《When The Sun Sets In The East》09| The act of friending an enemy



As she held a small grocery basket in one hand, Gene scanned through the various products with her eyes while walking. She stopped in front of the rack, lined with different cereal boxes and picked out one on which there was the writing, Nasco cornflakes. While having a good look at the box, contemplating if she needs this, she unconsciously drifted her gaze from it for a second.

Gradually, her eyes dilated, and she drifted her eyes away from the box once more to the view ahead of her. There he was, staring at the toilet rolls section. Gene momentarily folded her right hand into a tight fist, her nails dug into her palms. She was trying so hard to avoid him, yet he was everywhere.

She looked back and caught sight of a turn she could retreat into and avoid the scene of them running into each other. Gene kept the cornflakes box into her basket and took a few quiet steps back before turning away and hastening her steps into the turn. The second she believed she was safe from his view, Gene stopped on her tracks.

Without making a sound, she spied at him, watching as he moved to another section. Genevieve looked away squeezing her face in distraught. There, she made a silent prayer that he would leave soon and she can be free to shop. She leaned forward to spy at him again, but he was nowhere to be seen. Slowly, she stood straight as her eyes searched left and right for where he might have disappeared.

"Hello." He tapped her from behind and she startled in a quick turn but she'd lost her footing, her balance and he was quick to hold onto her, preventing her from falling to the ground.

It had all happened so quick. One moment she was about to fall and the next, she was in his arms. Saved by his hold. Her heart raced within her chest and Gene was too nervous and embarrassed to look up at him. She'd never been in such a situation. All she wanted was to stay away from him, but it seems the universe won't let her have it. Talk about getting the opposite of what you want.


Gradually, he released his hold on her and took a few steps away from her to give her some space.

"Are you okay?" He asked, an attempt to make sure she was okay, and she gently nodded without meeting his eyes. The next few seconds of silence felt awkward, and Elliot could see how much she was struggling.

He furrowed his brows. "Were you hiding from me?"

Instantly, she lifted her eyes to him and he was quick to read the surprise in them.

Gradually, her brows creased as she looked away from him. "No." She replied before walking past him. He watched her and a steady smile played on his face.

Gene was quick. She scratched off her list the rest of whatever else she had to buy and presented what she already had at the counter. The young female receptionist took her time in getting the prices of the products registered for her to make out a receipt.

He kept the pack rolls of tissue papers on the counter and she shifted her eyes up to him. Well, it was too late for her.

"Please, I hope you wouldn't mind paying for this as well? See, I've run out of cash and my credit card, well, it doesn't work here." He approached politely, a simple smile wore on his face and Gene wished she could wipe it right off his face. She was ready to speak up but the moment she spared the receptionist a glance and realized she was staring at them, Gene let out a light sigh as she accepted to give in.

"Please, include this." She told her, and the young lady nodded. Once they were all tucked away into wide polythene bags, they were handed to her.

"Let me help you."

"I can do it." She flat out denied his offer, as she made her way out of the store. He followed behind and watched as she struggled, determined to do it herself. Their home was about ten minutes away. Unable to watch her silently anymore, Elliot hurried after her.


"Let me have it." He told her, as he tried to carry it off her hands.

"No, you don't have to." She countered, but his grip and pull were stronger than hers, so in the end, he took it off her hands and walked ahead of her.

Gene sighed in frustration as she stood still, watching him go. As if he felt it, he turned, and that's when he saw her state. He walked back to her.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She was quick to respond without sparing him a glance, and he sensed a hint of resentment.

Suddenly, she drifted her eyes to him, unable to keep quiet much longer. Yes, she was more often quiet, but that didn't mean she wasn't capable of speaking up when the need arises. "Have you been following me?" She started, and he barely raised his brows at her question.

"Are you... are you going anywhere with your antics? I mean, why are you here? Don't you think the coincidences are becoming a little too much? What do you want with me?" she queried, her face detailing the confusion she felt.

"Nothing." He replied. "I just thought you'd become much more comfortable if you get to see me a lot more often; plus, you and your family are kind of the only people I feel safe around." He expressed.

"I'm sorry." He apologised as he watched her look away. He'd never meant to hurt her or make her feel discomfort.

"Look, can't we just be friends? You said to forget the past and I'm doing that for your sake."

He stretched out a hand to her. "Friends?"

She stared at his hand and thought about accepting it, but that would mean she was over her feelings of embarrassment. That would mean lying to herself. She'd never felt so unsure and embarrassed of herself as she does whenever he's around her. It would not be a simple feeling to rid herself of.

"I don't think that's a good idea." She declared before walking past him.

"I don't understand. What exactly is the problem? The fact I'm younger than you and you did it with me?"

She was quick to hurry back to him. "Can you please keep your voice down?" She begged as she looked around, in worry that someone or anyone might've been listening in on their conversation.

A light furrow appeared between his brows, but was quick to disappear. "So, it is." He replied to his earlier question as he walked past her.

Genevieve was no fool. She knew she shouldn't feel the way she does but she couldn't help it. She felt way too ashamed of what had transpired between them. It might not be fair to Elliot, but what could she do? This is the reason she has been hell-bent on trying to keep her distance from him.

She followed him from behind as they trekked back into the building. He hadn't said a word to her and somewhere deep down, she felt guilty.

They stopped in front of her apartment and he waited as she unlocked it. She walked in and turned to him. He stretched out the hand in which he held the polythene bag and she collected it from him.

"Thank you." She appreciated. He nodded before turning away to leave.

"Wait." she called, as she was quick to hold his arm. He turned as he looked up to her, a little surprise she'd called.

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