《Whodunnit 2》Chapter 23 - A Major Twist


"Congratulations to Mr Wayne & Miss Jennings. You have solved the riddle. All of you now have till 7pm to share theories before you will be forced to state your case in your rooms. Remember, the killer is watching at all times. Please make sure you are being smart with your theories, as it could be your last night alive on the island."

The group of Kendra, Kristina, Cecilia, Troy & Grace gave Brett & Chantal an unenthusiastic clap of congratulations. They felt proud that the couple had done well, but they definitely had themselves at the centre of their mind. They knew one of them would be the next to die.

Chantal & Brett were seen having a short discussion in the corner of the parlour after Giles left. After a couple of minutes, they approached the others.

"We have both decided to keep the information for ourselves." Brett said.

The others all pulled shocked expressions.

"Are you being serious right now?" Kristina replied furiously.

Chantal barely let out a syllable before Troy started to storm out of the room.

"You're letting us all die. I hope you both know that." The sprinter stated before disappearing behind the curtain of the parlour.

"We just feel that if you all want to survive. You shouldn't rely on the information that we found." Chantal said.

Grace rolled her eyes.

"So you can't give us anything at all?" Cecilia asked, wanting to make sure the couple were completed serious.

Brett & Chantal briefly looked at each other before the blonde hesitated.

"Okay... all I'll say is, all the information you need is what was in the crime scene girls." Chantal said, pointing to Kendra & Kristina, who went with her to the crime scene.

Kendra & Kristina both looked to be twenty-three year old in confusion before seemingly understanding.

"Okay. Thank you for that." Kendra said graciously, before making her own way of the room.

Kristina wasn't as gracious. "I mean, I didn't actually find anything there but ok."

Eventually, the group of five left the parlour and left the riddle solvers on their own.

The two worried that the decision not to share information had made them not popular within the island. They felt that if another group solved a riddle later on in the game, they would not get any information in return and be left in the dark.


Eventually, the two groups without information tried to come together and think of a somewhat reasonable theories. Only time would tell if they were correct.



Chantal stuck with her theory of Kristina being the killer.

With Mary now dead, Kendra thought Brett was the killer.

Kristina accused Brett of being the killer.

Brett thought Grace was the killer.

Troy accused Chantal of being the killer.

Grace still thought Troy was the killer.

Cecilia also accused Troy of being the killer.


There was a high level of tension at the dinner table that night. The decision Chantal & Troy took to not share information with the others left them very unpopular. In fact, the other five chose to sit on the opposite side of the table to the couple.

Giles soon joined the guests after they had finished their pork chops with an array of fresh salad prepared by the maids and chefs. "It seems that there has been a clear winner today. Brett congratulations you had the best case statement this round."

No one was shocked by the announcement. Chantal gave Brett a congratulatory squeeze of the hand under the dining table.

"Now, the other six of you must sit through what you did not discover in the murder of our guest."

"Mary's death was one of the most complex to pull off. The day before the death, I planned for myself and all the guests to get themselves pampered in the spa. Most of you probably thought I'd pull off the murder then, however I had more up my sleeves. Upon us all discovering we'd be going on a scuba diving experience, I rigged Mary's oxygen tank with a small bag of smoke. I also set a small timer inside the bag to go off within five minutes of the scuba diving. Eventually, Mary settled into the adventure of the deepest blue. She enjoyed the amazing sceneries of the coral reefs and the diverse sea creatures. However, the tranquil swim was cut short once the smoke started to seep through the eldest guests' oxygen mask. Being as deep down as she was, Mary breathed in a copious amount of pure smoke as she tried to reach the surface. Initially, I planned on the old bitch dying in the sea. However, once she arose I had to think of a plan B. Luckily, with the weakened condition of Mary, she couldn't make much noise as I laid my second trap in our little bed-side meeting. I laid another smoke trap in the form of an ordinary looking pen. I set the timer till the end of everyone's meetings. At the end of the timer the smoke seeped out of the bottom of the pen, scorching the pen in the process. Medically, Mary died of a Widowmaker heart attack. A widowmaker heart attack is when the heat goes without oxygen for several minutes. A big blockage at the beginning of her left artery left her without the critical blood flow she needed to her heart. This explains why she died quite a long time after arising from the sea. Swim in peace, your killer."


The guests all kept a straight face after hearing the killers explanation. They had all learned not to show emotion at the dinner table. Wearing their poker faces was a smart move to not show the killer any joy.

"Grace, you are first. Please drink your champagne and reveal your fate."

Grace took a deep sigh before grabbing her glass. She knew her chances of surviving were slim.

All eyes were glued to the author as she tilted her neck back to slush down the champagne. Grace almost choked on the drink as she saw the carving on the glass. .

"Holy cow." Grace exclaimed, holding back from jumping for joy.


Troy defeatedly grabbed his champagne flute. Within a few seconds of drinking he found out he was for the first time.

"I knew it." The athlete said bitterly before finishing his dinner.

Kristina shook her head in the direction of her brother. She felt she could very well be in the same situation as her sibling, fearing that their theories were very similar.

"Chantal?" Giles said.

Chantal was . However, everyone saw that coming.


"Oh wow." The single mother said after drinking her champagne.

"Show us." Brett said hurriedly.

Cecilia turned the glass around to show carved in the glass.

Grace & Kendra gave their alliance member a small smile in congratulations.

"Kristina?" The gymnast grabbed her glass and tipped the alcohol on the floor. She was .

Troy's heart rate suddenly doubled. It soon hit him that it was between himself and his sister in the fight for survival.

"Kendra." Giles called upon the model last.

Kendra swiftly drunk her champagne. However, she dropped the glass once finding out her fate.

"I'm scared!?" The blonde asked out in disbelief.

"What!" The whole table said in unison.

The group of seven all turned to Giles.

The butler let out a small sigh. "Ah, yes. It seems that you three guests have collectively given the worst statements on how Mary met her death. The killer has therefore decided to put you all on the chopping block tonight. By tomorrow, another one of you will have lost your life. I must now bid you all a goodnight now, guests. Please try to sleep easy." Giles walked away with a brisk pace in his step, leaving the seven guests at the dining table in disbelief.

"I..can't believe this." Kristina stated. The fear was eminent in her voice as she spoke in a tone that no other guest had her speak at before.

"This is unfair. I'm going to bed." Troy sounded equally as terrified as he left the table and back inside to the main resort building.

Kendra just stayed sat on the table in disbelief. She was in total silence, even with her alliance members and Chantal + Brett comforting her.

"This is my fourth time scared. I surely can't keep on surviving." The model sounded absolutely mentally drained as she spoke. None of the guests could understand how she felt. Four times scared had left the model without hardly any hope throughout the whole game.

But only time could tell if she would be able to survive again. Or if the siblings could finally end her luck.

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