《Cloaked Heart {fundylive}》07


tw: anxiety attacks, picking at skin


It had been four days, four long days. Kaleb was there everyday, he would scroll through her phone as she slept beside him.

Kaleb would make her say things he wanted to hear, even if she didn't know if she meant it. Everytime she had to stream, he would make an excuse on why he had to be there. Completely missing on social media she didn't know what was going on with her friends.

Celaine also didn't know about the drama accounts, they all were quick to notice Celaine unfollowing the Dream Team, along with Fundy and Wilbur and whatever other people they saw her unfollow.

But whenever Kaleb wasn't around, she wasn't hesitant to quickly open twitter and see what her friends had been up too.

Kaleb also didn't know about how George would call Celaine from a blocked number, every night at 4am, same time always. Tell her everything and even add Dream and Sap to the call, she never stayed on for long. But told them every night that it would be the same soon.

Four long days of realizing Kaleb was horrible, in only four days she learned more than she wanted to about him. About how horrible he was, George would tell her how his actions weren't normal

Yet she never realized until George explained it to her. She was being manipulated.

Kaleb always talked about his videos, about how he was loosing views and wish he could still be popular. Celaine had a mental fight with herself at least once a day thinking if Kaleb was leaching onto her for her growing popularity on youtube.

But did he even know?


She woke up in shambles, tossing and turning in her sleep as if it were the most reckless sleep she had since her mother passed away.

Grabbing her phone she went to text Fundy, only to realize, she couldn't. Kaleb would surely find out and with that would cause chaos, he wanted to be with her and she wasn't gonna ruin it.

Was he her boyfriend? She told Wilbur he was, but she wasn't even sure why she did that. Celaine rose from her bed, nipping at the hairs that stood on her arm almost as a look for control.


But it slowly led to her just picking at her skin, causing it to subtly bleed. Her heart raced faster than it shouldve and she began to loose her breath faintly, her head looked in every direction for a water.

Willow noticed this and began to nudge her head against her arm, causing Celaine to stop picking at it. "Willow, it's happening again," she said faintly, her hand now pressing against her upper chest as she tried to catch her breath.

But her other hand was shaking, she went to pet her cat and noticed how much it was shaking. Anxiety attack she slowly began to rise from her bed, heading for the nearest water bottle that was perched on her desk.

Grabbing it she began to chug it. "Okay okay," she tried to reassure herself. "What is wrong with me?" Celaine looked down at her hand once again to see it shaking even faster, her heart was basically leaping out of her chest.

She sat on the floor, pressing her knees to her chest as she hugged them, she was scared. All she heard was her cat jump from the bed, and begin to approach her.

The cat then rubbed her head against her owner, in a hope to comfort her. She just wanted to back to sleep, hell even sleep all day.

Rising from her feet, her whole body was shaking. At this point Celaine didn't even know why. She rushed to her bed, water bottle in hand. Laying down she began to breath.

Was loosing all her friends for Kaleb the right thing to do? She had no one as of right now, she didn't wanna go to Kaleb, she wasn't even sure if she liked him.

Sure the two had a past, but it wasn't a normal one. He was toxic, and only wanted her when he needed it. But Celaine was always there, whenever he texted her she would reply. Her friends from high school hate him, and she just loved him.

Wrapping herself in her covers she began to shake even more thinking about Kaleb, being with him and loosing her friends wasn't the right thing to do.

Reaching to her nightstand she grabbed 3 tablets of melatonin, almost desperate for sleep she began to take them and within what felt like ten minutes she was out cold.



Her eyes fluttered open, and this time she didn't feel anxious. Celaine quickly sat up and looked out the window to see the sun setting.

The date was about the 7th of August and she looked out her window to see the dim light of the moon lighting up the night sky, only tonight there were actually stars.

Opening up twitter hesitantly she looked up Fundy's accounts.

His most recent tweet definitely could have been about her. "I miss you for some stupid reason. I hope you are happy tho."

Who knew he cared as much as he did. But there was also the possibility it wasn't about her. Her phone dinged as she had gotten a text.



hiii cee

oh hi niki

i actually have an important question,

and you are one of my only twitch mutuals

who in comfortable enough to ask.

go ahead

can you come to brighton with me

it's for business and

i really don't want to go alone,

I leave the 10th and will pay for your ticket,

it's only a three day thing.

this is exciting,

i would love to go

we can finally meet and

it would be nice to get a break

from everything but i

can pay for my own ticket

okay well, my ticket is set

to arrive in England

at 12:30pm BST on the 10th

okay i'll look rn

perfect, thank you so much

anything for you niki


okay, perfect my plane

lands at 10:45

that was so fast omg

i cannot wait,

i'll call you later my love

ily niki


Celaine looked up her computer in almost disbelief at the fact that she had just did that. But she needed a break from being cooped up in her room, and just being with Kaleb, and for all he had to know.

She would just be going away with a good friend.

But almost to good to be true her phone began to ring she quickly picked it up.

"Hello Kaleb," she spoke hesitantly. "Hey Celaine, why haven't you answered today?" the boys voice sent a shiver up her spine after her realization earlier.

"I slept all day, didn't feel good," she responded confidently. "I'm sorry to hear that, but i just finished streaming and my views were crazy high today, all asked me about my love life, that's crazy do you think they know i have a girlfriend? They are probably expecting her to be a streamer too," he chuckled softly.

He definitely knows. "Probably," she laughed in return, she looked to her computer to check his stream comments. Thankfully no one said her name.

The call fell silent and she finally decided to tell him. "I'm going away for three days, for work with my friend," she quickly said. "What friend?" he scoffed. "Niki she's an associate of mine," Celaine looked to her computer at the plane ticket she had bought moments before.

"When?" Kaleb quizzed, "leave the tenth, should be be back the thirteenth," she responded. "Do you like girls?" the boy quickly asked causing Celaine to gasp. "Yes, actually I do. I'm bi Kaleb. You knew that already, but that doesn't mean I like Niki, she's always been a good friend of mine," she heard the boy mutter on the other side of the phone.

"I trust you, don't break my trust, especially because I care about you," his manipulative words sunk to her chest.

I need to call this, whatever it is off, she thought to herself, listening to Kaleb ramble on about Niki and what Celaine couldn't do with her.

She hung up.



hey twitter

i made so many stupid decisions





omg is she talking about the

dream team situation




dw baby we are here

for your always




everything will fall into place




you haven't streamed that's why




miss u




all seriousness aside she is so pretty




guys fundy liked this



oh shit, still cute tho🥲



i hope you guys get what niki did

and if you don't

you will soon whoop

so excited

also please note updates are gonna be slower since school starts up tomorrow and i have sm work to do bc i procrastinate

i love u guys, drink and eat pls

always here if someone needs me

always one message away remember that you matter

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