《Cloaked Heart {fundylive}》23


hey just a reminder, voting and comments

keep me motivated

so you should

do that


His lips were in the odd shape of a smile she could barely recognize. He didny look like how he used to, he looked tamed, and not high off of an unknown drug. He helped her to her feet not saying a word. He stood in a suit, and had slight stubble forming on his jawline.

"Ellie," his smile widened as he looked down at his daughter. Celaine only took a step back in a state of shock as she looked up at him. Her mouth gaped open slightly as she noticed all of his differences, he looked clean, but that was just by the looks.

"Wh.. why are you here?" she took another step back, the rain still poured around them. "I was on Milas emergency call list, they called me after you stopped responding. I just flew in from Paris," she watched as he swiped the rain off of his face, only for more to pile in. "Why did you come?" she barely got her sentance out as she looked up at him.

"Can we go inside?" he looked up at the sky as a strike of lighting was sent through the sky, a loud roar of thunder appearing right after. She looked at him as if he was insane, "I gu-guess," she mumbled, walking to her front door.

She opened the door and gestured him to come inside, he removed his shoes and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and dried his hands in face. Celaine quickly walked to her closet and grabbed two towels and quickly laying them on the couch. "What happened to you?" was all she said as she watched him take a seat, Willow quickly ran for Celaines room.

"I know Celaine, I fucked up. I don't expect you to forgive me. But i wanna show you that i'm not the same man i was all those years ago. After your mom..." his words became hesitant as he took a large gulp. "after she passed, i moved to Paris, and enrolled myself in a rehabilitation facility. After they let me go, I started to better myself. I got my own bakery out in Paris, just like me and her wanted," he could barely make eye contact with Celaine as another tear rolled off her cheek.

"What'd you call the bakery?" she felt as a small smile grew on her face. "Ça s'ameliore, or It Gets Better, in french. I promote mental health growth, It's really successful actually. I bet Sarah would be proud," he smiled over at his daughter, as his eyes pricked with tears. "Why didn't you reach out sooner?" she mumbled, her hands crossed in her lap. "I saw how well you were doing. I didn't wanna get in the way," he placed his hands on hers.


"But there was never a day where I didn't regret leaving you. Especially when I didn't come back after Sarah's funeral. You needed me, but in a way maybe it was better I wasn't around. I got better, i was in rehab for three years, and constantly re-admitted myself because i was scared of a relapse. I wasn't completely secure with myself until five years ago. I still go to sessions today actually," Celaine looked up at him in a state of distraught.

Not knowing how to feel as her father chose drugs instead of her when she was just a child, and couldn't even better himself until after her mom passed away. Leaving her to only have Sapnap, Dream and George to confide in, along with her Oma.

"That's great," she finally said, looking up at the man she called her father. "I'm proud of you, I bet mom would be too," she bit her lip in a state of confusion of not knowing how to feel. "I'm sorry I just barged in. But when they told me Mila wasn't doing well, it just felt like my gut told me coming back to the Netherlands would be right," he now had his hands crossed as well.

"Oma isn't doing so well. She's in a coma, they don't know if she's coming out this time," she rubbed the back of her neck keeping her eyes at the ground. "Celaine if you want me to go, just say so," he laughed awkwardly. "Would it be rude if I did?" she looked up at the man who only nodded a simple no. "It's not you, I just had a bad day. Wasn't really expecting you here," she mumbled getting up from her seat, and walking towards her kitchen.

Her father sat in silence, keeping his head towards the group. Willow made her way to the counter top, Celaine silently stroked her spine, putting both of them at ease.

"I'll see myself out. I'll be in the heart of Amsterdam this week. Just thought you should know," he stood up from his seat, removing the towel from the couch and folding it neatly before heading to the door. He looked up at her one more time. "I'll see you soon Ellie," he waved a small goodbye before exiting the house. A loud crack of thunder shot through the sky as the door shut.

Celaine only sat in her kitchen in a state of complete and utter shock.


