《Cloaked Heart {fundylive}》02



Hello sir

We should stream again ur cool

I'll think about it

are you just always mean

i'm not even mean

i just don't wanna

associate with a furry


change my name back right now


you first bitch



Me and sap have an idea


yes we do lets get on discord


She read the groupchat and immediately got worried but accepted the call when it appeared on her screen. "It's like 11, what do you want?" the girl huffed, acting as if she wasn't in a full face of makeup, and not going to sleep anytime soon.

"Okay where is Dream?" Sap asked, ringing him again, and again until he answered, "Sap I swear if this is some stupid shit," Dream scolded. "Okay just think about it, we have been friends for years, and we know hardly anything about your appearance, except when I met Dream in our pre-pubesecnt stage," Sap started to explain and the girl knew exactly where this was going.

"Are you about to ask for a face reveal?" Dream cut him off, "maybe," George piped in, "or atleast some information about Ce, we literally only know her name," Sap added. "Okay let me think, I'm ginger, and I'll do a face reveal under one condition," the whole call grew in a gasp, "please, what is it?" George quickly asked. "WAIT YOU ARE A GINGER?" Sap shouted, the girl immediately wheezing, "yes, sap I'm a ginger," she playfully rolled her eyes as if they could see.

"I'll post a tweet randomly one day, and if it gets 500 thousand likes. I'll do a face reveal," the girl was hesitant but knew she had control over when it happened. "EASY MONEY!" Dream shouted, "So Clay what about you?" Celaine asked, "well I was thinking Cee needs a nickname," he spoke. "Cellophane," George immediately spat. The call broke into a burst of laughter.

"Cellophane, please, please," Sap laughed hysterically, "what the fuck is Cellophane?" Dream asked in between wheezes, him banging on his desk could be heard through every ones laughter. "It's the wrapping around Ritz crackers," George replied, slowly catching his breath. "PLEASEEE," Dream wheezed.


"Dream you are being irrational!" Cee shouted, her stream watched as they burned down Tubbos house, and built canons around L'manberg. "THIS IS OUR LAND!" he shouted, punching the girl of the wall they built. "This isn't how you treat an ally" she dropped from the call and rang Wilbur.

"I'm sorry Wil," was all she said, watching as the house burned down. "They did it?" he asked, knowing exactly was she was talking about. She was a mole, the dream team didn't know it but she was. "I tried," she muttered.



The prior night Dream sent out the message, "we show no mercy, I wanna see WHITE FLAGS!"

They were in the final control room after their last retreat waiting on the citizens of L'manberg to arrive. "Guys I have to say something," Cee announced, the boys characters only looked over at her. "They are here," Punz announced, and the L'manberg citizens gamer tags flooded in. Including Eret.

Just like that the wall dropped, and "It was never meant to be," Eret announced, she stood back and watched as everyone around her died, and after, they grabbed what they wanted and waited for the next call to be given by Dream.

"What did you have to say?" Dream asked, looking over at Cee. "Forget it," she replied, she waited for Wilbur to call over to Dream, and as that happened. She retreated from the group, only to be waiting for L'manberg to be blown up from the secret bunker Tommy made.


"Guy's I did what I had to do, Dream is causing unnecessary war and I can't just stand back and watch. Our team has come to an end. Like Eret said, it was never meant to be. I am siding with L'manberg." Her chat flooded like hell, and she smiled proudly at the character Dream and Wilbur wrote out for her. Just like that explosions took place all around her, and shortly after four gamer tags appeared running down the tunnel.

She joined their VC. "What is she doing here?" Fundy asked, "what are you on about?" Tommy asked. "Cee her gamertags in the room at the end of the tunnel." "WHAT!?" Tommy shouted.

"I'm here to be one with you all. I didn't want this to happen," she replied confidently. "How did you find this?" Tommy asked, his character closing in on hers and backing her into a corner. She removed all of her armor and put her sword away. "She is someone who can be trusted," Wilbur announced, "they had a mole, but so did we," he finished, the group gasping at her.

"AND SHE ISN'T AMERICAN!" The group broke into laughterm despite their situation. "I made this because I knew we wouldn't win the war, and with that I made this room. We might not win but we still have eachother, plus Cee." Tommy pulled out a music disc and began to play it. "This is the part where you pull out the sly last move," Fundy panicked looking over at Wilbur.

