《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》The Tests


~~~~~~~~~~~Dream Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~

A small child wandered, in a mall, trying to find his stepmother and half brother, fruitlessly. His little feet hurt, they always hurt, whenever he would walk for long periods. He tried to tell someone, but they didn't understand him because of his lisp, and his slight stutter. He had tears running down his face.

His stepmother had said that she would get him ice cream and that he should wait with Triton, his half brother, but when she had taken longer than usual, Triton went to check, leaving him alone. The child tried to catch up to Triton's already fading figure, but due to him being short, he eventually got lost in the crowd.

He wasn't comfortable near throngs, it must be because of his family not taking him out much, or letting him meet other or new people. He just wanted to go back home and talk to his sister, Kymopoleia. She always made him feel safe.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts, to not see the person he bumped into. The little boy fell onto his butt, resulting in a small '' from him. He looked above to find a police officer staring down at him.

"", he asked hopefully.


The police officer already knew who the kid was talking about, mainly because he met both couples and Poseidon, alone, on different occasions.

, the police officer sighed, knowing that Amphitrite would be mad, and reaching out a hand for Percy to take.

~~~~~~~~~~Dream Flashback End~~~~~~~~~~

It had been a little more than a week when Percy started to get mood swings. He would snap or get enraged at every little off-hand comment.

He even fought Kronos, when he scolded Percy for getting detention on damaging school property when he threw a chair at the cheer captain, Kelli, which narrowly missed her. He would make sarcastic and mocking remarks when teachers or his bullies would chastise or call him out on things.

He had just woken up from the nightmare, feeling slight nausea going through him, he rushed over to the toilet and bent over the toilet seat, as to not vomit anywhere else. Feeling slightly better, he went back to the room to see the other side of the bed empty.

Stepping in the hallway, he saw dim light flooding out of Kronos' office. Making his way down there, he quietly opened the door, to witness Kronos wearing glasses, going through paperwork.

Percy stayed like that for a couple of minutes before moving forward, prompting Kronos to look up.


"Oh! You're still up," blurted Kronos.

"No, I just woke up. " It came out harsher than Percy imagined.

To cover it up, he asked, "Aren't you coming to bed?"

Kronos just exhaled, dragging a hand, down his face, he said, "No, I have a lot of work to do, I'll join you later if I have the time."

This pissed off Percy and before he could control himself his mouth betrayed him, by saying, "What is wrong with you? If you don't want me to be your boyfriend, you could have said so. You know what, I'm leaving, I'm done with you avoiding me." As soon as Percy said this, he turned on his heel and briskly walked towards the bedroom.

Heaving a sigh Kronos, hurriedly, jogged behind him. Upon entering the room, Kronos saw Percy taking clothes out of the cupboard and putting them in a suitcase.

Kronos spread his arms exasperated, before carefully and gently saying, "Baby, you know I didn't mean that. I'll tell you what you can take a sick day from school, that good? Please don't leave, you know I love you." By now Kronos had moved towards Percy as if to stop him from putting more clothes in the pile.

Percy threw Kronos a look, before collapsing into his outstretched arms and choking on a sob. Kronos surprised by the onslaught, stumbled back, momentarily.

Kronos deftly picked up Percy and carried him, to the bed, where he muttered soft reassurances to the boy, in his lap.

After a few minutes of rocking Percy back and forth, he finally fell asleep. Krono skillfully picked him up and laid him on the bed. The same thing had happened, a few nights ago. Previously he had gotten mad and slapped Percy, but that appeared to be in vain, and Percy hadn't talked to him the whole morning until Kronos apologized.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The next morning, when Percy woke up he felt the sudden urge to puke, making him dart, towards the bathroom. Percy dry heaved for a couple of minutes before he felt a hot acidic liquid go up to his throat and out of his mouth.

He stayed like that for some time up until he felt like doing it again. Retching for a few minutes, before he emptied it all.

He felt a strange craving for Durian ice cream, he had eaten that on his vacation in Thailand. He had hated the taste of it before, why did he want to eat it now.


