《New Balance | COMPLETE.》t h i r t y


The sound of the Gavel made Aubrey jump up from her sleep, this was the third night she had the dream about Dave getting sentenced to 25 to life, it broke her heart because she didn't want to be without her husband, and she didn't want their children to be without their father.

Getting up from the California King Bed, she stood letting her feet get swallowed into the furry rug. Grabbing her phone she walked around the house to see if Dave was anywhere to be found, when she realized he wasn't in their home she called his phone.

She hated when he stayed at the studio until 4 in the morning, it just meant that she was going to have to be Super mom and Super wife all while trying to be a working woman. She couldn't understand why Dave wouldn't come home at a reasonable time, he knew about her nightmares and he also knew that she just wanted him beside her for reassurance.

After calling four times, Aubrey rushed upstairs to change into her leggings, a t-shirt and sneakers. She couldn't believe she was about to pull up on David like they was on some Biggie Smalls and Faith Evans type shit. She stopped for a second thinking about the children, then remembering her parents had taken them, hoping that Aubrey could get a day off. Instead she was pulling up to niggas studios ready to do damage to their equipment.

Calling Danny's phone to meet her at the studio, he was down to ride for her whenever.

Rushing out the house, she hopped in the car speeding to Dave's studio. She hated that he felt the need to have a getaway studio as if he didn't have one in their home. Finally pulling up for what seemed like a thirty minute drive, she jumped out the car heading inside. The whole time she prayed East didn't have any foul play going on, and mainly that she didn't have to shoot everyone in the studio.

Her face frowned up seeing the weed, bottles and females that lounged around the studio. Personally she felt as though Dave was too old to be participating in these activities especially because he had a full blown family at home.


"What in the Surviving R. Kelly is going on in this bitch?" Danny scrunched his face up, Aubrey was too angry to say anything.

Spotting the girl on East lap Aubrey dragged her off, and thrown to the side. Hopping onto the couch she sent blows to East, fighting him as if he was a nigga on the street. Her body fell to the floor when Dave pushed her off.

"Stop fucking hitting me!"

Dave wasn't in his right mind, but Aubrey also knew she should've just walked away, and let him go from her life. Granted, she was only sitting on his lap, but who knows how far it would have went if she didn't walk in when she did. She was angry that East was trying to play this celebrity role, and at that point she was ready for them to be over. She talked so highly on his relationship, even participated in being his ride or die, but all of that was over. She wasn't going to talk to the police, but she wasn't talking to East either.

Standing up from the ground, she shook her head at him walking out of the studio. She wasn't going to cry over him, she did a lot of that when they were in the dating stage, and she wasn't going to partake in it now. She was a grown ass woman now.

"Renee!" Dave chased after her, but she didn't want to know anything that he had to say and his explanations meant little to nothing to her. She just simply didn't care,

"Aubrey bitch, we can commit Arson, I'll burn this bitch the fuck down!" Danny pointed at the building, "Fuck all that, I got something for they asses." Danny went to the trunk pulling out his baseball bat.

"Which one of these cars don't look familiar? I'll heeyy batter batter all these damn cars." Looking around he spotted the Honda "I bet you her car is the Honda, it's always bitches in the gold Hondas" Danny went on, not realizing Aubrey wasn't paying attention to him.


"You gotta chill out Aubrey, she literally took a squat on my lap and you walked in before I could do something. I swear I wouldn't cheat on you again, you think I'm dumb? You know that would've gotten on the internet and I wouldn't have you out here looking stupid. I won't disrespect you in that way again Aubrey. You mean the world to me baby, I don't want to lose you." East pleaded with her, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"You promise?" She looked up at him innocently, she believed him. East hadn't done anything to make her believe he was really cheating on her, he was just releasing music out the ass because of how stress he was.

"I promise baby, look, so you won't suspect anything I'll start coming home earlier, I'll be up during the day, and I'll stop letting my stress affect you and the kids. I'm trying to be a good father, and an even better husband. I know I'm kinda fucked up but I'm speaking from the heart." Aubrey nodded, and Dave kissed her lips when they pulled away they looked at Danny

"And we can put a tennis ball in that bitch tank" He finally concluded what he would do to the Gold Honda.

"Why you bring his crazy ass up here? I'm surprised you wasn't fighting the girl." Dave chuckled, shaking his head.

"I was stepping on that bitch weave, she couldn't get up from the floor. I can't hit a bitch, but I could keep her from trying to jump on my bestie."

Aubrey high fived Danny, she had an accomplished smirk. "You can go home to your husband and baby, I'm sorry for waking you up."

"Bitch that ain't no problem, don't be letting no bitches that's driving a "I STOLE MY CAR JODY" break y'all up."

"Goodnight Danny" East stressed -- Danny walked over pulling Aubrey in a hug, saying his goodbyes.

"You're riding with me, we can pick your car up in the morning"


The next morning, Aubrey patted Dave's side of the bed frowning her face up, she know he hadn't left again. The door swung open and the kids ran jumping on the bed, Leilani came after.

"Grandma dropped you guys off this morning?" Laila and Landon shook their heads no, "Daddy picked us up. We have a surprise for you mommy" Laila mumbled, loud enough for her to hear

"Speak up Lai! We have a surprise for you mommy!" Landon spoke louder "Yeah, suhpwise!" Lani followed behind.

"Don't be mean to your sister, but what is it?" She sat up looking at her three babies sitting on her bed.

"Mommy, we want to say thank you for being a good mommy!" Landon yelled jumping on the bed.

"And a good wife" Dave walked in with a tray full of breakfast, and a Cartier gift box.

"We love you" They all said in unison making Aubrey laugh, and shake her head.

"I love you guys too." Opening the box, she smiled at the Cartier bracelet.

"Look mommy, we have bracelets too, and so does daddy" She smiled looking around at everyone's wrist.

"We the flyest family." Landon popped his invisible collar, Leilani crawled over to her mom, opening her mouth

"Some?" Aubrey laughed, sharing her breakfast with Lani.

"I love you guys so much." Aubrey felt herself getting emotional, letting the tears fall. "I'm just so emotional because like this is so sweet, and Dave, I thought you weren't worried about me anymore, and I felt so unappreciated but this shows me that you do care, and I'm so glad we're married" Aubrey wiped her eyes when the kids came in to hug her.

"Aubrey, I know yo ass ain't pregnant again."

"No fool."

She wasn't pregnant, just complete.


Also go read my story Sincere.

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