《Notes From a Broken Heart》Tu es belle, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur


Been feeling insecure recently, here's what I hate about myself right now:

I talk too fast and lose my train of thought when I'm nervous,

My double chin shows when I look down,

That one tooth is crooked and I know everyone is looking at it,

I'm too short,

I have scars on my leg, and I'm not proud of it.

I look fat,

I fidget too much while trying to focus and accidentally annoy people,

I feel happy then a minute later I'm depressed again, like a light switch,

And I'm not a good enough writer.

But, even with all those flaws I listed and hate as of now, Jesus and God still love me.

I'm saved and someday I'll go to heaven and see my family and friends again,

I may be short, but I'm not fat, I'm perfectly healthy,

I stood up to my bullies and I'm stronger than ever before,

I may have scars on my leg but I survived didn't I?

My dad loves me and he's doing his best to support me and care for me,

I faced my biggest fear and handled it the best I could have,

I may not be the best writer, but I'm trying my best, it's my passion after all.

And lastly, I'm friggin beautiful! I may not think so at the moment, but God has never once thought I was ugly, I'm made in HIS image, that's amazing.

It's frustrating to see how you view yourself, you don't see what everyone else sees, you see the up close faults and flaws about you. You're unaware of the beauty that you hold. It takes some digging to find the gold.


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