《Whodunnit 2》Chapter 22 - The Deepest Blue


"Guests, the killer has given you all the opportunity to discuss what you have found in your areas, you will all be given two hours now before the start of the next riddle." Giles calmly walked out of the parlour after reading out the note left by the killer.

The seven guests all split up into their separate groups/duos.

Chantal & Brett were able to discuss their findings efficiently. Brett was pleased that his alliance member was the only one who seemed to gather the clue from the crime scene. and Chantal was equally pleased that Brett was able to gather valuable information from the last known whereabouts.

However, the other groups had big troubles. The female alliance was severely lacking the information needed from the morgue. Cecilia felt extremely guilty that she wasn't able to find anything. However, she knew that Troy didn't have any information either so that at least put her on the same page as Troy and Kristina.

Kristina was furious at her older brother for not finding information on Mary's body. She couldn't grasp how there were no clues. The gymnast felt that she was now in danger of being scared, all because of her brother.

All groups were missing a big part of the investigation, the morgue's clues. It didn't take long for the topic to come up in conversation while the group was having lunch.

"Has this ever happened? People not getting information for the morgue?" Cecilia asked the group as they sat in the outside garden, by the main pool of the resort building.

"No," Troy answered back, fully confident on his answer.

Chantal shivered "There's something not right about this. Surely the killer wouldn't leave us with no information?"

Brett spoke with a mouthful full of food "The killers got a plan. He or she wouldn't leave us like this."


"We've all just got to try and solve this riddle. I feel like this one is gonna reveal a lot of answers." Grace stated.


"Welcome everyone to the next riddle. I'll get right into it..." Giles tore the note from the killer open and spoke in his ever usual British accent.

"This riddle comes in two parts. Solve it if you want to keep your hearts. A bloodless bite reveals the second clue, more will then be revealed for those chosen few."

The group was all equally confused once the riddle was read out, yet they separated into their groups.

The female alliance went to the kitchen, associating 'bite' with food.

The siblings went to the seafront. They thought that the 'bite' could be to do with the fish in the ocean, they also felt confident about the sea theory seeing how it had a big factor in Mary's death.

The couple of Brett & Chantal walked around the island, looking for something to grab their attention.

Eventually, the answer to the first part of the riddle was found in the library.

Brett & Chantal found seven staplers laid out on a desk in the centre of the room. They each grabbed one and inspected it thoroughly. It took them each a while to figure out the clue was in the staple holder, in each stapler was a single sheet of paper which was folded into several small parts so it could fit in the small compartment.

"Congratulations, you've found the bite. You now have to follow the light. This light hangs over the dead, where six guests have already laid their bed."

Surprisingly, both of the guests knew where they had to go immediately and took off to the morgue shed. It made sense to them that the link to the six already dead guests and the 'bed' would point to the morgue as being the answer.


Upon entering, Chantal felt extremely nervous. There was a reason why the singer had never picked the morgue as an investigatory area before. She was terrified of the idea of having to look at one of the guests dead bodies. It freaked the blonde out how death worked. However, little did she know; her worst fear was about to come true.

Mary's body was still laid out on the morgue table, just like it was when Troy & Cecilia investigated it earlier in the day.

Brett & Chantal approached the body gingerly, as they noticed that Mary's chest had been surgically opened. The heart was on a side table.

"I can't do this." Chantal simply stated before running out of the morgue. The gruesome scene was enough to make the singer throw up just mere seconds after leaving the morgue.

This left Brett alone in the shed. He couldn't take his eyes off the non-beating human heart. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen in the morgue before. Upon further inspection he saw that there was a medical encyclopaedia book laid out on the side table next to Mary's body.

The thick book was open on two pages labelled 'Widow-maker Heart Attack.' It described how with a cut of flow of blood, the cells of your heart muscles start to die in minutes because of a big blockage at the beginning of the left main artery or the left anterior descending artery. It also described how without critical emergency care, death is imminent.

Brett now felt confident in how Mary been killed . It made sense to him that what Chantal found in the crime scene in the sea was what lead to Mary's heart attack.

The bell rang soon after his discovery. From outside the morgue, Brett heard a clearly excited Chantal sigh in relief.

Meanwhile, throughout the island the other five guests felt defeated. This had been the most difficult murder so far to solve, and they had pretty much no idea how it had happened.

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