《■ Helpless ■ Gilbert Blythe ■》The proper goodbye



Marilla had declined all help sent by the neighbours after hearing about the incident of her brother. Benedict and Caroline Edwards offered their aid but they were rejected as well. Victoria she could not help with money, what she did know though was that she could help Anne.

School was over for the holiday and with her punishment over and Hamilton back in town, Victoria could do whatever she wanted. She was spending time decorating the house for Christmas, rereading the Christmas Carol and brainstorming potential gifts.

Nothing special.

So when she found out about Anne's upcoming trip to Charlotte Town she immediately asked to join.

Victoria was fastening the buttons on her jacket when someone knocked on the door. Victoria went to answer it knowing that it would most likely be Anne.

Sure enough, the redhead was there. Anne didn't even say hello when she started complaining.

"The whole trip is ruined, Jerry is coming." Victoria laughed. "Come on, he isn't that bad, he's nice. Besides who are you to let a boy ruin your adventure." Victoria replied, choosing the words carefully so that they can convince the girl.

"You're right. And you'll be there to make things a million times better. Are you ready to leave?" Anne asked. "Yes, just one moment." Victoria walked into the corridor until she was under the stairs. "Mother, I'm going to leave now!" She called out, grabbing her bag and pouch full of coins on the way.

Caroline appeared near the bannister. "Make sure that you and Anne stay safe! Try not to linger there for too long!" "Of course not, love you!" Caroline mumbled an 'I love you'.

Victoria was about to leave when the sounds of protests and pounding footsteps stopped her. "Wait! Just a second!" Hamilton ran down the stairs while simultaneously writing down on a piece of paper. Due to his failed multitasking, he slipped on when of the steps but saved himself by only barely grasping the railing. "Bloody hell!"

Anne gasped from beside Victoria. "Is he alright?" "I'm brilliant!" Hamilton stated as he walked up to them. "Sorry about that, and for my appearance." Hamilton apologized, motioning to himself. He was still wearing his striped pyjamas and his black robe while his brown curls were in disarray, a clear sign that he had just woken up.

"I think you look astonishing," Anne said unknowingly as she gazed up at him with slight awe. Hamilton smiled awkwardly before turning to his sister.

"I wrote down an address here, its where I'm living. So if you come down with any problems and need help go there and ask for Gideon Gallagher. He'll help, he's..um.. quite.. nice." Hamilton said. His awkward smile melted into a fond one instead and his cheeks turning rosy. He cleared his voice before handing the paper to Victoria.

"Oh, thanks Hamilton, we better go now though," Victoria said as she placed the paper in her bag. "Of course, who am I to keep you here? Be careful, both of you." Hamilton said as he nodded in Anne's direction.

"Bye!" Both Anne and Victoria saluted before leaving the house. "How long is he staying here?" Anne asked as they walked over to the carriage. "He's not leaving until the New Year's I think. He says that he's been feeling lonely." "At least he made a friend," Anne said referring to the newly mentioned Gideon Gallagher. "Appears so. I have something to give you." Victoria stated as she reached out for her bag.


She pulled out a hideous looking blue and white small vase. "I know that this is an eyesore, but it's worth quite some money. Our aunt bought it for us, she was as blind as a bat which I think contributes a lot to the state of its looks."

"Victoria, I can't take this." Anne rejected but Victoria quickly stopped her. "But you can, besides it was Edward's idea and our parents quickly agreed with us. To tell you the truth he just wanted it gone because it scared him." Victoria explained. Anne looked at the hideous painted dragon and she couldn't help but agree. She hugged Victoria gently, making sure not to break the vase. "You are one of the best human beings ever," Anne stated. Victoria laughed at that statement. "Why thanks, I know."

"Hello, Jerry!" Victoria said as they approached the horse. "Good morning!" The boy replied. Anne rolled her eyes, she couldn't understand how both she and Diana liked him and didn't see how truly annoying he was.

"Victoria, can you please stay in the middle so I won't have to look at him," Anne stated with bitterness. "Sure," Victoria answered uncertainly, accepting the hand that Jerry offered her. The three started the journey and Victoria had stayed in the middle to stop them fighting, quite literally. Which was why she was currently sandwiched between the two while Jerry was singing in French and Anne was shouting at him to stop.

"May the Royal family help me," Victoria begged in a whisper as she gazed up at the grey sky.


Anne, Jerry and Victoria parted ways after the girls went to sell back Anne's dress. Victoria had offered to join Anne to the pawnbroker but the latter reassured her that there's no need. So instead Victoria went to the book store in search of the perfect book for Edward.

