《Cloaked Heart {fundylive}》21



"This guys my replacement," Kaleb scoffed looking over at him. "I'm not your replacement, i'm just the better choice here," Fundy said standing his ground.

Celaine stood quietly in shock. "The better choice my fucking ass, you have nothing on me. I'm practically everything you want to be," Kaleb let out a small chuckle looking over at Fundy who's expression changed slightly.

His thoughts filled with the times he would look through Kalebs social media comparing him at every aspect. He shook his head slightly before speaking "I may not be a cocky, manipulative asshole. But at least I care about her," Celaine walked back over to fundy standing at his side.

"That bitch filled your head with lies, she just couldn't stand the fact that i care about her," Kalebs finger pointing in the direction of celaine as she looked down to see fundys hands in fist. "Don't fucking call her that," Fundys tone filled with an anger Celaine had never seen.

"Cut the shit, both of you. Kaleb get the fuck out of here," her eyes shot over to the boy who leaned on his car. A large smirk forming on his face as stared back at her.

"I'm just getting started," Kaleb laughed, startling celaine. "What the fuck do you want? Why are you here?" Fundy moved Celaine to stand behind him. "Like what do you wanna punch me? Do you want to let your frustrations out on someone who isn't celaine?" his remarks were smart, kalebs mouth gaped open as he finished his sentence.

"This isn't necessary. Fundy and I aren't even together, Kaleb just leave please," Celaine looked up at the boy who was now standing straight, his hands balled into fist as well.

"Stop, the both of you!" she finally shouted. Fundy unclenched his fist looking down at her. "I'm sorry," he quickly mumbled. "What are you her bitch?" Kalebs smirk widened. "Difference between being a bitch, and respecting people. You are the bitch if anything."


Celaine couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his clever words. Kaleb began walking up the pat, Fundy meeting him in the middle.

The two stood face to face. Celaine felt her heart begin to race. She grabbed fundys arm, but he quickly pulled away.

Fundys brown eyes met Kalebs. Only one was filled with fury, the other with a sense of regret. "What are you waiting for Im here now, say it. You are obviously jealous of me," Fundy turned to Celaine watching as her jaw dropped.

"Whatever she's been telling you, you need to understand she's fucking lying," Kaleb quickly responded. Stepping an inch closer. "She isn't a liar, you are just a manipulative asshole," his eyes fluttered down as Kalebs fist clenched, white showing on his knuckles.

"Do it," was all fundy said, his eyes meeting kalebs once again. A snarl shot from Kalebs lips, a smirk forming on his face. Fundy turned around once again to see Celaine practically having a panic attack as tears strayed down her face.

Celaine didn't want a single of of them to get hurt, she would have preferred Kaleb. But his anger issues practically spewed out as she looked up to see Fundy facing kaleb and being met with a fist across the face.

She gasped, running over to the two. Fundy held his cheek for a second, his eyes now instead of regret, are filled with fury. He quickly swung back, his knuckles connecting with the bridge of Kalebs nose.

Kaleb practically fell to his feet, grasping at his nose. Celaine stood behind fundy, grabbing his arm again and pulling him away from Kaleb.

"He fucking deserved it," Fundy shouted, looking to celaine. She only frowned watching as his face was distorted in anger and a red patch forming on his red cheek.

"Go inside," she muttered, breaking the eye contact with. He pulled away, walking back to the door. "This didn't need to happen," Celaine said walking over to Kaleb as he sat on the concrete his nose trickling with blood.


"I had to warn him about you being a psychopath.. just like your father," Celaines mouth gapped open. She looked down at him, the smirk laying on his face as he wiped the blood off of his nose. "Say that again!" Fundy shouted.

"Oh you know about her father, about the psychopath he was. Clearly she's just like him. Her mother would be disappointed."

Fundy snapped, the rage over taking his body as Celaine practically stood in front of Kaleb in shock. "The truth hurts huh," Kaleb brought himself off the floor, holding his nose still. She looked up with him, tears brimming from her eyes, as a shot of anger strayed through.

Without realizing her hand met his face, taking him stumbling back into his car. "Don't ever talk about my mother, or that piece of shit again. Thinking about it, you are the psychopath. Look at you, practically begging for me back then victimizing yourself. You are fucking pathetic I never wanna see you again!" Her voice traveled all through her usual peaceful neighborhood.

Fundy looked around, noticing the neighbors emerging from their house. He walked out to Celaine , guiding her back to the house, her tears practically gliding down her cheeks faster than she could comprehend.


"I'm sorry, that wasn't right," Fundy stood in the door frame of Celaines room holding a pack of frozen peas to his face. Celaine stood quite wrapped in her blanket. He could hear her small gasps for air.

"I know I shouldn't have done that Celaine. I just have to stand up for you, I care about you," he looked down at the bed watching as Celaine turned over to face him.

"I didn't want you getting hurt, I didn't want you involved," she sat up, startling willow as she jumped off the bed. "He was bothering you, it's my job Celaine," Fundy leaned against the door frame looking down at the girl whos eyes were on the small bruises that formed on Fundys knuckles.

"You don't fucking get it? He isn't gonna stop, he never stops, never does he ever fucking stop. He can't see me hapoy unless it's with him Fundy, don't you understand? I want to keep you safe, my friends safe, that's why I didn't unblock you, why I didn't unblock any of them. Even calling George was fucking risky, he takes everyone I care about away, or tries to hurt them."

Her tears fell, curving along her face as the ride down her cheeks, she looked up at him as his face turned to shock. "You care about me right?" Fundy asked teaching his arm out for her, she pushed it away. Breaking the eye contact she responded, "Why wouldn't I?"

"You know I care about you, don't you?" His face formed a friendly smile as he kept his eyes on her. "I know you do," she responded, her hands crossed slightly in front of her.

He rose his hand to her cheek, she flinched slightly as his hand met her skin. But she accepted it, placing her hand on his as it laid on her face.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, nor am I going to let him hurt you."

As he finished his sentence he thought back to the trip to Brighton, about how she didn't want to be in a relationship, his face fell. But looking down at her once again, a bright smile brimmed on her face, causing him to smile a bit more.

It was at that moment, he knew how he felt about her.


i want to kill kaleb, but anyways.. celaine father backstory soon DUNDUN.. protective fundy, repeat with me protective fundy.

check out my wilbur and quackity story when you get the chance :)

thank you all for the massive amount of love, i know most of you are fluttering over from absolutely pog, so welcome :)

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