Celaine now sat in her bed a whirl of feelings surrounded her. Willow cuddled her as she sat on her chest, Celaine only stared at the ceiling. A sly tear falling down her face as she stared up.


She wondered how her mom would feel right now. Or even how her Oma would feel. Something deep down told her that her mom would have pulled him into a large embrace, telling him how proud she was of his recovery. Or is that just what Celaine wanted, she was only eight when he chose to leave, she only saw him once, and she just remembered how rough he looked.

It never occurred to her that he would go to France and transform his life over the decade. He knew she was doing well.. had he turned into one of her streams, or did a distant family member tell him. Or even her Oma.

Finally, noticing her staggering heart beat she sat up from her bed. Willow grew startled as she jumped to the edge of Celaines bed looking up at her, Celaine reached for her phone, looking down at willow as her eyes grew bigger, it was the most adorable sight she had seen.



puppy dog eyed

willow for the win am i right





*doesn't answer phone all day

then post willow*


i'm heading to bed, never saw this tweet



fundylive: O.o


this is the most controversial

thing you have ever tweeted




Celaine sat on her phone, looking through all the unopened messages that crossed her screen, exactly sixitynine messages from George, a few text from Quackity, four simple text from Fundy each one within a range of an hour.

She couldn't bother to answer then, how was she gonna tell George, or Fundy. Quackity was a whole different story, she was even confused by his text. But as she stared down at her screen, it began to ring... it was Quackity, shrugging her shoulders she answered.

"Hello Alex," her Dutch accent rang through the phone. A large gasp was heard from Celaines end, followed by a loud shout, "she answered me and not you guys!" Celaine quickly face palmed. "Really Alex?" she huffed, a small giggle escaping her lips. "Me, Fundy and George were betting all day, you just got me $100 actually," he chuckled. "You gotta split that with me," she quickly responded. "I guess that could work," she could practically hear his eye roll.

"Fundy was gonna show up to your house soon, we heard his keys jingling and everything," she audibly gasped. "It's a storm, is he nuts?" she questioned. "Yes!" Quackity shouted in response. "I don't even know why i asked that," she laughed. "He said if you don't answer he's coming," Alex patronized. "Guess i'll see him soon," she hung up the phone and laid back down.

The small phone call made it feel like a weight was lifted off of her chest, her shoulders finally relaxed as she cracked her knuckles. A rush of adrenaline quickly made her sit up, she jumped off of her bed and headed for her living room.

She began to clean up the towels, and her staggering amount of coffee cups. A small neatly folded note sat on the coffee table, she quickly picked it up, unwrapping the small paper to see a phone number written on it, 'call me if you want ellie, i love you.'

She sighed looking down at the note, she grabbed her phone and copied the number into her contacts. Placing her phone back down, the thunder and lighting seemed to had come to a stop as she walked around her flat, cleaning up. The calm rain drops that hit the glass helped her relax.


Just as she wiped her last counter a loud knock came from her front door, she heard timid pestering from the inside of her flat. She walked up to the door, opening it to see a slightly damp fundy standing outside.

His phone held to his ear, "Hello madam, i came here about your tax fraud, and lack of communication.. may i come in," the dutch boy had the goofiest smile on his face as the glass door barricaded the distance between the two. "I guess so," she playfully rolled her eyes and opened the door, he hung up the phone and pulled her into a large, comforting embrace.

Celaine felt her eyes swell up with tears as he hugged her tighter, unsure as to why she just pulled him in closer, silently sobbing. Fundy quickly picked up on it and brought her over to the couch, only letting go to close the door.

The two sat on the couch, fundy noticed the unfolded note that sat on the coffee table, he squinted his eyes to read the note. He cocked his brow but only turned his attention back to the girl that sat in his grasp.

He quickly placed his hand on the side of her face, using his other hand to tilt her chin up to look at him, he wiped a single tear with his thumb.

"Celaine what happened?"


17k reads on this story wtf bruh thank you guys so much



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