"He isn't just gonna give up, you guys need to give up something worth value, or even challenge him," Cee spoke up before Wilbur could. "He wants all the power, you have to give him leverage in order to get independence, do what you will with that," she sat up in her seat and looked over at her chat who was complementing her for her incredible work.


"Change into the skin I just sent you," Wilbur demanded looking over at Cee. She opened her discord to see a ginger girl, in a L'manberg uniform. "Is this why you asked for my hair, and eye color?" she laughed looking at the skin before putting it on and loading back into the game.

"You're a ginger?" Tubbo asked, looking at her skin. "This isn't usually a skin I would wear, but I like it," she used F5 and admired the skin. "Yes Tubbo, I am a ginger, but what is the plan?"

"We will go meet with him. Me and Tommy, but Tommy you have to promise me you won't run your mouth, you need to be civil. We are in a bad spot," "Okay Wilbur." The group followed as Wilbur announced that they surrendered. Cee stood proudly behind them in her L'manberg uniform.

"I'm surprised you told me those small details about yourself," Wilbur laughed, looking for a spot of joy. "Doesn't matter to me," she crouched, her physical persona would soon be known by everyone anyways. She heard her door creak open, and her cat ran to her, its white and grey fur laying into her lap before her prominent blue eyes stared up at her. "Hello darling," she pet her cat and the purrs could be heard faintly through her headset.

"Is that the pussy that's always on your instagram?" Tommy asked. "TOMMY!" Fundy shouted, Celaine immediately broke into laughter, startling her cat and the rest of the groups laughter taking over her headset.

Tommy and Wilbur joined general five, and began to walk away leaving only Celaine, Fundy and Tubbo in VC2. "How long have you been a mole?" Tubbo asked, "since you arrived actually, wanted what was best for everyone," she replied. "Let's go on General five, and go on mute," Celaine insisted. "Okay," the two responded.

Fundy hit a flower from the ground and passed her it, it was the original yellow flower, and she just crouched back.

"YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE LETS 1V1 IN A DUEL!" Celaine heard Tommy shout. "Do you have Cee?" George asked, cutting Tommy off. "No," Wilbur lied, rather successfully. "Then where is she?" "GEORGE IT IS NOT THE TIME!" Dream shouted. "Half a heart bow duel, 10 paces" Tommy said prominently, and they headed over to Tommy's house. Celaine sneakily stayed behind, in hopes no one saw her.

Dream started to negotiate for the discs, just like she knew he would. For the leverage.

"Deal!" Tommy shouted, the whole call gasped. "What!" Celaine shouted "he actually listened!" she exclaimed. "It's sundown," Wilbur announced, "I need a bow!" Tommy exclaimed, almost panicking and that's when Celaine shot up from hiding, un-muting herself.

"Tommy I have a bow for you," she muttered. "Cee is that you?" Sap asked, she came from behind a mountain in her uniform. "You traitor!" Dream shouted. "You had one, and I had to get even, this was wrong. They just don't want to be under a dictator like you!" she shouted back.

"There are no friends in war Dream, not a single person you can trust. I did what I thought was right," she gave Tommy her bow and backed away.


Tommy lost, but Celaine still had an idea. "Tommy, we can give him the discs, and just get them back eventually," "I'll do what I believe is right," Tommy replied.

She dropped from the VC and headed over there, joining Sap and Georges separate VC. "Hello old allies," she laughed. "You fucked up," Sapnap almost shouted. "I did what was right, if your gonna kill me just do it. I still have three complete lives, unlike you Sap."


She joined VC2 with the rest of L'manberg, "that was canon," she announced, the whole group gasping in despite their victory of independence. "You lost a life but gained independence!" Fundy shouted, "sign this," Wilbur threw her a book and she signed it, proudly.

"I am now on the right side of war."


posted 12hrs ago


if willow gets 500k likes in 24 hours

you will all see my face, thank the

dream team also hope you enjoyed

my badass team switch today 😈‼️💯














like or you will lose a

canon death




i wanna see the ginger pls like🙏🏻


this is her skin btw, how cute


hey guys

i don't like this chapter at all

and i miss gianna :(

she's on vacay and she's on the phone with me but it's not the same🙄

also ty for like 50 reads already😤

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