《■ Helpless ■ Gilbert Blythe ■》Injustice at its finest



Victoria stood in front of the board right next to Anne and the couple other students left in the spelling bee.

She felt nervous, not because she thought that she'd get one wrong, that was the least of her worries, she just hated all the attention on her.



"That would seem correct." Mister Phillips said with a nod of approval at Gilbert.

"Miss Edwards, spell unbeknownst."

Victoria took a deep breath before answering. "U-N-B-E-K-N-O-W-N-S-T. Unbeknownst."

"Correct." He answered in an annoyed voice, clearly wanting the girl to loose.

"Penitent." He asked Anne, who to the surprise of no one, got it right.

"Prepossessing." Mister Phillips gave Gilbert to spell out. Gilbert nodded his head and slowly started spelling the word.

Victoria fiddled silently with her fingers as she started to feel rather impatient. As Gilbert was spelling out, Victoria felt his gaze on her.

She couldn't help but look up at him and as they stared at each other, she couldn't help but feel awkward.

"Correct. Now spell splendor." Victoria tore her gaze away from Gilbert and cleared her throat before starting. "S-P-L-E-N-D-O-U-R"

"That's incorrect." Mister Phillips stated. "Wait, what? No, its not." Victoria remarked back.

"It doesn't have a 'U'." He added. "Ah, yes it does." She could literally hear him rolling his eyes. "It might from wherever you might be from but around here, it doesn't have a 'U'."

Victoria detached herself from the board and walked back to her seat, muttering quietly to herself along the lines of 'injustice' and 'disrespect to the King of England'.

As soon as she sat down, Victoria looked forward in order to watch the rest of the spelling bee.

"Is Her Majesty upset that she lost?" Victoria sighed as she no way wanted to take part of a conversation with him. She reluctantly turned in her seat to face him.


"No. I'm not. How about you? It must be embarassing to know that you failed on your first try." A couple of the boys around him oohed. But Billy shook it off as if it was nothing and gave Victoria a wink instead.

Victoria looked at him disgustingly and turned away.

She continued watching the spelling bee and hoped that Anne would win. Don't get her wrong, she has nothing against Gilbert and wouldn't mind if he did win but Anne was her closest friend and she's her first priority.

"Engagement." "E-N-G-A-G-M"

"That is incorrect." Philips said as soon as Gilbert forgot the vowel. Victoria immediately started clapping for her victorious friend.

Victoria witnessed as Gilbert stopped Anne to congratulate her and the girl quickly retreated to her seat.

Victoria immediately noticed that something was wrong with her best friend and laid a hand on her shoulder in worry. "What's wrong Anne? You just won!"

Anne finally looked up at her friend and clutched her stomach. "I just, I don't feel so good." Before Victoria could voice her worry, the school bell rang and everyone started packing their stuff.

"Maybe you should go to the doctor." Victoria stated as she stood up and straightened her dress. "I can't do that, the nearest doctor is in Charlotte town and that's a long way. I don't want to worry Matthew and Marilla."

They walked together and put on their coats when they were near the door. "But what if there is something seriously wrong, I mean I hope not, but you can never be too safe. And you don't need to go to Charlotte town. You forget that my brother is a doctor in training, he's not a professional but he can definitely help you."


Anne placed a hand on top of Victoria's and gave a reassuring smile. "You're a very sweet and compassionate girl, Vic, but I'm fine. But I'll promise you this, if I do get worse, I'll seek help. "

Victoria raised her eyebrows. "You promise?" She added. Anne smiled. "I promise. Now come on, I can't stand being in here for one more minute."

Victoria nodded in agreement and the two walked over to the door. As Victoria was going to open the door, someone beat her to it.

Victoria gave Gilbert a smile as he kindly opened the door for her and stepped to the side to let her pass first.

"I think you're used to having doors being opened for you, my majesty." Billy added with his usual annoying commentary.

Anne looked at Victoria with an incredulous look on her face. "Gilbert, thank you very much." Victoria thanked which caused Gilbert to grin. "And dear Billy, shut up, please."

Anne tried to fight back a laugh but failed horribly which caused her to receive a glare from Billy. "Good day."

Both Anne and Victoria left the school house. As soon as they left they walked towards where Diana and Ruby were. "Can you believe Billy? He's so annoying." Anne stated, though she looked as if she were in slight pain.

"But can you believe Gilbert? He's so chivalrous." Ruby said in a dreamy haze.

"VICKYYYYY!!!!" Victoria turned around with a sigh as she caught sight of Edward running towards her with a large grin on his face. "Slow down!" Victoria exclaimed as everyone was watching the young boy run.

As he got closer he lost his footing and was about to tumble down. Thank god, Gilbert was there and caught him by his arms just in time.

Victoria walked up to the two with a sigh. "How many times have I told you to be careful? You know what Hamilton said, break another bone and he'll break you."

Edward scoffed. "Like he would actually do that, father would maul him to death."

"Hey, wanker, say thank you to Gilbert." Victoria said as she finally turned around to the boy who was watching the two converse. Edward smiled adorably at him. "Thank you, Gilbert."

Edward quickly turned to look at his sister. "Don't call me wanker, tosser."

Victoria glared at him. "You really are annoying." Edward nodded. "Just a tad, though."

Victoria turned and looked at Gilbert. "Thanks for your help again." Gilbert smiled. "There's no need to thank me. You know I would do anything for you."

Victoria pushed a lock of hair out of her face. "I didn't know that, but it's good to know. I better go now, goodbye." Gilbert nodded and the two siblings left.

Victoria grabbed her brother's book bag as both of them walked closer to Anne in order for them to start their journey home together.

"Edward, out of curiosity, do you know how to spell splendour?" Victoria asked as she patiently waited for her brother to answer. "S-P-L-E-N-D-O-R, why do you need to know?" Edward asked in confusion.

Victoria grimaced at him. "I can't believe it, they've corrupted you."


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