《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 6


"hey tommy" i say picking up his call. "hello y/n" he replies. "so you know how fundy and niki are coming in a couple days" he continues. "yeah?" i say confused.

"well i'm coming too" he says excited. "wait no way i get to meet like three of my best friends, but i wish i could see tubbo too" i sigh. "well before i go there i'm going to see him maybe you can come" he says.

"WAIT YES!!" i scream. "i'll ask will" i continue. "ok well got to go motherinnit is mad at me" he grunts. "of course she is well bye loser" i sigh. he says bye and hangs up.

"WILBUR" i scream going into his room. "what mitch" he swivels around in his chair. "so you know how niki and fundy are coming soon well tommy says he is too and before he is going to tubbo's so can i go?" i sit on his bed. "um are you taking the train" he asks. "well no duh" i look at him. "uh sure just be back in the afternoon" he says. "of course" i get up. "and please talk to fundy today" he looks at his computer. i sigh and leave.

what do i do about fundy. of course i like him i mean you already know that. UGH FUNDY>:(!!

i go on twitter and see some of my fans are asking why i haven't streamed in the last few days. i try to ignore it but i can't. i haven't streamed in the past 3 days and some people are getting worried.


hey everybody i am safe i just been busy sorry i haven't been streaming will soon xoxo💗

hopefully that will be enough to satisfy them. in the meantime i'll try to talk to fundy. ugh it's gonna be so awkward. SUCK IT UP Y/N!!!!



oh um hey

um so before you come i get to see tommy and tubbo

oh about that idk if i can come

oh well i was hoping to see you:(

yeah sorry

why is he being so blunt i mean i didn't reject him i would never reject the love of my life. so like any reasonable person i called him. can you tell im being sarcastic. after 3 rings he picks up.

"uh hi" i say. "hello" he says. "what you doing" i ask. "nothing i gotta go bye" he replies. "WHAT DID I DO WRONG" i scream at him and immediately regret it. we just sit there in silence for a good 30 seconds and i thought he hung up until he spoke.

"that's the thing y/n you didn't do anything" he sighs. "i admitted my feelings for you and you haven't called, texted, or even been on my streams for 3 days" he continued.

"well fundy tell me what to do then" i want to sob really badly but don't. "y/n, i know you have feelings for me so why didn't you return them when i told you" he spits out. "well i don't know what to say i've liked you for a long time and im not good with this stuff" i sigh.

"fundy i really do wanna be with you but im scared" i start to sob i couldn't hold it in any longer. "what is there to be scared of exactly" he questions. "im scared im just gonna get hurt" i continuing sobbing.

"y/n why would i ever hurt you?" he sounds like he is going to cry now. "i don't know" i wipe my tears. "i love you" he says. i sit there in shock. "i- i love you too" i say. "well i got to go and i was lying i am coming to see you" he says. "really! yay! bye" he hangs up. i sigh and scream in my pillows.


wilbur bursts into my room. "what happened is someone trying to murder you" he asks concerned. "no?" i say confused. he sighs with relief. "well ok whatever" he leaves. i giggle with happiness.

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