《New Balance | COMPLETE.》T w e n t y - e i g h t


Aubrey sighed picking up another toy she almost fell over. Landon and Laila made it their duty to leave a couple toys around for their mother to trip over.

She was enjoying her quiet time, with the twins in the movie room with Dave watching Wreck-It Ralph. Grabbing her to go cup from the islander, she walked into the living room. "Dammit" she mumbled not understanding how she forgot her Outback Steakhouse box in the kitchen.

Getting up from the couch she rushed into the kitchen to get her food, and anything else she thought she might've needed to eat in peace. Finally making her way to the living room she smacked her forehead seeing Laila hold the cup for Lan to drink her strawberry lemonade.

"You two are going to be the death of me, where's daddy?" She raised a brow, watching them giggle. Laila pushed the hat she took from her father off of her head and pointed to the movie room

"Daddy seeping" Landon shrugged his shoulders, touching his mother big belly. She was going on 8 months, they didn't know the sex but if it were a boy, Dave insisted on him being a junior, but Aubrey said she wasn't giving him that grandpa ass name.

"Mommy, baby come?" Laila laid her head down on her stomach as Aubrey took a seat between them.

"pretty soon." They clapped their hands with a smile.

The knocking at the door made Aubrey frown and Landon climb off the couch "get it!" He yelled

"Imma "Get it" yo ass if you don't go sit down... you can't even reach the door" Walking to the door with Landon on her tail she looked through the peephole smiling at her favorite people Reek, Danny, and Zoie. Tommie was around again, but no one viewed her the same, she was treated as an associate which she deserved.

"culssss!" Landon yelled trying to say, Uncles,

"There go my little man" Landon and Reek hugged, and Aubrey smiled, Reek was definitely top four of his favorite people falling behind His parents, and sister. He absolutely adored his uncles, Reek specifically.

"Hello to you too pregnant bitch." Danny walked in with a smile on his face "I smell food, is that-is that ribs?" Danny sniffed till he got closer to where Aubrey was sitting.


"You fat ass dog" Aubrey shook her head pushing him away from her food.

"Where my hubby #2 at? Daveyyyyy, I'm home." Danny yelled, making Aubrey roll her eyes.

"Zozo come get your man before he gets beat up. I'm too pregnant for this shit." Struggling to sit down, She let out a sigh of relief when she reached the couch, she felt like that was the longest fall of her life.

The sound of Dave in the living room made Aubrey smile wide, only her Dave could bring a smile like that on her face. A smile of both love and lust. She had men try to come take her from him, but she was too in love with her husband to ever make them seem like they had a chance. You couldn't compete where you don't compare.

"Y'all need to leave my baby alone, let her eat in peace. How the hell do y'all manage to stress a pregnant woman out?" Dave eyed Danny shaking his head, also ignoring what he said earlier.

"Aye preggo, let me get some" Reek sat beside Aubrey, reaching for her food only to get his hand smacked away and Aubrey's head to cock to the side looking at him as if he was crazy.

"If you ever, and I do mean ever try some shit like that again that'll be your last time. What possessed you to touch a pregnant woman's food?" Aubrey was on a full-blown rant by now, and Dave knew he was never going to hear the end of it.

"You really come into my home and try to grab my food like your overgrown, freckled face ass wasn't outside. I know you had to pass a damn Ruby Tuesday's because I pass the bitch every day. You weren't even thinking about it until you saw me eating it. I can't have anything around you fat ass kids. You know what? Just take the food. I don't even want it anymore. Where are my damn keys? I'll go get more."

"Chill Aubrey, it's not that serious. I don't even want the food like that. You can have it." He threw his hands up in defense, making a smile grow on Aubrey's face, feeling like she had a win under her belt. She was truly a mom by the way she just spoke to Reek, and it had Dave smiling at his wife.


"Na uh, somebody get Cruella ass up outta here cause she is really cutting up today. Imma fight her pregnant ass in a second" Danny began to squad up, making Aubrey rock forward, immediately falling back.

"You lucky my stomach won't let me get up, or I would've waxed the floor with you" She pointed at Danny, biting into her ribs letting out a moan.

"Haven't had action like that in a minute" Dave side eyed Aubrey making her laugh. Aubrey refused to have sex she was scared for the baby but the way she the pregnancy was making her feel she was bound to give in at any moment.

The screaming took her by a surprise only to realize it was just Zo chasing Laila around the house making her laugh, while Reek threw Landon up in the air making him scream. Happiness was an ongoing feeling that she was feeling and even more happy that she didn't let East mistakes hold them back, or she wouldn't have been able to see a beautiful moment like this. Dave had changed, he spent a lot of his time at home, while still playing the rapper role. He got a studio built in their home, and even took her and the kids on tour with him when she wasn't pregnant... That's how she ended up pregnant.

East mom also tagged along and helped baby sit the kids, when they were in Hotel rooms they were fucking like rabbits. She didn't mind, she couldn't get enough of making love to her husband, sometimes they "fucked" and she enjoyed that equally. The roughest times were some of the best. All and all East knew how to make his woman happy, and she knew how to switch up ways to please her man.

(Ladies don't think that'll keep a nigga though, if he ain't shit, he ain't shit. Let that nigga GO. You cannot keep a nigga that don't want to be kept. Those are just facts)


By the time everyone had went home and the kids were washed and in their bed, it was pushing 10PM. Aubrey was usually knocked out, and Dave was in the studio. Tonight he decided to stay up with his wife. Show her the attention his friends took away earlier that day.

"Come cuddle with your man, gimme some love girl. All this sexiness here for you" East took off his shirt tossing it in the corner, and patted the spot beside him. Aubrey laughed laying beside him resting her head on his chest.

"Na uh, gimme some kisses" Shaking her head no with a grin, he gently tugged on her hair and her head was moved back, only for a moan to slip from her lips. Dave couldn't help but chuckle, his lips poked out making a kissy face. Aubrey loved how moisturized and shiny his lips got when he licked them, not minding that it was really his saliva coated on his lips. It only made it sexier in her eyes.

Kissing her lips multiple times, Aubrey laughed moving her face to the side "I know you ain't just curve my kiss girl" Burying his head in her neck he made munching noises making her giggle and move her head to the side again.

"It smell like fatbacks under your neck chubbs" Aubrey mouth dropped punching him in his arm, and him to burst out in laughter.

"I do not smell like fatbacks!" Protecting himself, she stopped when her breathing picked up, she couldn't get as active anymore, her fat ass got tired quicker now than she did before.

"I'm kidding baby, It don't smell like fatbacks." Playfully hitting her chin with his finger, he hunched over laughing trying to get his next joke out.

"Fat ass neck smell like bacon, You know I don't eat swine, and you just gone let a nigga kiss on your neck like that? My baby got bacon grease in her neck rolls." Crossing her arms over her belly she stared at Dave's face not amused by anything that was going on.

"I'm playing lady, you know you always smell good." Kissing her lips until she finally broke out into a smile, only made Dave's smile mirror hers.

"I love you Big Mama" He smiled,

"I love you too Papa Bear."





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