《Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)》Tasteless Time Skip


"(Y/N!!!)," Comes the raspy call from the bedroom. "(Y/N)! *Insert impatient spanish mumblings here*." You sigh and rub your face before moving back from the stove, wiping your hands on your faded blue skinny jeans and moving into the bedroom. "What do you need love?" You away with a tired smile.

Lin sighs. "Did I get any mail?" He asks, looking up form His bed full of stuffed animals and miniature pillows. Lin was... needy. It had been a month since he'd been released. He was in increasing contact with a musician in New York. Problem was... you've been looking at the financials. It just doesn't add up. "Why Don't you go check?" You mumbles, moving back out of the room.

Lin wrinkles his nose and stands. "Hey." He Says. "What's the matter with you?" He waddles out of the room after you, his sweat pants hanging sexily from his hip bones. Lin crosses his thick Puerto Rican forearms over his broad chest and raises a brow.

You sigh softly and shrug, pushing a nervous hand through your hair. "Lin." You say, moving slowly over to him. "I-I got the job." You mumble. Lins eyes widen. "I-Oh! R-Really?" You bite your lip. "N-Not in New York. I-I didn't get that one um.." You avoid Lins confused dark eyes, gazing down at the cream colored carpeting. "In Houston." You whisper, finally meeting his eyes again.

Lin stiffens, pulling away from you, his eyes filled with disbelief. "I... I thought we were looking in New York, I-" "You're looking in New York!" You exclaim, wrapping your arms around yourself. "I... you... I-I've been trying, Lin. I've been trying so hard to find a job there I just... I can't. N-No one wants me there."


Lin pauses. "But... I-I want you there." He whispers, reaching out to take your hand. You pull away, shaking your head. "I'm trying, Lin. I-I've done everything I Can for you But Im out of money." Lin blinks. "I..." he hadn't considered that. He didn't have the money either and he knew it. He wasn't going to get to New York. Lin takes a step back. "I-I'm Sorry.." he whispers.

You shake your head. "It's not your fault. Really. I-It isn't it's just... it's a shitty situation." Lin pauses. "Well. Um. M-maybe if we sold everything a-and you-" "Lin!" You say, "This... t-that's the problem with you! This isn't some fucking fantasy. I'm $20,000 in debt b-because if you! I need to work, Lin. I-I need to get out of here." You cover your face and shiver, sitting down slowly on the couch. You stiffens as you feel tears leaking from your eyes and you succumb slowly to the sobbing.

Lin pauses, frozen as he looks down at you. He takes a couple slow steps foreword. "I.... Okay." He says, his voice shaking, barely above a whisper. "I-It's okay, baby. Im Sorry. I-Im so so so sorry." He kneels down in front of you. "I-I'm Sorry. Please don't cry, mi amor. Don't cry."

You wrap your arms around to him, clinging to him and burying your face in his neck. "It... it'll be okay." He whispers. He sighs softly. "Tomorrow is my birthday." He informs you with a soft chuckle. "I um. W-We can go out tomorrow and then... a-and then You won't have to see me again."

You pause. "You... you aren't coming to Texas with me?" You whisper, looking up at the man. Lin bites his lip soflty and shakes his head. "I love you." He says. "But... w-We all gotta do what we need to do, right?" Your heart sinks in your chest and you feel the familiar coolness of numb aching rise in your cheeks. "Yeah.." You mumble, looking up at him and moving away slowly. "I'm going to the library, okay?" You say soflty. "There's um... there's some frozen meals in the freezer." You turn and walk out slowly.


Lin doesn't stop you.

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