《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 10


i wake up to fundy stroking my hair. "good morning" he kisses the top of my forehead. "morning" i blush. i honestly still can't believe this is all real.

"what time is it" i sit up. "12" he pulls me back down. "hey we should probably get up i think will and niki went to go get tommy" i look at my phone.

i see a couple missed calls from will, 1 from niki, and a text from tommy. "ugh i know but i just wanna stay in bed all day" he sighs. "i do too but i told tommy i would eat lunch with him" i get up.

"ugh baby please" he grunts. i blush at the nickname. "fundy" i climb back on the bed. "come on" i pull his arm. i keep pulling at his arm until he pulls me on top of him. "FUNDY" i scream at him. i sit up so im sitting on his waist and slap his chest. "we have to get up ok?" i sigh. he doesn't say anything he just kisses me. i blush. "fine" he finally says. i get off of him.

i go to the bathroom connected to my room and change. i put on my fishnets and black skirt. i keep on my shirt i had on from last night. i step out and realize it my be cold so i grab fundy's signature rainbow sweatshirt.

"hey! that's mine" he shouts. "whatever you're my boyfriend now it's the boyfriend thing to do" i put my hand on his shoulder. he picks me up. "hey put me down" i yell at him. "i just wanted to get a better view of your face to say you're cute" he gives me a peck on the lips. "whatever" i mumble. i blush a deep shade of red.

wilbur is calling me. "hey will" i say picking up. "hi, so can you and fundy meet us at McDonald's?" he asks. "yeah definitely" i reply. "great bye" he says. "bye" i hang up.

"fundy we got to go" i put on my doc martens. "i don't have a car but McDonald's is only a couple blocks" i say as he comes out of my room. "ok cause im starving" he says. i just laugh and we walk out the door.

"want a piggyback ride?" he asks. "sure!" i hop on his back. we finally arrive and start laughing. we spot everyone else and go over to them.


"what's so funny" tommy asks. fundy and i look at each other and laugh. "nothing" i say in between laughs. "ok then let's head inside" wilbur says. fundy puts his arm around my shoulder and we head inside.

"fundy can you please order for me" i tug on his sleeve and whisper in his ear. "why" he whispers. "because im nervous so please i'll give you kiss" i plead. "fine what do you want" he asks. "chickie nuggies with ranch please" i give him a kiss on the cheek. i can tell he blushed a little bit.

"i'll go find all of us a seat" i leave and find a table of six. "perfect" i say to myself. niki comes and sits by me.

"what was that?" she asks pointing to fundy. "uh just giving my boyfriend a kiss i guess" i look down at my feet. "oh well i was just wondering because he is ordering your food" she says. "oh yeah you know i hate ordering myself because you have ordered my food many times" i chuckle. "yeah i guess" she leans her head on my shoulder.

"oh and your wearing his favorite sweatshirt" she nudges arm. "yeah i told him it was the boyfriend thing to do" i smile remembering this morning. "im tired" i say yawning. "and fundy didn't wanna get up" i roll my eyes. "same with me" she says.

the guys come over with my food and sit down. niki sits up. fundy sits next to me with wilbur across from niki and tommy across from me.

"here are your chicken nuggets madam" he hands them to me. "why thank you kind sir" i grab them.

"sup tommy, i don't think i have talked to you today. how are you?" i ask looking at him. "nothing really i spent the night at tubbo's then came here. why weren't you and fundy at breakfast?" he asks. "we slept in we were both tired" i take a bite of my chicken nugget. "i can kind of tell you both still are" he laughs.

"yes very did not wanna come here" fundy says. i smack his arm. "yes we are but we are glad to be here" i smile and tommy and give fundy a death glare. he pecks me on the lips because he knows it while make me look away and it works.


i look down at my food and just blush while fundy continues talking to tommy. it's like no one is phased it by it except me. i wonder why tommy isn't asking about it. i guess he kind of figured me and fundy are dating.

fundy taps my shoulder and i look up at him. "are you done? we were thinking about heading out" he asks. i shake my head yes. fundy grabs my garbage and throws it away. he comes back and outs out his hand for me to grab. i grab his hand a kiss him on the cheek. we head to main street because i wanna get some candy.

"y/n! look what i stole" fundy shows me a McDonald's sign that says 69. "nice" i laugh.

"fundy how do you feel about women?" tommy asks with his camera in hand. fundy just puts up the sign that says 69. i slap his arm and laugh.

"well then" tommy points the camera towards me. "how about you mitch, your opinion on women?" he asks. "women good, men stinky especially fundy" i point at him. "i agree with you 1000 percent" niki says butting it. "see" i point behind me towards niki. we all laugh.

we arrive at the candy shop. "well we are here what now" wilbur asks. me and niki look at each other and run inside. i grab a bunch of gummy bears and gummy frogs.

fundy and tommy come over to me. "why hello crazy candy girl" tommy says. "hello psycho baby man" i snap back at him. "ok i know your a woman and all but i will still punch you" he says. "hey hey hey break it up" fundy says separating us. i stick my tongue out at tommy and he does the same.

i see niki and wilbur leaving so i go up and pay. i grab fundy by the hand and drag him out. "come on tommy!!" i yell at him and he follows.

"where do you guys wanna go now?" will asks. i shrug and feed fundy a gummy bear. "wherever is fine i got my gummies im set for life now" i hold up my gummies.

"what time is it?" niki asks. "almost two" tommy answers. "well i think me and fundy are gonna head back and take a nap" i say. "i agree" says fundy who is now hugging me from behind. "just wake us up when you guys get back" i say taking fundy's hand and walking away.

"good idea baby" he says winking at me. "whatever before we head back i need to go to the gas station it's like a block away from my house" i smile. "ok but why" he asks. "to get a monster of course it's the only thing i drink" i say. "ok then" he sighs.

i grab myself a white monster and pay for it. we head out and get back to the house. we take off our shoes and head to my bed. "ugh finally my favorite thing in the world" i flop on my bed.

"hey! i thought i was" he pouts. "well of course you are my prince" i smile and give him a kiss. he doesn't pull away but keeps kissing me. he picks me up. i pull away. "FUNDY PUT ME DOWN" i whine. "but baby you're so light" he doesn't put me down. "meanie just at least put me back on my bed" i give him a kiss so he will. "fine" he chuckles and puts me down.

"thank you now i am going to put on my shorts" i walk away from him. i take off my skirt and fishnets and put on my shorts. i keep fundy's sweatshirt on. i walk out and flop next to fundy.

"you can turn on the tv if you want" i say but it was muffled because my face is in my pillow. "no im good i would rather just watch your beautiful face" he says and even though i can't see his face i know he is smirking.

i look up at him and smush his face in the pillow. "stop flirting with me and take a nap" i smirk back at him. he lays down and i lay on his chest. "love you baby" he kisses my forehead. "love you too my prince" i blush.

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