《Cloaked Heart {fundylive}》22


sad chapter, anxiety, sad topics

sad atmosphere, sad things


The two shared a calming smile as he entered his car. The boy had a bright smile on his face, Celaine trying to reciprocate the face. He only kept that smile as he started the car, he didn't want to look away from her.

She watched as his car pulled away, she felt a small tug at her heart. Watching as he quickly waved goodbye, before turning his eyes back to the road.

She waved goodbye before turning back to her house, closing the door as she walked inside.


It had been a week since he left. The girl sat behind her PC putting clips together for a youtube video she wanted to put out this week. Her phone played the melody of Sparks by Coldplay.

The music muted, she turned to her phone to see the nurse that worked with her grandmother was calling her. She quickly took her hands that had a layer of sweat on them from being on the PC so long. "Hello?" she spoke up her voice coarser as she cleared her throat.

"Celaine, hello," the woman on the other side of the phone line seemed panicked as she spoke up. "Is everything okay?" Celaine quickly asked. "Mila.. she fell into a coma after her last nap. Her heart beat is steady but she is completely unresponsive," the woman's voice cracked under the call.

Celaines phone fell from her hand, she felt as if her heart fell to the bottom of her chest. All she heard was her phone clatter against the floor, one by one until it completely fell flat on the ground. She heard her ears ringing, the assistant shouting could hardly be heard from her phone as it laid on the ground.

She pressed her palms to her ears, in hopes of canceling out the ringing. All of it started to overwhelm her. The news, the sounds, the heavy breathing that sent a sharp spike into her ribs.

All she heard as she uncovered her ears was the phone call end, as it began ringing again. She quickly looked over to it, Willow nudged her head on it, signaling for Celaine to pick it up.

She did just that, tears brining from her eyes as she tried to process the news. "Hello, i'm sorry," she quickly said. "For what?" a dutch accent rung out. "Wait who is this?" she pulled the phone away from her ear to see Fundys name brighten on her phone.

"Oh fundy, I gotta call you back," she quickly hung up the phone to see that the assistant texted her. She read the text aloud to herself, "hello, please come visit her soon. We really don't know what's going to happen," she felt a single tear fall down her face.


She replied with a simple okay, before leaving her chair. Her hands shaking as she walked to her front room. Willow followed quickly behind her, as if the cat knew she was anxious. She began meowing as Celaine banged her hand against the wall in frustration.

"I'm sorry Willow," she quickly muttered, looking down at her cat who looked startled. "Oma might not make it out this time," she fell to the floor, the cat cuddled on to her lap, in a sort of comfort as she began softly weeping against the walls of her living room.


She was in the car on her way to visit her Oma. The car ride felt unpleasant after the rushed call she received from the nurse that stayed with her. She didn't even have music playing, the only thing she heard was willows soft purring as they drove along the Amsterdam streets.

Her heart felt like it had fallen from her chest, and was stomped on multiple times. As if she couldn't feel anything, tears still pricked from her eyes at the thought of loosing Mila, it sent a sharp pang into her chest.

Willow meowed as she got a notification from her phone. "Not now Willow," she looked over the cat who's paws stammered against the phone scratching at the screen. "Willow stop," she quickly nudged the cat, who then tried to pounce at her hand. "Willow i said fucking stop!" her frustrations scared the cat, making her fall into the door.

Immediately looking at the cat she felt guilty, the build up of the emotions started to build up on to her, causing her to erupt. She pulled into the house where her Oma was.

She banged her head against the steering wheel completely. Letting out a small amount of her frustration, the cat immediately leaped onto her to stop her. "I need this Willow," she sighed. Banging her head once more, before sitting up and hitting her hands against the steering wheel, causing it to honk once.

Startling her and the cat she flew back, hitting her head on the back of her seat. "Fucking hell," she muttered, rubbing the back of her neck. The cat tilted her head at her practically saying 'i told you so,' without even doing anything.

Looking to her phone she saw a mass spam of tect messages from fundy and george. She sighed, leaving her phone in the car, grabbing willow in her clutches and leaving the car.

