《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 14


i woke up and realized fundy wasn't in bed. i went to see where he was and he was in the kitchen making pancakes.

"baby!! good morning" he says flipping a pancake. "morning" i kiss him on the cheek and hop on the counter. "so i have to leave by 1 to get to the airport on time" he points out. "ok" i sigh. "it's ok don't be sad" he comes and stands in front of me. he stands in between my legs and hugs my waist.

"y/n, i really do love you and you think i wanna leave but i promise next month i will see you again pinky promise" he sticks out his pinky. "pinky promise" i take his pinky in my own.

i start eating my pancakes at the island. "prince, could i visit your house next time?" i ask. "of course" he lifts my chin. he gives me a peck on the lips.

"morning niki" i say as i see her coming in the kitchen. "morning" she says with a smile. "i can't believe i have only been here 3 days it feels like a month" she says buttering her pancakes. "right" i put my plate in the sink. "yeah, but i'll be back soon" i come and stand next to her. "y'know i love you niki" i smile at her.

"REALLY?" she is shocked. "yeah" i say confused. "well, im just shocked because you have never said it to me in all our years of being friends" she explains. "whatever" i give her a huge hug. "y'know n/n i guess i love ya too" she says. "i got to finish packing" she says bringing her pancakes in will's room. "okay" i say.

i head in my room and see fundy putting something in my closet. "hey, whatcha doing?" i walk over to him. "umm just look in the closet" he puts his hands behind his back. "ok" i say confused. i look and see one of his hoodies. "aww thank you so much, prince" i hug him. "of course now can i please have my favorite one back" he pleads. "but it smells like you" i pout. "uh but that one i gave also smells like me" he sighs. "fine" i huff. i take it off and hand it to him. "thank you" he kisses my cheek. "yeah yeah" i put on his other one.


"im gonna take a quick nap wake me up when you are done" i yawn. "ok love ya" he says. "love you too" i hop on my bed.

"y/n wake up please we got to leave pretty soon" fundy shakes me. "uh ok" i rub my eyes. i head in the bathroom and just put on some butterfly sweats.

"fundyyyyyy" i go over and hug him. "what?" he asks. "i don't want you to go" i want to cry but don't. "don't be sad" he picks me up. i just lay my head in the crook of his neck. "you're fine" he kisses my cheek. "can you carry me to the car?" i ask nervously. "of course" he heads out my room.

i rest my eyes. i feel him set me in the backseat. "i'll be right back i have to grab my bags" he says. i just nod my head.

"hello y/n" niki says getting in the passenger seat. "hi" i say in a weak voice. "what's wrong?" she looks back at me. "i wish you guys could stay longer" i sigh. "same" she grabs my hand. "but we will always love and care for you" she rubs her finger on the back of my hand. "thanks niki" i say feeling a little better. she gives me a warm smile.

"im back" fundy gets in the back with me. i scoot over to him and lean on him. "i love you" he whispers in my ear and wraps an arm around me. i just blush and close my eyes.

we finally arrive. "ugh my legs hurt" i say getting out the car. "same" will says. fundy and niki get their bags out of the trunk. he grabs my hand. i take a deep breath just like i did when we went to see pick up both of them. we start walking to the their gate.


"fundy i love you a lot" i start to cry. "baby it's ok i need you to stay strong for the both of us" he says wiping my tears and grabbing my hands. "ok" is all i can manage to say. "stay strong my queen" he kisses my forehead. "i will for you my king" he lets go of my hands and heads to the gate.

"bye babes" niki says waving. "bye niki" i blow her a kiss.

"sis, it's ok he will be back" wilbur comes and comforts me. "i know it's just sad but those three days were the happiest days of my life" i turn to face him. "same sis same, let's head home" he gives me a small side hug. "ok" i huff.

i get in the passenger seat and hear my phone go off. i see a text from niki.

just thought i should share these;)

*5 photos

i click on them and they were pictures of me and fundy cuddling. i smile at them and set it as my lockscreen. i put my hands in my pocket and feel a piece of paper. i was curious so i opened.

dear my beautiful minecraft wife,

this is your minecraft husband speaking, i would like to say i love and appreciate you being in my life. i just wanna say meeting and dating you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. these last three days will be something i will remember for the rest of my life. my life was pretty boring before you came in it but i remember the first time we met. me, you, tommy, wilbur, tubbo, niki, and scott(smajor) were all on a call and that was probably the moment i fell in love with you. well i wrote this note for you so you will always remember that i love you.


floris, your boyfriend

i hold the note close to my chest and feel a tear drop fall on my face. UGH WHY DO I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!

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