《Notes From a Broken Heart》Growing Up


People have told me all the time I'm different, not in a bad way, but they would tell me how quick I was to help, kind, caring, etc..

I have always been curious on what made me so special, I don't think I'm special, I'm just being my weird little self, what's so special about that??

While driving back home from a fun night with my aunt, I asked her, "Why do people point out I'm different from other people they've met? Is that a bad thing?"

She responded with something I won't forget

"R, you have Jesus in your heart and it shows. You don't even need to say a word, it radiates off of you."

Those words means a lot to me. God put me here for a reason, I don't know that reason yet, but I know for sure I don't want to end up wasting my life because I never took the time to think about who I would be as a God loving Christian in a chaotic and treacherous world.

I want what God wants.

If He wants me to be a famous celebrity sharing Christianity, sure, go ahead.

If He wants me to be a janitor at taco bell, I'll be the best janitor you've ever seen!

Or just a stay at home wife, that's fine with me too.

God knows what's best for me. The future is still scary but He'll help me figure out who I am as a person as I continue to grow and mature into an adult.


Matthew 6:34. "Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there! Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

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