《New Balance | COMPLETE.》t w e n t y - n i n e


I don't need no other guy

Ever since you caught my eye

Oh you're the only one I see

The only one that's for me, my baby

"Mrs. Brewster, it's best that you don't lie to me. You are saying you had no idea your husband participated in the drug business? Three children and 5 years together, you have no clue." Aubrey shrugged her shoulders, with her arm crossed.

"My husband is a loving father, and an amazing husband. He does music, unless you can prove to ME that my man was in the drug business than I have no beliefs that he was."

Detective James shook his head at Aubrey, he knew she looked Fragile, but didn't know she could play a part so well. After an hour he figured she would have snapped now.

Aubrey gave a low chuckle when fake ass Detective Benson walked in. Even though Aubrey followed a different path, she wanted nothing more than to go into law.

"Mrs. Brewster, can I call you Aubrey?"

"Or, You can call me Mrs. Brewster."

"Mrs. Brewster, You know we have a lot on your husband to make an arrest today"

"Right, that's why you have me here questioning me, rather than my husband."

"We have you here because we know you're in danger, I know it's hard living with a man like him."

"Girl, living with a man like who? My husband comes home to me faithfully, he FaceTimes me when he's recording music because we're just that damn inseparable, and he takes his family with him on tour."

"Girl, SSA Prentiss, Detective Benson I don't give a damn, this whole system is set up to take Black and Hispanic men away from their children so y'all can talk shit about how many children grow up in a single parent household. I know my rights, and I also know I ain't gotta sit in this 5 by 6 ass room when my family and I are living lavish because we are two hard working people so our children don't have to fall victim to YOUR fucked up system, thank u, next. Shoutout to everybody I had fun, but, you can let me finish my day." Nodding their head they realized they weren't able to keep her there.


East no longer worked completely in the drug game, he dabbled in it and even made the money from it but his name wasn't tied to it the way it was before.

The Officers didn't have anything on East, other than hearing his name. They couldn't lock him up so instead they harassed his family hoping that someone would crack. What they didn't expect was a woman that stood ten toes down for her husband. No matter the excuse or lie they came up with Aubrey never heard anything, and she had a firm belief that everything her man does is legal.

Easy pulled up exactly when Aubrey walked out the precinct. They had stalled on giving her a phone call, even made loop holes to get her to start talking again. Yet she never cracked.

Dave automatically jumped out the car hugging Aubrey, the tight hold her had on her body made her feel comforted and at ease. She was still in love with her husband, and nothing had changed since the day they had their wedding. Dave tried hard to keep his wife and three kids happy.

He was doing well at it.

"I'm so sorry Aubby"

Dave never had the intentions on getting his family mixed in this, and because no one came out to arrest him he knew Aubrey didn't fold on him.

"I love you Dave, don't let them take you from us please."

Aubrey stared up at Dave, a sympathetic look wiped over his face. He felt guilty for even putting her in this situation.

"I love you too, let's get home."

The ride was silent, mainly because Dave couldn't stop thinking about how Aubrey's interaction with the police could've went a different way.

Especially if they really wanted to take East down. When they finally made it home, each of their facial expressions changed so their kids wouldn't see them frowning.


"Welcome home Bonnie and Clyde" Danny looked between them, a laugh escaping their lips.

"Where my babies?" Aubrey looked around the house for them, it was too quiet in there

"You tranquilized my children Danny? Why is it so quiet?"

"Girl no, between Christopher and Landon pushing Lai and Lani to cut up. Them little demons is drained. All four of them need a damn exorcism"

With a eye roll, Aubrey slipped out of her jacket, hanging it up in the coat closet.

Christopher was Zoie and Danny's Child, they adopted him the same year Leilani was born. The system was hesitant at first, but they eventually deemed them fit. They loved Christopher as if he was their own, and he loved them equally as much.

He was only 2 when he was taken out the foster home, and he had some kinks to him but that's what made everyone love him more. He was one of the best additions to their little family.

As for Reek, he was madly in love with Maggie, and everyone was hoping he'd give in and propose soon. Maggie was different than them, she wasn't as loud as everyone else but she was easy to talk and they loved being around her.

"So what happen? You a real hood bitch now. Done been in a interrogation room, We gone get you some cornrows and call you Cleo."

Aubrey punched Danny's arm, her face screwed up.

"Ow bitch, you know I'm fragile." Rubbing his arm, he walked back into the kitchen. Aubrey almost freaked out, she didn't like anyone cooking in her kitchen other than her. It was her rule.

"Why are you cooking in here? We leave you here for a couple hours."

"Well bitch I was hungry, maybe if y'all bougie asses got some microwaveable foods then I wouldn't have to cook in your expensive ass kitchen" rolling his eyes, he turned the oven off grabbing the mittens

"and News flash, that's what you do in a kitchen. You cook" Danny irritated Aubrey the more he let things slip from his lips, so she just decided to change the conversation.

"They were just asking me if Dave was into some illegal shit, like no, my nigga is a loving husband and father with a legal job, so unless selling out shows is a crime, you let me go and don't ask me about my man again." Aubrey rolled her eyes, she didn't trust the cops, and she didn't know if they had tapped her phone or anything. She was very aware about everything around her since both her father and Husband was into the drug game.

"Girl, they always fucking with the minorities. I hate the damn legal system."

Aubrey shrugged her shoulders, and just prayed nothing like this would happen again, and definitely not while she was around her babies.

She knew the life she chose, and she knew the person she was dealing with from the beginning, but she never took time to think about what would happen if her children were involved.

They needed a

Newer Balance.

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