《Whodunnit 2》Chapter 2 - The First Investigation


"This is illegal! You can't keep us captive here on this island, c'mon guys let's get out of here." Mike clearly didn't listen to Giles' warnings about attempted escapes after he explained the rules of the game in the great room.

"We can't escape!" Grace rose from her seat in the great room (which she had previously collapsed onto after hearing the rules). "Didn't you hear him? We'll die!"

Mike didn't listen to Grace and headed to the docks of the island. The majority of the guests followed the police officer while a few stayed behind in the great room trying to still process what was going on, one of them was the killer. One of them had killed Aubrey and was going to kill ten more people.

It didn't take long for Mike to find one of the few boats which were parked on the docks of the island. Luckily for him, the keys were in the ignition. With an easy twist, the boat started up and Mike started to slowly sail away.

Giles ran to the dock "Mr. Kimmel! You must get off the boat now! Every boat here is rigged! It'll explode." The butler tried

"Oh fuck off you British shit!" Mike was clearly hysterical after learning about the rules. He definitely didn't want to die, and he knew that there was only a 1/12 chance he'd be the winner. And those were low odds.

Mike started to speed away at a faster speed. The police officer was begging to get away from the island as soon as possible. However, aside from the sound of the calm sea being ripped apart by the sailboat, he heard an unfamiliar sound. It was a beeping sound, and with the seconds that passed, the beeps got faster. Mike was suddenly alerted to a small red dot in the direction of the engine of the boat, he didn't take any chances. With one long jump, Mike abandoned the speeding boat and collided with the crystal blue sea.

The other eleven guests and Giles watched on land as Mike arose back to the surface after he jumped off the boat. The boat slowly slowed down about fifteen meters away from where Mike was. For about two seconds nothing happened until the small sailboat suddenly exploded. Several guests on the shore jumped with the sudden explosion. From the looks of it, Mike was ok.

Meanwhile, in the water, Mike felt very defeated. He knew now that there was no escape from the island. And he was going to have to play to win.


Thirty minutes after the explosion, and after Mike returned to the resort. All the guests were escorted to the great room. Giles left them to discuss what areas they would like to investigate.

Even though Brett & Chantal trusted each other, they knew that if they chose different areas it would be better for their final case statement.

Brother and Sister, Troy & Kristina had the same idea. They both knew they were going to have to choose different areas to get a wider variety of evidence about Aubrey's murder.

The rest of the guests decided individually before Giles returned.

"Who would like to investigate the crime scene -the rooftop pool?" Giles asked the twelve guests.

Kendra, Mike, Kristina, Brett & Cecilia raised their hands and followed Sophie the maid upstairs to the direction of the rooftop balcony pool.

"Who would like to investigate the last known whereabouts - the tennis court?"


Jeremy, Mary, Chantal & Colton raised their hands and followed May outside to the back of the island where the tennis court was located.

"That leaves Paul, Troy & Grace. Please follow me to the morgue. Where Aubrey's body lays."

The rooftop pool area was stunning. There was a white marble floor, a 24-hour service bar, and even some DJ deck stations. And of course the pool, the pool looked very glamorous, with built-in lounge chairs partially submerged in the water.

However, Kendra, Mike, Kristina, Brett & Cecilia knew they couldn't soak in the scenery for too long, as they had a murder to solve. It gave each of the guests chills that someone among them at the crime scene could have killed Aubrey.

"Brett, what part of the roof did she fall off?" Kristina asked she knew Brett was a credible witness in this case as he and Chantal practically (in her eyes) saw the whole murder.

Brett scratched his head in thought "Umm, well wherever she fell off it was opposite the bar."

The group of five walked alongside the balcony until they reached exactly opposite the bar from downstairs. Mike looked over the balcony to check (just to be sure) and saw the blood spot- which was obviously Aubrey's.

"Alright, so what I find in crime scenes typically is that there has to be something left behind. It's very rare for murderers to not accidentally leave something behind." Being a police officer, Mike already knew a lot about crime scenes and wanted to help out his group as much as possible.

Kendra looked around the area where they were standing. Upon lifting her foot, she saw a few shards of glass on the marble floor.

"Could that be something?" The model pointed out.

The other four guests all turned to where Kendra was pointing too. Mike & Cecilia took their time to piece together all the pieces of brown glass which were scattered around the area. (Some were even on the balcony ledge.)

After they pieced it together they realised it was just an ordinary beer bottle, which had been smashed up.

"Maybe the killer hit her with it and then tossed her out?" Cecilia suggested.

"But that's too easy, isn't it? What would be the point of the last known whereabouts and the morgue if that was all that happened up here? First of all, how did she even get up here? As far as I know, none of us knew had to get to this part. There has to be a reason that she was up here." The group agreed with Mike's theory. There had to be more.

The group was quickly running out of time. If they didn't find everything at the crime scene, one of them might be the next to die. They almost gave up looking until Kristina pointed out something. The sun loungers in front of them looked pretty peculiar. Well, one of them did in the young athlete's opinion. One of them had this black circle device on it. Upon further inspection, she realised it was a timer. Just like an egg timer almost.

"There's a timer on this sun lounger!" Kristina exclaimed.

The group all huddled around the youngest guest.

"Why's there a timer?" Kendra asked.

"Maybe it was timed so that the killer could place her for a while," Brett suggested.

Suddenly, Cecilia had an idea. Twisting the timer to five, Cecilia waited for anything to happen, Once the timer hit '0' the sun lounger suddenly snapped upwards, if there was anything on the sun lounger it would have been thrown over the balcony.


