《■ Helpless ■ Gilbert Blythe ■》Parting of Ways



"I can't seem to find my book, you know, the very important one. Maybe we should cancel the carriage and postpone the plans for a week. It has seemed to disappear." Hamilton explained as he stopped himself on top of the stairs.

The rest of the Edwards groaned.

"You've been at it since yesterday, darling. Might I remind you that you're studying to be a doctor and not an actor." Caroline added.

The frown on Hamilton's face seemed to be carved in. Since the morning of the day before, Hamilton was quiet and wore a look of a puppy which was kicked. Even his hair seems to be having a hard time and is suffering.

Hamilton silently walked down the house steps, his gaze onto the floor and his right hand fiddling with a random thread on his coat.

"Hamilton, chin up. You shouldn't be this down, you should be chuffed!" His father said as he tried to lift his spirits.

Hamilton finally locked eyes with him and Benedict was shocked to see him about to burst crying. The smile on his face quickly fell to worry when he saw the sadness that his son was conveying.

"Hamilton, what's wrong?" Benedict asked. "I don't want to go, please. I know that this is a good opportunity and I was so happy at first."

"But now it feels like my heart is just seconds away from being ripped out by the distance that there will be between us. And I'm afraid that I'll start crying and I'll be sobbing so hard that the thin threads that are barely keeping my heart from collapsing will be cut." Hamilton described, still fiddling with his coat.

"That was one of the least idiotic things that have ever come out from your mouth." Edward stated, finally speaking up. Hamilton let out a chuckle, laughing through the tears that started to stream down his face.

"Hamilton, if you want to stay, no one is going to stop you. You can choose to stay here or go to Charlotte town and we won't judge you." Victoria explained. Hamilton refused to look at her again and stared at his shoes instead.

"But I don't think you should give up before you even start. You worked so hard for this, a year or two and you can become an actual doctor. You'll be able to help people and make a better place for others. And that's such a beautiful thing that many would like to do. It would be a shame to let an opportunity to waste." When Hamilton noticed that his sister was finished, he looked up at her.

"But is all of that worth it if I'll be in such misery of being so far away from you?" Hamilton asked. "You can't always get everything, Hamilton. And I think you're making a fuss. Charlotte town is about a few hours or even less away. It's not like we'll be an ocean away." Benedict added.

"Of course we'll miss you a lot but as long as you'll be getting the best in life than we won't complain." Caroline said.


"Plus," Edward interjected. "It's not like you're signing an official contract or something if you go and try and don't like it, you can always leave. No one would stop you."

Hamilton stared at Victoria again and the girl simply smiled and nodded. Hamilton took in a deep breath and wiped the tears with his sleeve.

Then he moved forward and hugged his father. "I'm sorry about that, for acting like such a baby," then he moved to his mother. "And I'm sorry if I worried you but I promise you." He leaned down, lifted Edward up and squashed him against his chest. "I'll make you proud, and I'll work as hard as I can."

Then he stopped in front of Victoria. "I'll still miss you and I love you more than anything. And thank you for everything you've done." He grinned at Victoria and then grabbed her hand and laughed as he twirled her around.

"Come on, Edwards family hug." Hamilton added with a bittersweet smile. Everyone moved in close and hugged one another and silence fell for a second or two. "Oh, on the king of England, Edward. How is it that you smell so horrible." Hamilton said with a grimace.

Edward stepped on his foot and Hamilton screamed in pain.

"Quiet down! You'll break all the windows." Victoria said, commenting on the high pitched scream. "I swear, you all act like five year olds." Caroline stated with a sigh.

"You love us though." Hamilton said with a chuckle. "I'll write to you, every week. And I'll visit once in a while, only if you visit as well." Hamilton added.

"We promise that we will, Hamilton." Victoria promised and Hamilton gave her a sad smile.

Taking in a deep breath, Hamilton grabbed his luggage and marched straight towards the carriage. After hopping inside and closing the door behind him, Hamilton popped his head out of the window. "I love you all! Cheerio!"

"May the king be with you!" Edward shouted and Hamilton let out a 'woohoo!' as the carriage took him further away from his family.

All of the Edwards fell into absolute silence.

"Benedict, are you crying?" Caroline asked as she gazed at her husband. Benedict shook his head. "Of course not! It's just.. that perfume of yours is mortifying! Where on earth did you even find such a monstrosity?!"

Caroline's face was flat as she looked at her husband. "You gave it to me last year on my birthday, remember?" Caroline replied nonchalantly.

Benedict stopped for a second and glared at his children when they didn't bother to hide their laughter.

"I'm in very big trouble, aren't I?" Benedict stated with a grimace. Caroline nodded. "Absobloodylootely."

And that's the story on how Benedict Edwards was chased around by his wife as she started swatting his arms while Edward and Victoria laughed.

"This is good for him Edward, he'll be fine." Victoria reassured her brother as she laid a hand on his shoulder. "I know that, doesn't mean that I won't miss him though."

"You're not alone, at least you have me." Victoria smiled at Edward and in return, the boy's eyes widened. "Oh, what a thrill!" Edward responded, sarcasm clearly evident.


