rely on, like Thalia, Piper, and even my brothers.
But they just didn't understand as well as Percy did. You would've thought we had been friends ever since we were born, seeing how much we know and understand each other. Percy was kind of like my brother, even though I didn't think of him in a brother way.
And here we are, getting forbidden to see each other.
My feet carried me down halls and past people, but I didn't pay any attention to them. My grey tunic fluttered along with me as I searched for somewhere quiet.
Finally I came across a room that was empty, save for a window, some chairs, and a few torches.
I plopped down in a chair and held my face in my hands. Knowing I had until tomorrow with Percy, I should probably spend some time with him. But at the moment, if Percy came in, I would either break down and cry like a little baby, or get mad and hurt something or someone.
Slowly, I lifted my head and dejectedly studied my surroundings. The window in front of me held the view of the ocean. I could see great waves rise, then crash down upon the deserted, sandy beach. The sun that was directly up in the sky made bright sparkles on the sea. The ocean and beach was all I could see from the left to the right. Even though it was one of the prettiest sights, it made me think of Percy, and I didn't really feel like thinking about that person at the moment.
I tore my gaze away from the enchanting water and looked at the bleak room. Three torches were placed on the white walls, and the wooden chair I was sitting on was one of five. But there was no table, just chairs. Pulling my feet up to the chair, I tightly hugged my knees.
I don't know how long I saw there, watching the waves and trying got calm my mind. I had taken out the brooch in my hair, and undid the braid, letting my golden curls fall across my shoulder. The sun slowly crept down right in front of me, and from that I knew I was looking to the west.
The sunset was a radiant display of colors. Pink and purple hues shot across the sky, fading in with streaks of orange and yellow. The puffy clouds held the light, making it look as if there were two oceans. One composed of sea green water, and the other with pink waves in the sky. It was beautiful.
I admired it, but right now it would be more fitting if it was raining, dark, and dreary. That's certainly how I felt.
The sun soon dropped completely over the horizon, leaving nothing but darkness behind it. The room I was in was still bright, though, thanks to the torches.
I sat still in the light of the lamps for a little longer, then decided that, even thought I didn't want to, I had better head back.
Unfolding my legs, I stood up on my cramped knees. Steadily walking to the door, I twisted the handle, and gently pulled it open. The lit up hallway held no one in it, except for me. I remembered that I had no idea how to get back to my room, so I decided to just walk until I could find someone.
I soon ran into one a petite nymph carrying towels.
"Excuse me," I said, causing her to pause. "Could you give me directions to the demigod girls sleeping rooms, please?"
The nymph smiled kindly. "Of course. These towels are actually for your room and I was headed there myself. Come."
She started floating down the hall and into a doorway.
I followed in silence, the only noise was the soft thump as my leather sandals hit the marble floor. The hallways started to get more and more familiar as we neared my room. We went past the boys' door, and I strained to see if I could hear anything. There wasn't a sound. Either they were just sitting, doing nothing, or it was later than I thought and they were all asleep already.
We came to my door and I stopped the nymph, "I can bring those in for you."
"Oh, why, thank you!" She said. I took the towels from her hands, nodded my thanks for showing me the way, then stepped up to my closed door as the nymph drifted away.
I took a deep breath. I was sure the girls would still be awake, waiting for me, and I knew they would deliver a mountain of questions. Preparing myself, I reached forward, opening the door. I stepped in, and quietly closed the door with my heel.
"Annabeth! Where were you? We were worried sick!" Piper exclaimed, jumping up from her seat on the bed. Thalia popped her head up from her bed, and I could see she was as worried as Piper. I didn't see Lacy or Hazel, though.
Piper gave me a quick hug as I answered, "I was just sitting in an empty room, why were you worrying?"
"Because knowing you," Thalia said, jumping down to the floor and walking over to me, "if you're mad, then you would probably go do something stupid like try to kill fifty hydras by yourself to release your anger."
I was too tired to roll my eyes, so I just said sardonically, "Well, don't worry. I'm not planning on it." I traipsed over to the bathroom. I put the towels on the counter, then came back out to see Piper and Thalia still watching me.
