《New Balance | COMPLETE.》T w e n t y - s e v e n ( t w o )


Twenty-eight will be the last chapter.


Danny rushed over to Aubrey's house by 4 that afternoon bringing the twins along with them. While she dressed herself in sweats and a T-shirt, Danny got the twins ready to go.

He forced her to put on a blindfold which scared her, until he convinced her it was Dave's way of pampering her for their date tonight. She gave Dave a point for going out his way to do all of these things for hers

"Can I take the blindfold off yet? Why do I have to do all this to get ready for a regular date tonight" Danny shook his head no as if she could see.

"If you stayed ready, you wouldn't have to get ready. This face stay beat all day. You can't surprise a bitch about nothing. Clown for a party, bitch I'm ready. Date night, let me get my wig, I'm ready."

Aubrey shook her head sitting back, "at least play some music damn."

"If you ain't got Mozart on your phone, no we can't. My children will not be listening to Nicki Minaj, tell you she tryna have a sprinkle of your baby daddy." Danny replied making Aubrey laugh.

"Bitch, I died when she said that like here you go girl. How you want that sprinkle of nut? In a cup? Nicki Minaj, and Beyonce are the only two bitches I'd share my man with."

"I almost said something but let me shut my fat ass up" Danny shook his head, making Aubrey laugh.

She was past Dave getting his dick sucked, she just wasn't past Dave willingly letting a bitch suck his dick. If that made any sense...?

"Alright whore, we're here. Don't take your blindfold off, or I'm going to be forced to kill you." Danny threatened her as he got out the car.

"Hey Aubby." Zoie hugged her as soon as she got out the car.

"I came to get my children from the car and help you guys to your makeup station." He smiled, as Danny guided her inside the building. Her arms automatically caught goosebumps. Aubrey didn't know what Dave was planning but Dave had went out his way to make this day special for his wife. He didn't know if she was going to say yes to this date or not but he had prayed to Allah before he started the planning hat she would.

Aubrey was easy when it came to forgiving but as for convincing her to change her mind about something that she didn't dictate was another story. She made her rules, and only she would be able to change them.

Aubrey grew impatient, and deeply irritated by everyone being in her face, and putting unwanted heat in her hair. It was going on 7 pm by the time everything was finished on Aubrey. Her hair was beautifully curled, and her make up was matted to the T. Even though she was pissed off with everyone she was happy they'd made her up so beautifully.


"Alright pretty mamas, I need you to do one more thing for me and that's close your eyes one more time" Rolling her eyes, she closed them but not before letting out a dramatic huff. After seconds of her eyes being closed she felt a comb pushing inside of her hair, and cloth flow down her back.

"Open uppp" Danny yelled excitedly with a smile, Aubrey eyes watered and she look over at Zoie who held a camera in his hand. Holding her arm out she giggled, patting her tears dry "Aw, guys is this my wedding? Did Dave plan this, oh my gosh, Daviiiidddd" Aubrey dragged out his name trying not to let the tears fall and mess up her make up.

Milani walked in, smiling at her daughter. "Alright mamas, you have to put on your dress." Milani clapped her hands, as Aubrey shook her head no.

"I don't think I want to do this"

Zoie fumbled with the camera mumbling "oh shit" clearing his throat "Somebody got the iMovie app on their phone? We're going to have to edit that out honey child" Danny hit Zoie's arm, making him shrug.

"What do you mean you don't want to do this Aubrey? It's just the wedding after the main wedding. Your 18th birthday, and your 21st birthday. Think of it like that" Danny encouraged her the best way he could.

"I have the whole world literally staring down my damn back, I have pride. I don't want to get cheated on again since we're on that subject" Aubrey frowned her face up, the tear threatening to fall again.

"Bitch, are you pregnant? You haven't cried this much since you was, you better not be." Danny eye her making her laugh, and shake her head no. "No dummy, I'm not pregnant."

"You know what? I'm going to marry my husband again. Forget ho anybody else feels, they don't know Dave and I's relationship. They don't understand us, because, I barely understand us." Aubrey smirked, getting undressed she slipped into her wedding gown. Staring at herself in the mirror. This was the dressed she had save on Pinterest years ago. She promised herself she wouldn't accept a wedding other than the one she'd dreamed of since a child.

"Mija, you look beautiful" Milani smiled at her daughter fixing the dress so it would fit her perfectly.

"I can't believe I'm getting married, again." Aubrey laughed, blinking back her tears.

"Alright, we have to go but we'll see you when you get out there okay?" Nodding her head, she smiled wide. This was her confirmation. This was what she needed.

David to stop telling her how sorry he was, and how much he loved her, but instead shoe her that he loved her, and he wanted to be in this forever.

She believed him, and now she was doing the real spill. It was their wedding day, and he brought all of it together. He wasn't perfect, but he was hers. He was what she wanted for the rest of her life. When the doors opened to walk out the room and meet her father, she smiled. As ready as she's ever been. It wasn't like she was officially getting married, that part had already happened but this time it was done right.


"You look so beautiful mamas." She entertained her arm in her dads and kissed him on his cheek. Lucky to have this man back in her life also. The music queued and the doors opened. The attention was on her, and Dave stared at his wife in awe. She was more than beautiful. She was the one he needed, the one he refused to live his life without. For once the opted out on vows and kept things short, sweet and filled with love.

Skip, just a repost

"David and Aubrey, remember to treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Take responsibility for making the other feel safe, and give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship, as they threaten all relationships at some time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you, and not just the part that seems wrong. In this way, you can survive the times when clouds drift across the face of the sun in your lives, remembering that, just because you may lose sight of it for a moment, that does not mean the sun has gone away, forever. If each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together and compassion for the needs of the other, your life together will be marked by abundance and delight."

Aubrey nodded her head, because they had lost sight for a moment, but their sun was shining again. Their love was undeniable, and she never wanted it to end.

"I, David, take you Aubrey, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

"I, Aubrey, take you, David, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward.

I pledge to you endless strength that you can count on when you are weak. I'll be your music when you can't hear, your sunshine when you can't see, or your perfume when you can't smell. You'll never need to look further than me. I'll be your days and nights when you need them filled, your spark of life in the darkness, your hope when you're down and out."

In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

"I David, take you Aubrey to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

"I, David, choose you Aubrey, to be my wife, to respect you in your successes and in your failures, to care for you in sickness and in health, to nurture you, and to grow with you throughout the seasons of life."

"I, Aubrey, take you, David, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the woman you will become, and falling in love a little more each day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us."

" David You may kiss your bride."


Aubrey changed from her from her wedding dress into her reception dress Danny and Zoie picked out. She was in love with everything about her wedding, even though she believed she needed a BET special like Gucci and Keyshia.

"You ready baby?" Dave walked out with a smirk, changing into his Gucci suit she shook her head laughing, wondering how he still managed to put Gucci on his body.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she placed a kiss on his lips. "Thank you for this"

"Thank you for forgiving me" Nodding her head she pressed her lips together walking out the room with his hand held in hers.

The doors opened and everyone cheered.

"My favorite couple!" Danny shouted making her laugh.

"Ugh, thank you guys so much" Pulling then into a hug, she walked to their table staring at the details in the large room.

"I came with the babies" Dave reached for Laila, and Aubrey took Landon. It was the longest she went without seeing the twins, and when they got in her arms she couldn't help but to get ten times happier.

The pictures snapped, and everyone aw'd.

"The perfect little family"

Aubrey smiles, yeah, perfect.

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