The young boy wasn't the biggest fan of reading but he found out that he quite enjoyed it after trying to mimic his sister. Her little visit to the bookstore didn't stay little as she ended up buying five books. One book for her brother and Anne for Christmas and three for herself.

She got out of the bookstore after bidding goodbye to the nice owner. Books still in her hand, she desperately tried to open her bag with one hand. She was only able to place two books in her bag before getting knocked into and causing her books the fall on the ground with a soft thump.

Victoria let out a loud gasp and quickly bent down to grab them before the snow could ruin the pages. "I'm sorry, I should have-" They said simultaneously causing Victoria to pause. Looking up slowly, she met the sweet eyes of Gilbert Blythe as he held on to her new copy of Wuthering Heights.

"Looks like you do read something that isn't Shakespeare," Gilbert stated with a smile as he handed the book back to her. Victoria couldn't help her grin. "Fancy seeing you here." She said, accepting his hand as he pulled her up.

Then she remembered what went down. Letting go of her hand, she started smacking him on the arm with the book. "You were supposed to say goodbye, wanker!" Victoria said with an icy glare as she kept ongoing. "No! Stop!" Gilbert shouted back. The two were causing a scene and people were staring at the boy getting beaten up by the girl.

Victoria stopped, giving time for Gilbert to speak. "I tried to say goodbye but you were grounded. And then I tried to get your attention by trying to throw rocks at your window- and you know.." Victoria stared at him incredulously. "You're the reason our window broke? That wasn't even my room."


Gilbert looked confused for a moment. "But I heard a shriek." Victoria laughed, "That wasn't me, it was Hamilton. Also, idiot!" Gilbert hissed after receiving another hit. "I'm done now," Victoria stated, placing the book in her bag.

"I didn't want to leave without talking to you first," Gilbert admitted. Victoria shrugged. "Well, there's no use on crying over spilt milk now," Victoria said nonchalantly but Gilbert could still see the small frown on her face.

"Let's go somewhere inside," Gilbert suggested. Victoria ended up agreeing with him. "I saw somewhere we can go. Anne and I thought of going there after we finished. "Anne's here as well?" Gilbert asked as they walked side by side. Victoria hummed yes. "I came with her actually, she and the Cuthberts got into a bit of conundrum. She'll explain it to you later if she wants, it's not my place to talk about."

They both found a place to sit in a small café. Upon ordering, Victoria asked for a cup of oolong tea which Gilbert ordered the same despite not knowing what on Earth it is.

"Did you know that oolong tea was named after the part of Wuyi mountain where it was founded from? It means black dragon or something like that in Chinese." Victoria said as she added about five teaspoons of sugar. Gilbert watched incredulously as she emptied the teaspoon each time.

"I didn't even know that oolong was a word two minutes ago," Gilbert stated. Victoria looked up at him with a smile. "Too bad that wasn't part of the spelling bee. I would have won. At least I could have if it weren't for that wanker. No 'u' in splendour, what a bunch of tosh."

Victoria noticed Gilbert listening to every word that she was saying, a look of admiration evident. "Scuse me, I'm talking nonsense. How are you doing?"

"Not bad. A bit busy." Gilbert replied, short and sweet. "It is surprising to find you here. When you said you're going to travel the world I expected somewhere further away from Charlottetown."

"That's because I'm trying to get some money first. I'm working at the docks, you know lifting things." Gilbert said. Victoria smirked slightly at the thought of Gilbert walking around and carrying heavy things around. Gilbert caught the action which made him feel beyond amused. "But I'm hoping to get hired by a steamer."

"Good luck then. May I ask you something?" Victoria asked. Gilbert grinned and was about to say something snarky but Victoria stopped him. "If you say anything about how that was already a question, be aware, I will abandon you." Victoria threatened. Gilbert raised his hands in surrender, a laugh escaping his mouth.

"Do write to me. It might be quite difficult to write to you first as you'll be travelling around a bit and I don't want to lose contact. Not again. Not from you." Gilbert reached out hesitantly and grabbed her hand, linking his fingers through hers. "I promise. And I fully intend to keep my word on this one." Gilbert promised.



The pair spent quite some time staring at one another. For a second, they both seemed to forget where they were. And for a couple more, Gilbert forgot how inappropriate it was for people especially at their age, to show public displays of affection. A minute or two passed and Gilbert started to lean closer and honestly he didn't care who watched them as all he thought about was kissing her.

