《■ Helpless ■ Gilbert Blythe ■》I know where we're going. This time.


When it was time for Victoria to go home, she couldn't have ever been so grateful. She simply wanted to go home, get in bed and read a book.

Victoria packed her bag and grabbed her basket after pulling on her coat. She made her way outside and the first thing she did was grab the jar that was lying in the stream. Victoria noticed that the children from the other schoolhouse were still inside and had no choice but wait for her brother to get out.

Victoria leaned onto the wall of the schoolhouse and watched as all the students fled one by one. Victoria smiled when Diana, Ruby, Tillie and even Prissy Andrews passed by her and bid farewell. Her smile quickly fell when she saw Billy who winked at her and said "Farewell, my Majesty".

Gilbert Blythe was the last one to leave the building and smiled when he saw the girl alone, staring at the other schoolhouse door. "I'm sorry about what Billy did to you during lunch." The sound of the boy's voice tore Victoria out of her thoughts and she turned to look at him.

Victoria didn't answer him right away and took the time to look at him up and down. "Sure you did." She finally answered and looked back at the schoolhouse. "No, I swear that I am. It wasn't the welcome that you deserved. I apologize on his behalf." Gilbert said, biting his lower lip, not knowing how the foreign girl would respond.

"You're sweet." Victoria shortly replied. It seemed to the boy that he would be the one doing all the talking. "And we haven't been properly met I'm-"


Both Victoria and Gilbert looked at where the shouting came from and Victoria instantly smiled when she saw her brother running towards her. Victoria was pushed back when Edward hugged her by the waist. "Vicky! I had so much fun. You were right they didn't tease me because of my name or anything! I have tons of new friends!"


Victoria smiled at Edward. It seemed as if he had a better day than her. "That's great Edward, I'm sure that our parents and Hamilton would like to hear about it as well. Now let's go, hand me your bag." Edward handed his bag to his sister and grabbed onto her free hand.

"Let's just hope that we don't get lost again," Edward remarked as the two walked towards the woods. Victoria groaned. "We weren't lost, we were just-" "Misplaced!" The two ended together and Edward snorted. "Who do you think you're fooling, woman?"

Victoria raised an eyebrow and stopped to look down at her brother. "Bite your tongue will you. And don't worry. I know where we're going. This time."

Edward rolled his eyes. "I sure hope you do. I'm too young to be dead." Victoria huffed. "Don't be so melodramatic." "Look at that, the pot calling the kettle black. You're way worse than me."

Victoria bit her lower lip. "Well, I can't deny that. Now let's hurry up the pace or we won't even return home by sundown." Victoria turned around slightly for her to see if Gilbert was still there. The boy was indeed standing there and he smiled at the two siblings converse. Victoria sent a smile and wave in his direction and quickly turned back around.

Edward and Victoria made a run for it and this time, as Victoria guided them around the forest, she made sure to pay attention to their surroundings.

They made it back home in twenty minutes and Victoria sent a smile to Edward to show him that they didn't get lost.

"How was your first day?" Caroline asked when she saw her children by the door, taking off their shoes. Edward didn't hesitate in giving his mother every detail of his day. When he finished, Caroline turned to look at Victoria, who simply shrugged and said that it wasn't bad. That made Caroline raise her eyebrows in disbelief.


"Victoria, would you mind if I talk to you alone?" Caroline asked and Victoria nodded her head as she made herself comfortable on a seat, facing her mother.

"What is it that you need, mother?" Victoria inquired as she grabbed an apple from the bowl in front of her and played with it. "How did your day really go?" Caroline asked and this time, Victoria said exactly what she thought about it.

"For starters, our teacher is the worst. He enjoys seeing all of his students suffer. There also was this girl who thinks that she's this... ruler of everything.

That's not all I also met this.. boy... He was very rude. Picking on me and calling me 'Majesty'. I don't even know where he got the name from. Although some girls weren't all bad. They still think that I'm weird or whatever and I can tell that it would take some time until they fully accept me."

Victoria finally finished and she threw the apple back into the bowl. Caroline smiled at the daughter. "Well, that sounds interesting. And don't worry, you'll get there. It was only your first day."


"Were there any boys?"


"Did any of them catch your eye?"


"Well, where they at least good looking?"


"You know what? I'll drop the conversation. I don't think that it's going anywhere anyway. Ohh, I almost forgot!"

Victoria's eyes quickly darted back to her mother. "What are you insinuating? That's your 'I just thought of something brilliant' tone. Frankly, it always sends chills down my spine."

Caroline waved her daughter off. "Don't exaggerate. I decided that we should hold a gathering here, this Saturday. Get to know the people of our town better. What do you think?" Victoria bit her lip. "I think that you would still do what you want no matter what I say."

Caroline placed a hand on Victoria's. "Oh, darling, you know me so well. I'll write the invitations tomorrow. And do me a favour, pass them out tomorrow after you return from school." Victoria nodded and stood up. "Got it. I'm going to my room so I can finish my math homework. Love you mum."

"Love you too darling."

Victoria quickly returned to her room and flopped down dramatically on the bed. "I hate people," Victoria mumbled into her pillow.

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