He stepped back into the room to get more sleep to behold Kronos finding a tie to match with his black suit. Kronos spied him through the mirror, then walked towards him, cupping his jaw Kronos pulled him into a passionate kiss, both tongues fighting for dominance, and eventually Kronos' won allowing him to roam his tongue around the warm cavern. Pulling back slightly Kronos mumbled, "Be good, " and placed a whisper of a kiss on his forehead, exiting the room and leaving for the day.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It was around midday, that Percy started getting very bad stomach cramps. It was tolerable at first but the constant ache made him squirm, so he called Kronos to bring him some pills on his way back home.

Kronos was in the middle of signing useless papers for his school and different investments he made when he got Percy's call. Kronos already suspected Percy being pregnant, but when he heard Percy's reason for the pills, he could think of nothing, but pregnancy.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

A little while later, he had parked his car on the porch, it had taken longer due to him having to go to the pharmacy to get pregnancy tests for Percy. Kronos brought seven different pregnancy tests just to be sure they weren't wrong.

Percy was sitting in the living room, a hand slowly massaging his belly while watching Ariel, when Kronos came home. He clumsily got up and greeted Kronos with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Percy's eyes flitted to Kronos's hand and without thinking he snatched the pharmacy bag out of his hand. He grew disappointed upon seeing different pregnancy tests.

He looked up at Kronos and bitterly said, "I told you to get me pills to relieve my stomach ache, not pregnancy tests."

"Well you've been acting weird the past weeks, I looked it up and all those are symptoms of pregnancy, " Kronos sputtered, after some time.

"I won't take the test, " Percy huffed, indignantly.

"Come on, please, for me."

"You can't force me."

"Just take them, please, " Kronos growing agitated at Percy's reluctance.

"No, " Percy said, turning his head.

"JUST TAKE THE GOD DAMNED TESTS, DANG IT, " Kronos all, but roared, slamming closed fists on the nearest solid object.

Fearing a beating, Percy said, "Okay, " through clenched teeth.

Excreting on all the tests, Percy exited the suffocating walls of the powder room, with a furious expression only to observe Kronos pacing around haphazardly.

Slowly, Percy's chaotic attitude and face morphed into an anxious one. He felt scared what if he was pregnant, nothing could stop Kronos from being the same controlling person he was, three years ago. No, it wasn't possible Kronos had promised he wouldn't do that again, thinking that he felt relief flood through him.

Around three minutes had passed when all the tests beeped. The first was negative, but Percy's eyes quickly flickered around the spread pregnancy tests they all were positive. He picked up one and slowly held it in front of Kronos awaiting eyes.

Kronos took the pregnancy tenderly and looked up to Percy a quiet question in his eyes. Percy nodded, with tears of happiness running down his face, Kronos' face lit up in a grin.

Percy hastily ran into Kronos' embrace, Percy's legs locking behind his back and his arms in Kronos' armpits, head resting on Kronos' firm chest, he looked like a koala clinging to a tree.

Throwing his head back Kronos bellowed with laughter, quickly looking down at Percy and peppering his face with kisses. Percy only giggled at Kronos', for once, childish antics.

"Wanna take this to bed?" whispered Kronos, huskily, conditioning Percy into a blush.

Kronos lugged Percy to their room, where they had hot, erotic, and carnal sex if anyone would have walked by their room they could've heard each lewd noise.



It's me Affaf, again.

How are you all??

I hope you like this because this was the longest and the most difficult chapter I've written, so far, at 1.7 K words. I don't know how it turned out, considering I wrote this all in one day. A lot of people on ao3 have also wanted me to update my other fanfic, Nothing More Than A Filthy Slave, please tell me if you want more of it as well, I haven't figured on what's going to happen next, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. If you'll look at the media, in each chapter, you can see all the new characters in it, also, before anyone calls me out, I know that the police officer is a Steve Rogers AU, digital art by kayaczek on tumbler.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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