《Tangled Hearts| Shu x Valt yaoi fanfic|》Something's Gone Wrong...


It was another day-off again.

The boys were huddled in Shu, Valt and Kensuke's room, not too much an issue. They were just hanging out in there, since there's basically nothing to do but try to practice beyblading which they did, all of them were sweating heavily, gasping for air.

It's gonna be a boring day if you ask me.

Then, a knock at the door can be heard, Honcho opened it revealing Aiko with something that looks like a bunch of vouchers in her hands. Letting her in, Aiko sat down on a chair, looking at all of the boys with confusion not knowing what the hell did they do. Sliding that thought aside, she advert her gaze back to her vouchers for a quick look before looking back at the boys.

'Hey, great news! I have some vouchers here for the mall next to us..'

'So?' Wakiya asked

'C'mon! You guys know you want to buy something!'

They almost froze at the sentence she asked, how could she possibly know what they're thinking anyways? Daigo gave a awkward look to Honcho, then to Shu and Valt, then Kensuke, and lastly Wakiya. Shu sighs, knowing that they absolutely have no choice to escape this conversation, the rest of them seems to agree to whatever Aiko has in mind.

'Okay, we'll go with you' Shu replied

'Well? What are you people waiting for! Change out of your pj's and get moving!' Aiko responded

As she runs out the door, the boys went back to their rooms to change, leaving the three boys once in their room. A few minutes later, they all met outside the building waiting for the day to get more exciting. All of them eventually smiled at the each other, laughing at the goofiness of Valt and how he always cheers everyone up, since the mall is near by it only took about 3 minutes to get there. Aiko cannot forget about what the voucher was for, she was planning this all along, the vouchers were for stores that which apparently sells almost everything that the crew ever dreamed of.


They were inside it already, staring at the large sections of the mall, Valt couldn't help but get all jumpy and wanting to try every store out. They all have different tastes, Daigo and Wakiya wanted to check out that department that sells almost everything that Daigo and the blonde wanted, Honcho and Jay just decided to eat, Sheila is going with Kensuke to this ventriloquist shop to buy Kensuke some more puppet when he gets home from the USA to give to his parents. Aiko has gone shopping for shorts since she almost grew out from the old ones. This leaves only Shu and Valt, wondering what they gonna do with the voucher, gazing at a store which Valt might like, it was a beyblade department, Shu might as well buy new gloves when Valt is looking at what's in there.

'Hey Valt, wanna go to other store?' Shu asked

The blunette turned to his right to see an actual department full of beyblade stuff, his eyes sparkled with joy as Valt took Shu by the hand and begging him to check out the store. Following Valt's request, Shu took him to the store, both of them went inside. While Valt was busy looking at all of the things inside here, Shu still kept an eye on him, but also choosing which glove he might wanna buy, when it comes to gloves for blading then Shu has to be extra careful about choosing which one. He tested the two gloves he like for how much it stretches, how much it cost, do they last for a long time?

Basically, he's just being picky if it comes to gloves for beyblading.

Whilst Shu is still being picky, Valt checked out a ton of stuff. He first looked at the launchers, then the bey upgrades, then finally at the the gloves section where Shu is. In Shu's hand was 2 red gloves made with different materials, still can't choose. That is when Valt dropped in, observing at the 2 gloves, he smiles then grabs Shu's hand, making him startle. Valt then randomly puts one down, and placed the other one on Shu's hand, progressing at what the Valtryek blader had just done, he looks rather confused.


'What was that for?'

'You don't need to act like that! Just the one you think fits you!'

Shu knew that he was right, there's absolutely no point on choosing a glove, if you kept testing it out. Shu sighs with a smile on his face, while leaning forward to give Valt a peck on the forehead, getting all flustered Valt stood there completely frozen from what just happened.

When the shopping session was over, Aiko came back with some 2 bags of shorts and shirts, satisfied with her shopping marathon. Then it's lunch time, Jay and Honcho was certain to skip lunch cause they already ate at the mall, walking back to the stadium they found a buffet event going on. All of them rushed in there, getting their plates and going all over the food displayed on the dish, Sheila couldn't help but slightly drool over the wing-dings set in a tray, Aiko's face lit up when she saw spaghetti Carabona was refilled, Valt grabbed everything that he can grab, making his plate full of food.

Then right after, was the sign-off session, only Shu and Valt were in this, the event was for fans to take autographs and pictures with the 2 bladers. Both of them saw the booths were set up, ready to use for this event.

After settling in to their positions, a wave of excitement splashed them meaning that the fans are here, even the guards have to keep the door close since it was not the time for the event to happen yet. Getting the feeling that this might just get overload, Shu saw some of the styrofoam thingies on his booth, he immediately grabbed them and began to release his stress over this occasion.

As soon as the guards let go of the door, bunch of fangirls and fanboys ran through the the building to get to Valt's and Shu's booth, it's no surprise if more girls came to Shu than Valt cause you know the reason, but still Valt's queue was also crowded too, only 30 minutes passed by and both of them at least took 1,000 pics with their fans, 2,000 autographs and giving out 500 tips for each and everyone of them. Shu was a sweat bucket again, he was losing his energy, suddenly a bottle hit him in the leg making a water-bottle flip. It landed perfectly at the ground, looking at up at who had threw it to him, it was Valt who had made that water-bottle flip and trying to say 'drink some water dude'.

(After the event was over)

Shu and Valt was exhausted from the hell event, their butts were numb from all of that sitting, their voices were hoarse. Both of them were really tired, while walking back to the stadium, Valt met a girl who also had interest in beyblading, they talked together liked they known each other for a long time. Shu felt this feeling stirring in his body, this was all new to him, that feeling was not pleasant and he wanted it to disappear but it just wouldn't.

That feeling was jealousy.

Getting quite envious, he told Valt to go back to their room first cause he wanted to go out for a walk, to sweep away that feeling he's going through. Valt nodded and continued talking to the girl, as Shu took off, he can't help but ice some stones on the way. Suddenly, a voice appears out of nowhere, sounding pitiful for the albino male.

'So tragic, jealousy builds up in your guts' the voice says pitifully

'What?! Who's there?!'

'You don't need to know that, all you need to do is listen...'

'Listen to what?!' Shu shouted

A melody of a music song was now played, Shu felt drowsy all of the sudden, he wanted to close his eyes but he wanted them opened. Hitting his knees to the ground, he slowly falls asleep...getting dizzy at the same time. A shadow appeared in Shu's view, all he saw was the shadow smiling at him, taking every step closer to him...

Was he the voice that Shu just heard?

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