"So that's how she fell off the balcony? Wow, this killer is smart." Mike rubbed his chin. The other four guests agreed with the police officer as well.

Suddenly, the bell rang. And Kendra, Mike, Kristina, Brett & Cecilia's time was up to investigate the crime scene.


Jeremy, Mary, Chantal & Colton were slightly sweating by the time that themselves and May the maid had arrived at the tennis courts. They each suggested taking a tennis buggy but May let the guests know that she couldn't drive.

"Alright," Jeremy sighed "Let's get investigating."

The group of four noticed an immediate red flag in the tennis courts. Firstly, there was a small pool of blood around the nets of the tennis courts. The tennis racket which was obviously Aubrey's was also resting in the pool of blood.

"Is there something we're missing?" Chantelle said out loud. The singer noticed how apart from the pool of blood there was hardly anything which looked suspicious in the tennis courts.

"There has to be something like...hidden." Colton looked around the area of the tennis courts, desperately looking for something out of place.

Jeremy took charge in looking into the tennis ball machine. The director could fit his whole head into the machine, upon looking inside the machine the director noticed how the machine was empty. There weren't even any tennis balls inside. This confused the fifty-five-year-old, surely if Aubrey wanted to play some tennis, there would have been some tennis balls inside the machine.

"There are no tennis balls in here," Jeremy stated as he stuck his head outside the machine.

"So?" Mary asked back.

"Well, that means that Aubrey didn't even get to play any tennis. I mean if she did then where are the balls? So she had to have been attacked like before she even got the play." Jeremy replied.

Colton & Chantal agreed with the eldest male. They both knew that the director was most likely right with his theory, after all, what else could they think of?

"So something obviously caused the bloodspot here and then she somehow got to the roof?" Chantal was confused to as of how the deceased business woman would have made it to the roof if she supposedly died on the tennis courts.

Mary finally chimed in with a full sentence "The question I wanna know most is how she got to the rooftop"

While Mary spoke, Colton scattered away from the group and examined some marks on the tarmac which looked questionable. Jeremy noticed this.

"Found anything kid?"

Colton called the group over. He explained how (to him) they looked like faint tire tracks. The group all followed the business student, knowing they had nothing else to do and made a shocking discovery. In a bushy area, a stray tennis buggy cart was flipped over, it was clear to see upon further inspection that the dried blood spread across the back seats was obviously Aubrey's.

"So the killer drove her there and then drove this back? Interesting." Colton theorised.

"This is more twisted than I thought." Chantal almost lost consciousness putting together the parts of the murder.

Just before Mary was going to speak up again, the bell rang. Meaning that their time was up.


Troy, Paul & Grace were guided to a backside shed at the side of the island. The shed itself was of a decent size, however, the three investigators were shocked to find out all the victims bodies would be stored there until the end of the game.

Upon arrival in the shed, goosebumps were spread throughout the three guests bodies. Aubrey's body was laid on a slightly lopsided morgue table, with a single white sheet shielding herself from exposure.

Before even taking off the cloth, the group noticed that there were a few glass fibers in Aubrey's hair. If it wasn't for the peculiar colour of the glass, the three of them probably wouldn't have even noticed it. Troy brought up the idea that Aubrey could have been hit around the head with the glass, But Grace & Paul had their doubts. They weren't experts on head wounds but they had their doubts that only tiny fibers of glass could be left in someone's head if they had a glass bottle hit across their head.

Before even taking off the cloth, the group also noticed that there was a blood spot mark round about the belly button area of Aubrey's body. The group decided to head to that area first.

Grace was the guest who decided to 'bite the bullet' and pull down the white cloth. Exactly in the area of the belly button, a single clear wound was obvious. There was dried blood surrounding the area of the wound as well. Troy used a small torch to see what was inside the wound. Upon seeing the familiar object in the belly button, Troy almost fell over.

"Guys! You've got to see this." Troy ushered over Grace & Paul to inspect the wound.

Using the tweezers provided, Troy pulled a single bullet out of Aubrey's stomach.

"Holy shit!" Paul cursed.

"No way!" Grace looked physically sick as the bullet was revealed.

"So she was shot? That makes no sense! She can't have fallen off the roof and been shot, I mean we never heard a gunshot." Paul tried to wrap his brain around what this meant.

Grace brought up a good idea "What about if the roof falling was a cover-up? I mean there are two other areas to investigate so there might have been another area she was killed in."

"Doubt it." Paul snapped back. Grace glared back at the cashier.

Troy noticed how the bullet hadn't gone through her back. This meant that the bullet must have been shot back from a very far distance.

Meanwhile, Grace looked at the bags of evidence beside the body. She pulled out the contents of the bag and noticed how they looked like tennis clothes. The tennis cap, the white skirt, and even the headbands.

"So she was playing tennis and shot from somewhere?" Grace theorised.

"Why would she be playing tennis on the roof?" Paul asked.

"She wasn't playing tennis on the roof, you idiot! Didn't you hear Giles in the great room, he said the last known whereabouts was he tennis courts." Troy snapped back.

Just as the three started to erupt into an argument. The bell rang and their time was up.

"He's an idiot," Troy whispered to Grace as they left the morgue shed, and Aubrey's cold dead body.

Under normal circumstances, Grace probably would have scorned Troy for labelling Paul like that. But, under the stress of the game, she let it pass. She just gave a shrug in response to Troy.


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