《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 7


today was the day i got to see my two best friends. i has just finished packing up my bag. i was just going for the day so it was just my hello kitty backpack. i had about and hour left so i asked will to drive me.

"hey will, can you drive me to the train station?" i ask with my bag over my shoulder. "sure" he grabs his keys and we head out the door.

even though im old enough to drive i don't think i have to and will doesn't really mind. we get in his car and start to drive. "hey did you talk to fundy yesterday?" he questions.

of course that's the first thing he asks. "um yeah" i sigh. i really didn't want to talk about it and will could tell so the rest of the way there it was just silence.

"ok bye sis love ya stay safe be back tonight" wilbur says as i open the door. "yes i know love ya" i get out and wave goodbye.

"one ticket to *insert tubbo's town* please" i say to the man working the front desk. "ok here is one ticket to *tubbo's town*" he says handing me the ticket. "thank you" i smile. he smiles back and replies with a small of course.

i rush outside because i see my train coming. i hop on the train and sit in the back by a window.

"welp 2 more hours to go" i mumble to myself. it was around 9 so i should get there 11-12. i put in my headphones and listen to >>>>>>>>>>>>

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(it's actually a really good song one of my favorites)

maybe i can text fundy he should be getting on his plane soon since he is arriving tonight.


hey i just got on my train to see tommy and tubs. i figured you would be getting on your flight. text me as soon as you can please

10 minutes later

hi when you texted me i was just getting on my flight but now im coming to see you. stay safe!!

of course i will and i can't wait to see you tonight!


1 hour later

ugh that felt like forever. well im finally here tommy should be here to pick me up.

"TOMMY, TUBBO!!!" i scream at the top of my lungs. "Y/N" they both scream back. we run to each other and get tackled. we all start laughing and stand up.

"well hi guys" i smile. "hey" they say. "well what are we doing today" i ask. "tommy was thinking we could go back to my house and stream, talk, and eat lunch" tubbo says. "sounds fun especially if it's with you two" i ruffle both of their hair.

we start walking because tubbo says his house wasn't far from here. tommy slows down so he was walking next to me.

"hey so did you figure out the whole thing with fundy" he tries to whisper but fails. "what about fundy?" tubbo asks. i look at tommy and give him the death glare. "uh nothing" he quickly says. "no it's ok i'll tell him" i smile at tubbo because he didn't know any better.

"we're here" tubbo smiles. we head inside and go to tubbo's room. "wow it's so nice your setup is really cool" i say and you can practically see sparkles in my eyes. "thanks" he sits on his bed.

"so could you please explain this whole fundy thing" he pleads. "i guess but only cause you're my best friend" i sit by him. "hey what about me you wouldn't even known him if i wasn't for me" yommy yells at me. "well if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have to explain it to him" i stick my tongue out. "fair" he says.


"well basically *explains what happened*" i sigh. "oh wow so are you guys together?" he questions. "uh i don't know we both have feelings for each other but we are both wimps" i lean my head on his shoulder. "you're seeing him tonight right" he asks."right" i answer. "well i think it would be much easier to ask someone in person then over the phone" they smile. "omg you're right tubs" i give him a hug. he hugs me back and smile.

"well what do you guys want for lunch?" tommy asks. "i just want a salad from anywhere" i say. "CHEESEBURGER" tubbo says. "ok well i will order from that diner i saw walking back" he gets out this phone and orders. "well it should be here in like 10 minutes wanna start a stream" he asks. me and tubbo both say yes.

"well hello stream" tommy says. "so today i am on tubbo's channel crazy right well i'm here with y/n and tubbo" me and tubbo both wave. "hey, some people are calling us the three amigos" i laugh. "well we sort of are" tubbo says. "yeah pretty much" tommy says.

"someone asked how tall all of us are " Tubbo says. we stand up and tommy is the tallest and i'm only a couple inches taller then tubbo. we all start laughing. "you are so short tubs" i laugh. "hey i'm only a couple inches shorter" he whines. the door bell rings. "that's probably the food i'll get it" i say.

"FOOD" i yell coming back into the room. "yay" they both say. we eat our food and continue answering questions and talking to the chat. we decided to end the stream just so we can hang. "bye guys" we all say.

"let's watch a movie" tommy suggests. tommy and tubbo sit on the bed while i sat on a chair next to the bed. "let's watch diary of a wimpy kid" i say. "you always watch that" tubbo laughs. "ok and?" i steal the remote from tommy.

the movie was over and it was 4. "hey guys my train is soon i should get going" i say. "awe do you have to leave?" tubbo cries.

"you know we don't live that far away from each other and you know where me and will live" i hug him and tommy. "can we at least walk you" he asks. "of course" i smile.

"bye guys im gonna miss promise to visit" i say. "of course we will! right tommy?" tubbo nudges tommy. "i guess it was fun hanging out with you see you tomorrow" tommy says. "bye guys" i wave.

i get on the train and start to silently cry. i didn't want to leave them. at least i get to see fundy tonight. that made me feel a little better.

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