《Cloaked Heart {fundylive}》08



The night slowly came to an end, but Celaine sat upright in her bed, her phone opened to youtube watching a certain creator. Laughing as he did and smiling at his small achievements.

But something took her off guard, a text message from an old friend chimed through her phone.


please don't tell me

what did i do


ohh uh anyways


he came back, idk it's like

he has this spell over me

yeah i know it's been like

this since freshman year

yeah, but idk it's different

it's never different

would you mind if i came over?

door is always open for you


Celaine impulsively jumped from her bed, throwing on a sweater, without even realizing it was one of her bestfriends merch, she looked to Willow who was peacefully sleeping in the spot next to where she was previously laying.

Walking to her kitchen, she quickly threw on slides and filled up her cats food and water bowl. Looking around to make sure she hadn't forgot to do anything. Grabbing her keys off her counter she headed for the door.

Her black jeep was parked outside, and to her delight the sun was just starting to rise in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Approaching her car she unlocked it.

The heat that was cooped up inside escaped as she opened the door, she quickly jumped inside and connected her phone to the car, 'SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK' by Joji began playing as the car started, she hummed the song as she drives along the roads.

"Give me reasons we should be complete," she hummed as she watched the sun rise over the horizon the time neared 6:45, thankfully the girl had pretty much slept all day that it didn't bother her how early it was.

Deciding it would be the nice thing to do she stopped at her local Dunkin' Donuts and grabbed two caramel ice lattes for her and her friend. Grabbing the drinks from the worker she proceeded to place them in the cup holders.

She unrolled her windows and she felt at peace, the wind blew through her hair as she drove along the mostly empty streets. But finally she arrived at her friends house.


Walking to the door, she knocked as low as she could. The two drinks in her hand before she was greeted by her friend at the door.

The girl had the most beautiful ivory skin, and the greenest eyes that went well with her thick black curls that sat atop her head. Truly ethereal. Camille looked down and took the drinks from her, assisting her inside.

"It's good to see you," Camille placed the drinks on her island, and pulled Celaine into a hug. Camille was a way bit taller then her, Celaine stood at 5'4 while she stood at 5'10. "It's good to see another face besides Kaleb," Celaine laughed hugging her back.

"Kaleb hmm," the girl hummed before taking a sip from the coffee that was brought for her. "My streaming took off, and everyone knows what I look like," Celaine looked up at her friend. "You think I don't watch your streams still?" Camille cocked a brow at her.

Celaine sat down, almost shocked as her mouth formed an 'O' shape. "I also keep up with the drama, what happened with you and your friends, you guys are all the talk of the drama channels," Celaines eyes widened as Camille finished her sentence.

"What?" she asked, utterly shocked. "You removed them all," Camille responded, taken back by the girls reaction. "Kaleb did," was all she said.

"Still a piece of shit," Camille scoffed, her fingers now tapping against the marble counter. "It's for the better," was all Celaine said knowing it wasn't right. "Loosing all your friends who you have known longer for a guy who's treated you like shit since 9th year, seems reasonable," Camilles sarcasm oozed and Celaine just rolled her eyes.

"He said it's for the better, but even i'm starting to not believe him, I miss my friends. Just this relationship is so toxic, he controls me and I don't do anything to him, he blocked all my friends, and even suggested that i'm going to cheat on him when I go away in a few days," Slowly she came to the realization that Kaleb was horrible.


"You need to leave him, I don't care if it's been on and off for years, or you just met him. He isn't good for you," Camille responded, her jaw dropped. "You're right, but how I don't wanna hurt him, I don't wanna be responsible for hurting someone."

Her heart was too soft for such a toxic love. Over four years of the same bullshit and yet if he needed her she was there. Too good for him, everyone told her that but she didn't believe it till now.

"Text him, call it quits," Camille smiled. "I'll do it when I'm boarding my plane I won't get his response and then I won't worry about it till I'm back as I'll be enjoying time with a friend," Celaine smiled up at her bright idea.

"Perfect," Camille sipped her coffee and smiled in a look of success.


"Alexa, what is the weather in Brighton for this week?" she heard her Alexa turn on and quickly respond. "It will be humid with a high of 96 this whole week," the voice responded. Celaine quickly tuned to her closet grabbing shorts and tank tops.

Two days passed, and she only had one more till she left. Successfully she had ignore Kaleb, he blew up her phone but do not disturb was a blessing, she prefilmed a video for her youtube and announced a slight break from twitch.

"Willow what am I gonna do with you," she looked down at her cat who only looked up at her innocently, "do you wanna see Oma?" the cat jumped up at her words. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind," she nuzzled the cats head and continued packing.

The door bell rung, "did you order something Willow?" she looked down at her cat who only purred in response. Leaving the room she headed for the door, opening it slightly to see the tall blond she had been desperately avoiding.

"Oh look you are alive," the boy pushed his way into her house as she stood there shocked. "I didn't say you could come in," she looked up at him but he was angry.

"Are you just gonna push me away?" the boys eyes darted at her. "I've been busy you aren't the only thing I worry about," she replied hesitantly. "You are hurting me, you are supposed to love me," his face dropped and she took a step back.

"I need you to leave Kaleb," she gestured for the door and he only shot her a look.

"What did you just say?" his voice grew in anger. "I said you need to leave Kaleb, I have to leave tomorrow and you are distracting me, now isn't the time. I will see you when I get back," she was basically pushing him out the door at this point.

"I'm just trying to care for you," he responded turning to her and gently grabbing her face. Going for his hand she removed it, "I don't need this right now," he now stood at the door frame and she just closed the door.

Heading back to her room she was shaking at what's she had just did. Finally standing up for herself she was taken back, "I did it Willow," her cat was nudging her phone and she heard it vibrating.

It was a blocked number, "hello George," she spoke up, her voice obviously shaken up. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah just surprised myself that's all," she responded. "Oh," George responded in shock. "I have to go, I'm packing. I love you George," she quickly hung up and proceeded to pack.



i had to leave my baby with Oma,

i miss you already.✈️




this is so impulsive

thanks wilbur





cant wait


filler chapter is ass

ty for 800 reads :)

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