Victoria punched his arm lightly. "Shut up, wanker."

"I'm sorry Caroline! I'm sorry!" Benedict shouted as his wife was gaining up on him. Victoria and Edward watched as their parents were running across the green grass.

"What on earth are they-" Victoria was cut off when she saw her mother lunging at her father, causing both of them to topple over. Both the siblings winced as they heard their father shriek.

"Hamilton just left five minutes ago and this is already happening. I'm scared." Edward admitted. Victoria nodded but her eyes didn't leave the scene in front of them as a screaming Rachel Lynde also came into the picture.

"I wish I could say that I disagree, but i would be lying." Victoria and Edward looked at each other for one second before they burst out laughing.

Despite that, Victoria knew, that they would all be fine.


"Edwards, come here, hurry up." Victoria sighed as she walked up to Mr Phillips' desk. He handed Victoria a stack of books and paper and she quickly took them into her arms.

"Take these lessons to Gilbert Blythe. He'll be missing class for a time, and I don't want him falling too far behind. He's my best student." Victoria refrained herself from rolling her eyes at the bitter smile on her teacher's face.

Instead, she nodded. "Of course, sir." Victoria walked to her own desk and grabbed her own items alongside Gilbert's. Anne was silent as she was still upset from being denied of staying friends with Diana.

Victoria had tried to make her feel better but to no avail.

"Vicky, I'll be walking with Diana, if you don't mind," Anne told her with a whisper. "I'm afraid it's the only time I'll be able to talk to her."

Victoria smiled with understanding. "Of course I don't mind, Anne. Besides, I have a detour of my own." She motioned to Gilbert's stack of books and Anne nodded. "Right. Don't get too excited to see Gilbert." Anne said with a smile.

Victoria playfully rolled her eyes. "Shut up." Victoria grabbed both stacks and her basket by the door and was about to leave when she found that it was impossible to open the door with her hands so full.

Billy noticed her distress and opened it for her, letting her pass. Victoria gave him a thankful nod before leaving the school house.

Edward was already waiting outside and explained how she had to stop at Gilbert's house before arriving home.

"Why won't he be coming to school?" Edward asked curiously. Victoria shrugged "I haven't the foggiest. I didn't ask."

"Why didn't you?" Edward pressed on. "Because if he wanted me to know, he would've told me. A little further, we're almost there."

Five more minutes of walking, and just like Victoria promised, they arrived to Gilbert's house. Edward was panting from beside her as he found walking in the snow to be very difficult.

Victoria knocked on the door and wiped some snow off her hair while she waited. It took some while before the door opened and to her surprise and also slight disappointment, it wasn't Gilbert.

Instead there was a man who looked as if he could barely stand up, he looked weak and fragile. Victoria felt instantly guilty as she caused the obviously sick man to get up.

"Sorry to make you wait. I'm guessing you're here for Gilbert? He's out at the back, chopping wood." The man, most likely Gilbert's father, smiled at her and she returned it.

"Ah yes, I'm here to give Gilbert some things from school. I'm very sorry to have disturbed you Mister." Victoria apologized. The man waved a hand as he leaned against the door for support.

"It's nothing. I'm guessing you two are the new family that arrived not long ago. Your accent gives it away."

"You assume correctly. I'm Victoria, and that's my brother Edward." Edward waved at the man who smiled at him in return. "Its very nice to meet you. You both have very fine, curly hair." Victoria thanked the sweet man.

"Dad, what are you doing? You shouldn't be walking." Gilbert stated as he entered the scene. Gilbert ran to the porch and grabbed his father's arm. "My son worries too much." Mister Blythe replied, ignoring Gilbert's panic.

"It seems this young lady and her brother have urgent business. With you. I'll go inside now." The man stated. Gilbert reached out for him. "I'll fetch your chair."

Mister Blythe shook his head. "I'll go on my own, thank you son. It was nice meeting you, give your family a welcome from me." He added as he turned to look at the siblings. "We will. Thanks a lot, Mister Blythe." Victoria replied and the tired man walked inside.

"Are those for me?" Gilbert asked as he noticed the books in her hands. Victoria nodded and handed them to him.

"Well, it's kind of you to bring them by." Gilbert replied, smiling gently at the girl. "No problem at all, it gave me an excuse to see you. See how you're doing that is." Victoria added as she bit the inside of her mouth.

"Consider me flattered then." Gilbert said with a chuckle. Edward just rolled his eyes as the conversation continued to unfold.

"Do you know when you'll be back?" Victoria asked but inside she knew that he didn't want to go back to school while his father was that ill.

"I'm not sure, hopefully soon. I've missed y- school." Gilbert said, cringing at himself. "I hope so too. I guess I better go." Victoria stated.

Gilbert frowned but nodded still. "Thank you for the books and your presence." Victoria smiled. "You're welcome. Cheerio."

With a final wave, Victoria grabbed Edward's hand and dragged him with her as she heard the door close behind them.

"That's was one of the mingiest things I've ever seen." Edward said whilst walking.

"Not a word of it, wanker. Not a word." Victoria threatened as she sighed deeply.


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