《Cloaked Heart {fundylive}》24


i know a lot of people may be upset at fundy.

i as a victim accepted his apology, i don't speak for anyone else. but i continued the story as i didn't feel truly affected by the jackbox joke

please don't spread hate to fundy, especially death threats. that's not okay. and don't send hate towards this book for fundy being in it. also please don't mention the drama in my story at all thank you.

i'm here for anyone, direct messages are always open


Celaine brought herself to look up at the boy, her feelings spewed out faster than she would have liked. The Dutch boy only waited for her to begin speaking.

"My dad, i'm not sure he just showed up. He changed a lot, but i don't want to trust him. Him leaving hurt me so much but he left to change himself, and in the process he left me all alone," her feelings felt like a dam had just been broken the way they spewed out.

"You don't have to trust him Celaine, you can ease into it. Almost everything takes time you need to realize that, it takes time to process things and figure out how you feel. Celaine just do me a favor and breath," fundys fingers traced up her back as she sobbed.

The girl listened his presence almost being the comfort she needed. She felt as if her heart had a small place reserved for him, with this she got

up from the couch. Fundy sat down not sure if he should follow behind her, but patiently waited for her return.

After what felt like twenty five minutes Celaine returned to the living room, only this time she was dressed. "Why are you.." he looked her up and down, "dressed up," he couldn't tell if it was just his emotions speaking for him or just the way Celaine smiled down at him. But all her knew was he wanted to connect his lips with her.

Snapping back into the reality he shook his head clear, Celaines arm now extended in front of him for a small gesture to help him up. He abided and took her hand as she lifted him off the couch with slight struggle. "The Heart of Amsterdam," was all she said as she leaned down on the table and grabbed the piece of paper.


The place the two of them had been talking about visiting since the day in the airport. She smiled

watching as his face glowed in excitement. "Are you sure you wanna go, you got a lot going on right now. We can postpone it," he muttered. She shook her head no and continued for the door.

"You're insane," he huffed following her out the door and waiting as she locked it before continuing forward. Celaine walked straight to her car, fundy not getting the memo as he walked to his own


"Fundy!" she shouted ever so slightly, his ears perked at the sound of his name. He quickly

turned around to see her standing beside her own car, he felt as a smirk fall across his face as his face flushed peach in embarrassment.

"I have to call George, so don't expect music," fundy nodded in acceptance, she unlocked her car and quickly bent down to get inside, Fundy followed as well.

The car was starting and Celaines fingers trembled along the phone screen as she looked for George's name. She saw multiple text from him, tommy and others, instead of addressing them she simply opened her call list and the small ringing noise filled the car.

After only two rings Celaine pulled out of the driveway and headed down the streets, the now lightened rain didny really affect the two.

After the call rang five times George's voice was heard on the other end. "Are you alright?" he quickly spewed out. "Yeah?" she replied confused fundy only began laughing. Celaine smacked him over the shoulder and waited for george.

"How have you been? Besides fundy," George asked, Celaine looked at Fundy who was already looking at her and their faces but blushed slightly.

"Well i'll just lay it on you, my grandma is in a coma, she might not make it out like last time,"

she heard George's gasp on the other side of the phone line. Fundys face filled with confusion as he didn't know about this either.

"My dads clean, he owns a bakery in Paris. It even promotes mental health, after my moms funeral he went to rehab and just finished five years ago," she heard a loud bang, fundy tried not to give off a reaction as she was already dealing with George's.


"Are you okay? That's a lot of information. Have you seen your dad though?" Celaine chuckled in response, her way of handling things was always quite odd. "I'm better now, and yes i have he showed up after I got home from visiting my Oma," Fundy looked down to see her hand on the gear shift, the other gripped the steering wheel.

In the midst of Celaines phone call, Fundy placed his hand atop hers, causing the girls jaw to

drop a little. "I'm sorry Celaine, what are you doing now," george stood on the other side of the line completely at a loss for words, just trying to form a sentence.

"Well i'm with Fundy, going to the heart of Amsterdam," she replied, fundy squeezed her hand, causing a smile to spread across her face. "Hey Fundy, but i'll let you go Celaine call me later," George couldn't really express comfort.

"Alright george i'll talk to you," he ended the call and Fundy looked over at Celaine, "you didn't tell me about Mila," he said in a low voice. The girl shook her head. "I'm just trying not to think about," she responded, fundys thumb caressed her hand as they sat in the car.

He hummed a silent response and turned on the music, Japanese Denim by Daniel Caesar played for the car ride.


liked fundylive, dreamwastaken and 234,677 others

ceeyoulater; even on the bad days, i'm still swag

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dreamwastaken: u good?

georgenotfound: ily cee

sage_: always here babe

fundylive: can u order yet??


The girl scoffed as she looked up from her phone, the boy pointed over to the waiter that stood at the table. "Oh sorry, just some chicken fingers and chips," she smiled at the waitress who nodded and walked away from the two.

"You alright?" Fundy asked, placing his hand on hers as they rested on the table. "Yeah i'm okay," she quickly responded. "Are you sure?" he asked again, a feeling in his chest felt as if she was lying.

"I'm okay, as good as i can be after everything."

Fundy smiled, the small amount of optimism that carried in her voice placed him in a feeling of protection of the girl. The quote that Wilbur always said to him played through his head.

"Knight," he muttered aloud. "What'd you say?" Celaine asked aloud. "I was just thinking about something a friend told me," he looked around the secluded cafe that she chose to dine in.

"Well what is it?" Celaine asked out curiosity. "They said something along the lines of, 'be their knight in shining armor' and it just kinda stuck with me," Fundy replied.

"You are a knight in shining armor," Celaine squeezed his hand. A smile blushed onto his face, his face was flushed, and the warm feeling tingled around his face. The girl broke out into a wide smile.


It was now night fall. The streets of Amsterdam now lit up the small amounts of darkness. The two walked around together appreciating the small owned businesses.

Celaine grabbed Fundys hand interlocking their hands as the small September winds filled the air. The two didn't share a look but accepted the small interaction of affection.

The streets were filled with people enjoying one another. Celaine felt a small feeling of excitement, one she felt she needed. Unknowingly the small piece of paper holding her fathers number had flown out of her pocket.

The two still walked along the streets, the small stores making the town come together and giving it the theme that the Netherland people adored so much.


since i've posted this story's reads sky rocketed

so thank you guys for that. there are only 6 chapters left and the next two chaoters are gonna be time skips. i don't like this chapter much but all well

if you wanna know what happened to celaine in the smp check out gi-islost story as this story carries on celaines story in the smp as i had no energy to write it.

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