The sky seemed gray, her eyes only traveled to the brighter part of the sky that was covered by a dark storm cloud. She looked around, watching as the sky's grew clouded.


Willow seemed panic in her grasps so she continued forward to the house. Her head only lowered as she reached the door, kicking the gravel and dirt that stood below her feet. She slowly raised her hand to the door, Willow nudged her head into her chest. Taking that as a signal she knocked on the door, only once.

After a short 30 seconds, the door opened. The woman stood at the door, her head lowered as she saw Celaine standing there. Looking behind her she saw a doctor leave the room that Mila was sitting in.

Celaines eyes widened. "I'm sorry cee," the woman spoke, her voice was cracking slightly. "No it's okay. Can I see her?" she asked, she turned her head to her car to see the windshield being covered in rain drops.

"Come in," the woman opened the door quickly, stepping out of the way to let her in. "Thank you," she mumbled walking straight to the room. "You can stay as long as you need," the woman spoke up, Celaine turned her head to her "it won't be long, don't really know how much i can handle," celaine replied, filled with guilt. "That's completely okay,

I'll leave you two," she smiled calmly and closed the door as she walked out.

Celaine looked up to see her Oma. She looked more fragile then usual, but almost peaceful. Celaine could hardly ponder on the thought that she may not make it out this time. She would be loosing her rock, but this time their was no other person. She only had her mom and grandmother.

Willow tried to pounce off of her, she knew exactly where she was, she knew she was with her Oma. But didn't understand the situation. "Willow, not today," Celaine mumbled, petting the spine of the cat who purred in response.

"Hey Oma," she spoke up she put her hand on top of her Omas, grasping it slightly. "I don't know if you can really hear me, but i love you grandma mila," she felt a tear prick from her eyes. "You are strong , I know you are. But really Oma, you don't have to fight anymore. I understand now, I understand you are hurting," Willow cuddled into Celaines chest as tears began pour from her face.

She squeezed her hand, hoping, praying for a response. Only disappointed when Mila didn't return the gesture. Celaine sat there in silence only the sounds of her weeping could be heard throughout the house.

The loud sounds of thunder and lighting from the arising storm could be heard from the outside, only making Celaine cry harder as she sat in the room, grasping her Omas hand.


A knock was heard from the door, Celaine quickly looked up and wiped her tears away. "Come in," her voice cracked slightly. The door slightly opened and the doctor she had seen walking around when she first arrived stood at the door.

"I just wanted to let you know, you have been here for four hours. Nothing wrong with that at all, but the sky growing dark, and the storm is only getting harder. You can stay longer, this is only a heads up," The doctor smiled slightly at the girl.

"Oh, I didn't even realize," her eyes widened as she looked out the window. The sky was almost pitch black, and the rain was definitely pouring harder then she had ever seen.

She stood up from her seat, startling the cat who eruptly woke up from her sleep. "Sorry willow," she grasped the cat into her hand, walking up to her Oma, laying a small kiss on her forehead. "I love you," she whispered softly before heading for the door, turning once more to see her Oma. Her eyes filled with tears.

She couldn't bring herself to say a word, she walked straight out of the house. A small wave to them all was all she could bring herself to do.


She dropped the cat off, leaving everything behind as she walked back outside to her drive way. The rain poured down on her, the tears still fell continuously from her eyes as she stood their.

She fell to her knees, letting the rain consume her. The thunder and lighting cracking all around her as the sky was pitch black, the moon nowhere in sight. "I cant do this anymore," she sobbed, her head in her hands, sobbing harder then ever.

"Are you okay?" a voice spoke up, she completely froze. The tone of the voice sent a shiver up her spine. She released her head from her hands. She looked up to see a tall man standing in front of her. A car running could be faintly heard in the background.

The man held his hand out to help her to her feet. She accepted, her eyes met his, a shiver fell down her spine.




thank you all for the support on this

story you all are super fucking swag

sorry about this sad ass chapter, it's

really fucking sad


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