《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 19


i leave for fundy's in two days. EEK! im so nervous but i miss him so much. i have to start packing now or i will definitely forget.

i decide to wash his hoodie since i haven't washed it since he gave it to me. gross. but it smells and reminds me of him. i grab it and a couple other things to put in the wash.

i randomly get a call from niki. i sit at my chair and answer her. "hey niki, whatcha need?" i put on my cat headphones. "just came to call you about you going to fundy's in a couple days" she clicks her mouse a bunch. i assume she is training or fighting a mob on minecraft.

"oh right yeah i leave in 2 days and i was packing but then you called me" i chuckle. "oh sorry" she sighs. "oh no you are fine i was kind of procrastinating anyways" i reassure her. "oh well you better pack because i know you never will if you don't" she lectures me. "yeah i know" i sigh. "well i should go do that love ya" i make a kissing noise. "love you too" she blows a kiss at me. i leave the call.

"ok then let's get packing" i say to myself. "but first a shower" i grab some sweatpants and a crop top to wear.

"ok now packing" i said as i go back in my room, after my shower.

it took me about 2 hours to pack. i packed probably way more than i need to but oh well im too lazy to unpack now. i left out a couple outfits for the next two days and my toothbrush and toothpaste.

"my clothes should be done with" i step out of my room into the laundry room. "yay!" i grab fundy's hoodie out of the dryer along with my other clothes. i fold them and just decide to put them in my dresser since it was only shorts and jeans. i decide to put the hoodie on.


"hi will" i say going into his room. "this is my first time going on a trip by myself and i am very nervous" i sit on his floor like i always do when we have serious conversation. "yeah i bet you are nervous even i was when i first went on a trip by myself but it's really fun" he takes a breath.

"but you get to find yourself in a way. i don't know how to explain it but it's very cool" he continues. "yeah i know what you mean" i nod my head. "see" he pats my back.

"well im going to go watch this new film on netflix wanna watch it with me?" he asks me and puts his hand out for me to take since i am on the floor. "sure why not" i take his hand and he pulls me up.

the movie was called 'i'm thinking of ending things'. the ending left both of us confused. we had to look up the meaning on google and it was much more deep than we had thought.

a-n// it's actually a really good movie and i recommend it. it is on netflix. the ending did not make sense to me, so i had to look it up. it was very um ✨interesting✨ to say the least.

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