《Tangled Hearts| Shu x Valt yaoi fanfic|》New Begining


The bey crew got off the bus taking them to the airport, Honcho was looking at all of the restaurant thinking what should he eat, Sheila was busy carrying three luggages without breaking a sweat. Wakiya's stomach began grumble, considering they haven't eaten their lunch yet, looking at one certain place, that would easily satisfy his tastes.

Even though it's expensive.

Took a while but Valt managed to pour a packet of fries into his mouth, whilst Ken had look for something to drink. Honcho was stopping Valt from stuffing to much of those fries into his mouth, but he just wouldn't, so in the end Sheila was the one who had to pat Valt's back hard enough to make him, uhhh...ruck.

Soon after, it's was time for going to the stadium for the battle with other bladers across the USA, walking out of the airport, they already saw a black car waiting for them, a man stepped out of the car, he had dark shades and dressed somewhat so formal. Taking no chances, Sheila began to walk up, taking on the man if needed. He looked at all of them, then pull his shades out.

'Are you the beigoma academy team and the DNA team?'

'Yep.' Jay and Valt said in unison

'Please get in this car, it will drive you to the stadium.' The man said

Aiko seems suspicious, she looked at the driver, noticing he's one of the retired bladers, she gave a nod to Sheila signaling a 'yes'. She gave the crew a nod, Valt quickly went in the car, pulling Shu to sit next to him, Honcho called dips on the seat next to the window, though the car was big but the seats are limited, which means that they would have to share seats with each other.

Sheila came in last, noticing that the seats are full, she stepped out and spread her wings, prepare for a fly. Closing the door behind her, the car starts its engine, and moved on the smooth road. The sights are incredible, huge buildings, bey training centers, more and more popped up on the way. Shu can't help but put on a genuine smile at his partner, while still keeping an eye on Honcho and Wakiya. Rantaro immediately went for the candy tray, there were a variety of sweets in the limo, how can he not help him self by eating just one?


Sheila on the other hand was enjoying the breeze, her wings flapped in a gentle manner, enjoying the ride that she has, still following the car close by, she noticed a bunch of fangirls and fanboys being huddled together at this particular large building holding posters. It was the stadium, getting the feeling that her bro is going to get tackled by them, she decided to fly faster than the car, then land on the ground. Soon, the car parked up to the side of the pavement, and the doors swing open, still wearing the shades the man strides out of the car also helping Jay taking the luggage out.

As soon as Shu walked out, here comes the catastrophe...

A wave of fangirls started to run over to Shu, still holding their posters so does the noise of squealing. Getting quite alarmed, he grabbed Sheila's shoulder and shook them, taking the hint she started to walk over the crowd and, getting pretty pissed off, she might attack the rest of them.

'OKAY LISTEN UP!' Her voice raised.

All of the girls started to stop dead in their tracks knowing that if they get closer, this is their last day on earth. Sheila is known for her nickname 'The Hawk', by that I mean she will not hesitate to slice you half open. Or punch your guts 'till you go unconscious.

'ALL of you girls BETTER not be chasing my brother, or it's my fist YOU will talk to!'

Nodding their heads frantically, the girls slowly stepped back and admire Shu from a distance. Giving out a sigh of relief, Shu holds Valt's hand close to him, making sure that no one is taking him away.

As they walked into the stadium, it was huge and colossal nothing can compare to it. The training base was epic, the sounds of rivalry filled Valt's ears, he just can't wait for his first battle in America!


They all waited for their names to be called for registration, Valt went for a look around the place, knowing that Shu is following him close by, Aiko had agreed that he can go outside. Running for the door, he accidentally bumped into a girl, who is also a blader, taking a step back to see the girl, she was clearly confused at him, she had brown hair, and beige confused looking eyes.

'Did you just bumped into me?'

'Ah! I'm sorry!'

'No need, I'll forgive cause you're a little cutie' she said while smiling at Valt

'So tell me do you have a girlfriend yet?' She said temptingly

Valt didn't know how to answer the question, he can lie that Shu's a girl, but that might offend him, not knowing what to do he glance over his shoulders to call Shu for help, but he wasn't there, so much for that plan. Taking his chances he decided to stay quiet.

'Oh, you're shy too? I wouldn't blame you~' again with the tempting voice

Now Valt's panicking.

He knew that there's no way of going out of this, the last thing he can do was to pray that nothing here happens. And he would get away easily.

'Leave now.' A voice says

He looked over to see Shu and Sheila standing there glaring at the girl who's supposedly trying to seduce Valt, Shu's glare was like daggers piercing through the girl. Then again, Shu's sibling won't let this go, especially when one of Shu's loved ones are involved in this.

'Didn't you hear me? GET OUT.' Sheila said, anger raiding off her.

The girl ran across the the first floor, united with her friends then ran upstairs to avoid the two as long as possible. Valt was running into Shu's arms quickly giving him a tight hug. Patting Valt on his back calming him down, the gang was fully registered, and ready to receive their rooms. The receptionist gave Jay the room keys and planning, running back to the group she gave out the information.

They all looked at their room plans, Shu was sharing his room with Valt and Ken, Honcho was sharing his room with Wakiya and Daigo, and the girls share the same room. Valt was rushing to his room, ready to check out what his room looked like. Ken was following Valt close by, while Sheila was helping Shu with the luggages. Shu had trusted Valt not to lose the keys, so with that he opened the door and looked inside. The room is filled with luxurious stuff, great beddings and comfy looking couches.

Shu came back up with their luggages, instead thanking his partner to taking his luggage, he hugged him instead, that's Valt's way of saying thank you to Shu. Ken said that he is going to train with the rest of the gang, they are left alone in the room. Deciding that he should snooze, Valt dragged Shu again to the bed pulling him in, giving out a tired yawn, he snuggled closer to Shu. Getting the idea, Shu placed his head on top of Valt's

It was a really tiring day

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