I stared back. "Where's Hazel and Lacy?" I asked, searching my dresser for a pair of sleeping clothes.
Piper was still staring at me sadly, her lips pursed. "They went to go look for you." I nodded, then looked back at my dresser.
I heard soft clumps as someone walked over to me. A soft hand laid itself on my shoulder.
"Annabeth, are you... okay?" Piper queried, sounding concerned.
I stopped looking and exhaled deeply. This time, my eyes did go up to the ceiling. Why is it that every time someone asks a person if they are okay, the person is very obviously not okay? But I subdued my anger, knowing that Piper was just worried about me.
Still, I didn't answer her question, and resumed looking for clothes.
Piper didn't say anything else. I heard the door open and two pairs of feet walked in, who I was assuming it was Hazel and Lacy.
Soft but urgent whisper conversations went on, no doubt Thalia and Piper filling the two in. I settled on a black tunic with dark blue leggings, which was something that I could wear during the day, but I still thought they were really comfy. I headed for the bathroom. While I was changing, I realized that I hadn't eaten or dank anything for hours. I wasn't hungry, nor very thirsty, but I knew it would be smart to at least drink something. I filled a cup with water and swallowed it, feeling the coolness run down the back of my throat.
Picking up my old clothes, I walked back out. I practically fell onto my bed, mentally drained and exhausted from the day.
I heard creaks and covers moving as the rest of the girls got into bed. Someone covered the torches, and the wall that I was staring at went black.
Just like Percy's hair, my mind thought.
Shut up, I told myself, trying to push away any thoughts of Percy. I heard the girls say goodnight, but I didn't bother to answer. Flipping onto my stomach, I grabbed my pillow, burying my face in the soft cushion. My hands slipped underneath it, and something made a crinkling noise. I paused, eyes wide, and waited to see if anybody had heard it. Apparently nobody had, for no questions were asked.
Struggling to keep my breathing even so the girls wouldn't notice anything different in the atmosphere, I gently grabbed the small thing from under my pillow and pulled it out cautiously, endeavoring to make no noise.
It was a piece of paper, that I could tell, but I couldn't make out anything else. As quiet as I could be, I slipped out of my bed, tiptoeing to the bathroom.
Thalia sat up in her bed, as did all the others, and asked, "Annabeth?"
"Bathroom," I answered brusquely. I guess it was a good enough answer for her, because she laid back down. Piper, who I could barely make out, was the only one that stayed sitting up for a moment more, and I could almost feel her suspicious eyes on me. But she too fell back on her pillows as I reached the bathroom door and slipped in.
I took a deep breath, staying with my back to the door for a moment, then hurriedly uncovered a torch, letting light fill the room. I unwrapped the small paper clenched in my palm, and read the equally small message written on it.
Wise Girl,
Please meet me at the practice arena at an hour past midnight.
Seaweed Brain
My breath started up again rapidly. I was glad that I had decided to sleep in a tunic, so I wouldn't have to change. If I had to change, I was sure that the girls would definitely be asking questions.
I checked the clock in the bathroom. It was a half an hour before midnight.
Slipping the note into my pocket, I silently went back into the room after closing the torch, and climbed into my bed. I had taken an hourglass with me, but concealed it by the wall so the girls couldn't see it. But it was dark enough in the room that I bet they wouldn't be able to see it anyways.
I didn't ever come close to falling asleep, cause my mind was still racing, despite being exhausted. Time seemed to pass slowly than ever. Finally, the hourglass ran out, and I flipped it once more, waiting for it to be halfway done.
When that was over, I listened to the other girls, making sure they were asleep. Soft snores and loud breathing could be heard, and once I was convinced they were asleep, I slipped off my covers, and walked light-footed over to the door. I held my breath as the door let off a soft squeak of protest as I opened it slowly. I waited for one of the girls to wake up and demand where I was going.
Fortunately, all that happened was Thalia tossing in her sleep and muttering something about chocolate cake and arrows. A slight smile came to my face, but it soon vanished when I closed the door again. I paced through the hallway, past the door of the boys' room.
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