《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 13


after talking about things me and fundy decided to head to town on our own today. we were also going to bring tommy to the train station.

i put on my fishnets with my ripped skinny jeans. i also put on a dark green crop top. i put fundy's sweatshirt on but didn't zip it up. i also put on my yellow vans i drew all over. (sorry about this i really like putting together outfits)

"fundy, tommy i am ready to go" i yell by the front door. tommy runs up by me. "FUNDY" i say as he comes over. "im here woman let's go" he ushers me out. "did you just call me woman" i look up at him. "you're my woman" he boops my nose. "hey! people don't boop my nose i boop theirs" i boop his. "whatever tommy's train is soon" he takes my hand.

"tommy im gonna miss you" i give him a hug. "you know im gonna miss you more" he hugs me back. "well just be back soon" i put my hands behind my back.

"hey, man im gonna miss you after all these months playing minecraft together we finally met hopefully it's not the last time" fundy gives him a small side hug. "yeah maybe we could all meet up again one day" tommy says.

"well i got to go bye" he chuckles. "bye" me and fundy wave as he gets on the train. "im gonna miss that baby man" i say as we head out. "i think i am too" he sighs.

"so what do you wanna do" i ask. "just follow me" he puts out his hand and i take it. he brings me to my favorite small gas station. "pick a drink and a snack on me" he says. "really" i question him. "yeah now go before i change my mind" he reassures me. i laugh and pick out a pink monster and gummy bears. i bring it to the cash register and he brings his too. we pay and leave.


"where now?" i ask. "stop asking so many questions and follow me" he gestures for me to follow him. we head up a small hill. then they was a huge field with a water tower in the front. "wow i love it here" i walk and sit in front of the water tower. "come and sit with me dum dum" i pat the grass next to me.

"what's the time" i ask him. "two" he looks down at his phone. "ok" i open my gummy bears. we just spend a lot of the time talking about whatever comes up.

"wanna take some pictures?" i ask. "of us" he questions. "well yeah" i pull out my phone. "ok yeah" he smiles. "yay" i jump with joy.

we take a couple photos of us smiling. me kissing his cheek him kissing mine. some of us being chaotic.

"ugh, im tired" he yawns and lays on my lap. "me too" i look down at him. i starts stroking his hair and he closes his eyes. i pull out my phone and snap a quick photo of him. he looked so peaceful.

i lay on my back so i am looking at the sky. the sun was setting now we must have been here like three or four hours at least. "fundy look" i shake his arm and point at the sunset. "wow it's so beautiful" he props himself on his elbows. the sky was a purple, pink, orange, and a little bit of red. "right" i say amazed.

it was now 6ish and we could see the stars. i was laying on his chest staring up at the sky. "baby" he says. "huh" i sit up. "you know i have to go back tomorrow" he sits up and looks back at me. "yeah but do you have to?" i ask.


"baby i will be back and you can always come visit me, we can talk everyday, and maybe we can get married in minecraft" he shrugs. "only if it's a cottagecore theme wedding" i point my finger at him. "of course anything for my baby" he pulls me in for a hug. "for now let's just appreciate of little time left together" he kisses the top of my head.

it's been couple minutes later and we have decided to head back. "my prince, i love you" i hold his hand. "baby i love you so much i can't even describe it" he squeezes my hand. i blush and kiss his cheek.

we finally arrive home. "where have you guys been for 4 hours?" will asks right when we head in the living room. "wilbur worry about that later just be happy they are alive" niki gives me a tight hug.

"oh we're sorry we didn't tell you we completely forget" i pull away from niki's tight hug. "it's fine we just are glad you guys are alive" niki glares at will. "yeah i guess we are" he rolls his eyes.

i laugh and take fundy's hand. "we are heading to bed goodnight" i say. "night" they both say.

"fundy since you have to leave tomorrow let's sleep early" i say looking at my phone and seeing it's only 7. "you're right" he sighs. "im gonna change real quick" i got to the bathroom and just put on my sweatpants. i flop back on the bed. "night" i lay on my side. "goodnight" he puts his arms around my waist.

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