That was when a knock on the glass broke their perfect bubble and dropped them back into the world. A world that wasn't only for the two of them.

Victoria jumped slightly as she didn't expect the interruption. When she turned around, she was face to face with Anne who was frantically pointing to the outside. A clear indication that she wanted her to leave.

"I'll pay," Victoria said finally. Gilbert immediately started to protest. "No, you can't." "Yes, I can. Besides, I was the one who suggested we come here hence I should pay."

"If I don't then it wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me," Gilbert said. Victoria almost rolled her eyes. "Fine, we'll split it instead." Gilbert didn't find the energy to continue arguing so he just agreed with her.

When they left the shop Victoria found out exactly why Anne was in such a hurry. Next to her was Jerry, who's eye was red and bleeding. "Great fires of London! What happened?" Victoria asked as she rushed towards Jerry immediately. "They took the money," Jerry replied in a sad tone. "I'm so sorry."

Victoria rubbed his shoulder. "You have nothing to apologize for. It wasn't your fault. We need to go to Mrs Barry." Victoria said with Anne quickly agreeing with her.

"Do you need any help?" Gilbert offered after he and Jerry had finished introducing themselves.

"Don't worry, we've got this," Anne replied. Gilbert turned to Victoria for reassurance. "Thanks for the help. Just be careful and remember to write. And, Merry Christmas, love." Victoria was about to try and kiss Gilbert on the cheek but she didn't feel comfortable doing it in front of Anne and Jerry.

Gilbert caught her hesitance as well. Thank god Anne noticed the awkwardness between the two and turned around and pulled Jerry with her as well. Victoria laughed slightly which caused a smile to bloom on Gilbert's face. Shaking his head in disbelief, he leaned down a bit and kissed Victoria on both cheeks.

"Merry Christmas, Vic."


The trip, despite Jerry being attacked, was successful. Josephine Barry not only sheltered them after that night but also offered to pay for the expenses needed to keep Jerry working at Green Gables.

It was only a few days after that Victoria found herself getting ready to go see the Christmas recital. "Do you think the hat makes me look pompous?" Hamilton asked suddenly as he entered Victoria's room. Victoria was fixing her hair at the time and turned to see Hamilton wearing a black top hat.

"You look positively dashing, brother," Victoria replied as she watched Hamilton fix his green coat that somehow managed to match his green eyes perfectly. "Oh thank God," Hamilton said, letting out a breath.

Hamilton was ready three times before, each time he was sent back to fix something for it to be approved by the Caroline Edwards.

"We'll be leaving soon. By the way, I forgot to give you something, it came today. It's a letter from Gilbert." Hamilton said, retrieving a letter from the inside of his coat. "From Gilbert? And you're just giving it to me now?" Victoria said incredulously as she snatched it from his hands.

Hamilton stepped back, afraid of getting hit. "I'll leave you to it then." He said as he left the room. Victoria could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

She opened it as soon as the door closed and felt ashamed at herself at how excited she was just because she received a letter from a boy.

My dearest, Victoria

I debated on whether I should have written the letter at this very moment. I was afraid that you would see right through me and see how much I miss you already and how crazy I am when it comes to you. But I decided to write it anyway. After all, its the truth and I have nothing to hide, at least nothing from you.

This might seem pointless, I don't have many things to say as nothing special has happened since I've last seen you. Maybe it's because I still haven't left and I have seen nothing new or maybe because without you here nothing seems as special.

I'll write to you again and next time I'll put in an address as I will be leaving on a steamer in just a few days. In just a few days I will be able to see all of the splendors that the world has to offer.

I was wrong, actually, this letter isn't for nothing. One of the only legitimate reasons for writing this is to prove to you that I will keep my promise. I just hope you keep your end of it. And no, don't cry for me, you'll see me again. It seems that nothing can keep me away from you for so long.

Merry Christmas,

Gilbert x


End of part one.

Hey people, I hoped that you enjoyed the end of this part. Looking back it took me for fucking ever to finish this part so I apologize deeply for any frustration that I might have caused you.

I'll try to come post again as soon as possible. I initially was going to take a break from this story for a bit and focus on my others but just like what happened to all my social events, those plans were cancelled. (Because of you know what- I'm not going to mention what it is because I don't want it to cause any bad luck on the story. I don't need any computer viruses-- Lol, no, sorry that was a horrible joke)

I'll stop rambling now. Have a nice summer!


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