《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 27


fundy and i are cuddling on the couch, he's laying on my stomach. "fundy can you please get off of me?" i ask him. "why i'm so comfortable" he whines. "i know but don't you want some lobster legs?" i try and push him off but fail.

"not really, i just want to cuddle with you" he snuggles into my stomach more. "ugh whatever" i roll my eyes. "i guess i will have to do this the hard way" i push him off of me and go to the kitchen.

"RUDE!" he yells at me from the living room. "i'm literally in the next room" i sigh. i grab the lobster legs out of the fridge and get a pan out.

fundy snakes his arms around my waist and puts his head in the crook of my neck as i turn on the oven. "hey" he mumbles into my neck and it tickles.

"hi, you know we were just cuddling less then 30 seconds ago, right?" i turn around. "yeah but i miss you" he hugs my waist again. "your leaving in 2 days" he continues. "don't remind me" i rest my head on his shoulder.

"i have an idea!" i say with excitement. "i should live here" i smile. "i wish" he looks at me. "same" i reply. i snuggle my head on his shoulder.

the oven goes off telling me it's heated. i tell fundy to go sit down on the couch while i make dinner.

"okay so for dinner i of course made the lobster legs and also i made some pasta with it" i exclaim looking at him. "it's very nice and i appreciate it thank you" he looks at me. "no problem" i smile at him.

after dinner, i was putting dishes into the dishwasher when Fundy yelled for me. "Y/N!!" he yelled. "WHAT??" i yell back at him. "come here!!" he says quieter but not to quiet.


"what!" i say sliding into his filming room. "oh my god!" i say my mouth basically on the ground.

on his computer was fanart of me and him. it was me sitting on his lap. "oh my god!! it's us!!" i say with pure joy. "it's so cute" i jump around all happy.

"wow babe calm down you might have a heart attack" he says walking over to me. "i am" i say blown away.

this wasn't my first ever fanart lots of people have drawn me and i love all of them. but this is the first time someone has drawn me and fundy and i couldn't be happier.

a little while later me and fundy were in bed not on our phones. cuddling; staring at each other. i move some of his hair behind his ear. he kisses my forehead. it was silence but not an awkward silence a comforting silence. a comforting silence that all i needed in the world was him. that's why my world revolves around


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