《A True Rogue》Chapter 14


"She's not eating, she's not sleeping and she looks like a freaking corpse! Luna you have to get her out of there, fast!" I heaved out at Luna Lilly, hoping she'd give me something, sympathy, regret, ANYTHING! We have to save Rain, she could die anytime.

"Who let you into the prison?" She instead asked, after eyeing me blankly as if I hadn't just run out of breath in panic half a minute ago.

"The way she stares at you unseeing," I said shaking my head "I think her wolf's dying." I took a deep breath after laying my piece. Luna just slumped into her chair tiredly. I don't think she's listening to me at all.

I try again, for Rain. It's my duty to get her freedom back, cause I took it away in the first place.

"First time I sneak in there, she's being hurt, violated by a freaking giant not even YOU would bed Luna and now she's dying because you're too stubborn to let this go. Help her! Are you getting off on this or-"

"Enough about Rain!" Luna boomed, surprising me. I must've hit a nerve or something cause she's not so...blank anymore. In-fact she'-- are those... tears??? Shit!

I'm gonna get my self killed one of these days, that's twice I've made our 'precious' Luna cry now, TWICE!

"My son," She whispered her voice wobbly, "He's getting weaker too, now we know why." Oh.


I don't know what time it is, I can't remember when last I ate anything, I don't even remember how and when I left the torture rooms. Am I still there? Maybe my body went numb, yeah, maybe that's why I can't feel the chilling metal bed pressing against my back as my body is jostled and shoved against it continuously. Is Emmery here with me Or have they sent another to help themselves with me?


I'm glad I can't see anything nor feel anything.

I slightly recall a faint scent of mint near by though I don't recognize its owner. Lara can't help either, she's hidden herself deep in the darkest corners of my mind.

Half my senses have shut down. My voice doesn't work and my tears have dried.

I feel numb.

I know Lara's ashamed that she couldn't stop Emmery from hurting me cause I feel the same. I know we've lost the only thing that would've proved our innocence. It's gone.

I'm cold.

I feel dirty, so dirty.

I wish I can scrub my skin off, I w-wish- No No NO!

Wishes are not mine to have. They never have, never will.

My closed eyelids are like a cinema, flashes of my past and present whirl before my eyes brokenly.

Did Shelly put them up to this?


Our mothers birthed Shelly and I a day after the other in the pack hospital and our mothers, being friends, roomed together.

We had no idea of each other's presence until 3 days later when we shifted into our wolf forms. A norm that a newborn pup would only shift to its wolf a couple of days later so to identify and bond with its parents like the human has. From that day onward, we were inseparable.

We were raised to strictly model our parents (uptight business minded better than everybody type of families) and as such, at school we were the weird kids who knew no fun, school out casts. Being shunned taught us to stick together so we were okay. But when Shelly couldn't conform to the image Melissa had in mind, 'she lacked fashion sense and had no class' as they said, she was ignored.

Shelly then seeked all the love she could get from wherever she could, me, my family and a CRUSH, on Jason.

Soon after we turned 15, she told me of a handsome Junior from one of the neighboring rich families, daily I'd listen to her rave about how handsome and dreamy a gentleman he is, how unlike the other guys he was mature . I discouraged her though because our parents wouldn't like it one bit, she refused to let go.


One day at school, I was walking out of the library when Jason cornered me. "Hi..hi Rain, its Everton right?" He'd asked, I'd nodded my head not in the list bit shy that a 'handsome' boy was talking lil ole' me. "So, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime? I mean I can ask permission from your parents first cause I know how they are but," He'd nervously shuffled his feet amidst his words. "but I obviously have to ask you first." I'd only seen an.opportunity to help my friend here.

"So, what do you say?" At his question I'd confidently and quite naively said "I can't but my friend Shelly would love to go, why don't you ask her? I can even give you her nu-" I was cut off by his raucous laughter. "Don-don't play games with me babe, I'd never waste my time with grandma." He'd went on to choke back more laughter, balancing his person by the wall next to us. "I'd be the laughing stock of the school. ha ha ha..." My eyes went wide in anger at his words but he shuffled back, "Look, if you don't want to go with me it's cool, you don't have to refer me to ugly duckling."

While my jaw was hanging in shock that he'd speak such about a girl he'd proceeded to steal a kiss from me. At that I'd punched him square in the nose (he bled thankfully) and made off only to see by fabrics that Shelly was running away from this place in tears.

I didn't know how much she'd heard but I was sure she'd seen more than enough to hurt.

Going after her was a task, especially since she was good at hiding away from the world, and her mom. It was hours later that I'd chanced and broke into her room through her window and there I got THE shock of my life.

She was sobbing in front of her open once wardrobe-turned-creepy-shrine of Jason, stuff like his cologne, football jersey and more STOLEN items. We'd fought over how she thought I wanted Jason and how I'd thought she was crazy from what I saw.

Weeks later she 'forgave' me yet organized more sleep overs than I could count. I realized why when that ugly scrapbook of hers started making rounds at school.

She showed it to my family, to her family and everybody else. It also didn't help that I took the stupid clothes SHE'd borrowed from different boys and worn them without question. I trusted her, my mistake.

Maybe she'd have come clean about this was it not for the attention she received, especially from her mother.

A psychotic crush by a needy, love starved kid ended my life, a kid I once considered as a sister of mine.

And now, I'm offered to danger like an orphan without a say. I'm blamed for their cowardice behavior because rather the reject then them right?

They have families, mates, pups, parents, friends and I? Nothing. Not a mate I met only for him to abandon me in danger, he doesn't count. Maybe praying that he doesn't reject us is all that we can do, but I wonder of my existence to the Moon Goddess before my mind retreats to its blank state where not a sound can be heard, except for the silent, torturous memories.

Are there many sufferance dummies like I she creates just for fun?



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