《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》The Alliance and the Nightmares


I could see how hard it was for Percy to sit still throughout the whole dinner. He kept squirming and wriggling in his place as if that wasn't enough, he kept fidgeting.

As of now, his knee was bouncing against my own. Percy's ADHD was hard to control, but he always managed. His ADHD only acted up when he was very nervous, didn't like the people around him, or he knew something awful would occur.

The food was remarkable, and Zeus and Hades seemed pleased. Granted, I didn't know they would have these many children, but the meal was sufficient and plentiful, it also worked out, because they didn't bring their wives and significant others.

Percy's gaze always went over to the kids that seemed close to his age. He acted as if he were scared of them, or they could do something terrible to him.

Seeing Hades and Zeus finish, glance over to each other, and stand, I quickly stood up as well, but not before kissing Percy's forehead. Making our way over to my office, through the halls I could hear laughter. It makes me smile, thinking Percy was making friends.

Although I may act cold, I have the best intentions. It also comes to my disadvantage that I have bipolar disorder, making my mood changes considerably worse than other people's. During my nastiest stages, I resort to hitting Percy. In these times, I get agitated easier, making me lose my temper.

It's always hard to vent my anger, even as a teen, I would take refuge in striking a punching bag.

Something said of my business' finances snaps me out of my dopey thoughts.

I vaguely registered Zeus asking about the stocks of my company's income. I have major OCD, so I had already prepared, but just for the show, I sent my secretary, Krios, a voice message of sending me the stock market's decrease and increase, for my firm, over the intercom.

Looking at Zeus and Hades' stocks, I realize that Hades is significantly wealthier than Zeus. However, Zeus has more acquaintances and has a manipulative personality, so he gets the job done better than most.


Zeus wore a satisfied expression, whereas Hades still looked emotionless and had a blank look on his face, looking at the commodities my company has to offer them.

Zeus motions for me to bring in the paperwork, making me press the button under my desk, as a signal to Hyperion for the letter of agreement to be brought into the office, for signing.

Three documents are brought in for our signatures so that every one of us has an original document copy.

After signing our documents are carefully placed in an envelope with my organization's seal.

Zeus and Hades talk in hushed whispers before notifying me of their departure. Percy and I accompany them to the door and watch as they leave.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It's a few hours later that Percy comes into the bedroom. He doesn't say anything, barely even spares me a glance, making his way silently towards the walk-in closet.

Coming out he throws his clothes in the hamper for dirty clothes, remaining silent. He walks closer to the bed when I notice that he has a slight limp, thinking it's because of his flat feet, I give it no mind. He slowly climbs on the bed and snuggles in closer to the blankets.

A little time past thirty-minutes is when I hear soft snores, from the other side of the bed. I found it odd because he didn't wish me good night or kiss my cheek like he always does.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I woke up to the sound of loud sobbing, it's a little muffled but still quite clear. Swiping a hand through my hair, I look towards Percy's side of the bed to find it empty.

Cursing under my breath, I go towards the living room to see half the decorations floating, some on the ground and a cyclone with Percy in it, furiously scrubbing and scratching his eyes.

It seemed that he was unaware of the mess he was making. Stopping time around us I walked forward and gently plucked Percy from the middle of his mini-disaster.

Putting fragile and weak things in their proper place I resumed time, placing Percy on my lap. He clutched my shirt, as if it were a lifeline, and let out heartbroken and gut-wrenching wails. As his sobs died down, he started breathing more heavily, like he was on the brink of sleep, but his conscience didn't approve of it.


He whispered, " I'm sorry, " and just like that he was asleep. His tensed body finally going lax.

I heaved a sigh and tenderly picked up his small frame, leading myself to the bedroom.

I softly laid him on the mattress, careful to not wake him up. Going back to the lounge I cautiously picked up the broken remains of the decoration pieces.

Considering it looked better than before I also went to rest.

_____________POV Switch_____________

I didn't remember coming back to bed so, it was quite a surprise when I woke up in the bed, Kronos spooning me.

I hesitated to remove Kronos' arms from my body but decided against it because I needed to check if it was a dream or not.

Standing in the middle of a living that was once full of adornments, now almost completely barren of ornaments, I realized it wasn't a dream, it happened. That's when all the memories of last night's dreams came rushing to me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Dream FlashBack~~~~~~~~~~~

A small boy not even six years, peeked his small head into the door of the room, from where he could hear the harsh yells of his family.

He could hear his favorite older sister Kymopoleia fighting with her mother, saying,

The little boy knew his stepmother was talking about him. He had long realized that he would never receive any love from his family, except for Kym. The thought of this made him shed a few tears. He shifted his footing so that he could bring little ease to the ache in his feet, the ache from the mornings roaming.

What he didn't realize at the moment was that his eldest brother Triton had noticed him looking at his family argue. Triton swiftly made his way towards the door Percy peeked through. Too busy in trying to hear more, Percy didn't catch sight of the figure looming over him.

It was when he could see nothing but a man's thighs clad in dark denim jeans that he realized someone had caught him looking.

Triton's palm hit him square in the forehead making him lose balance and hit the floor, before Percy heard Triton sneer,

~~~~~~~~~~Dream FlashBack End~~~~~~~~~~

The nightmare was triggered by yesterday's visit, and the push I had gotten from Luke, which made me fall and shed a few tears at the mocking laughs I got.

Sinking to my knees, I curled up on the floor and cradled my head in my arms and lap. That's how Kronos found me, crying.

He immediately sat down and scooped me up into his lap. Whispering reassuring words in my ear and peppering kisses, between words, on the side of my cheek.

When my crying was reduced to a few sniffles, Kronos tapped my hand, making me look up at him. His gaze was kind and loving, not anything like his usual harsh demeanor. He calmly asks, "Do you want to talk about it?" his face tilted so that his chin would be tucked in his neck.

Thinking I wouldn't be able to manage words without my voice cracking and me breaking down again, I looked down again and gave him a shy shake of the head.

"Should we go watch a movie, to take your mind of this?"

I gave a hesitant nod, liking the fact that Kronos wanted to go with me, and he wasn't sending me alone.

"Come let's change and go, maybe after the movie, we can go to Ralph Lauren for decor and probably some clothes."



It's me Affaf, again.

How are you all??

I'm sorry for the late update, something came up. So, I tried the suggestion for the POV switch that suggested. I don't know how I did, please tell me if you want more of Kronos' POV and if I was good at it.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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