《His Ava》Chapter 14


It's been three days since our fight. Adrian had been sending me flowers and chocolates with sorry notes. He has been texting me good morning and good night every day but I never replied. I know he is very sorry for what he did and also promised me that it won't happen again. So, I decided to trust him and give him a chance. I text him.

Ava: Hi Adrian.

Adrian: Hi Ava

Ava: I need to talk to you. Can we meet?

Adrian: Now?

Ava: Yes, if you are free

Adrian: Sure, where?

I texted him the address of the restaurant. I reach there after my shift and Adrian arrives there after 5 minutes. It should be a crime to look so handsome all the time. God, I missed him.

"Hi Ava, how are you?", he asked

"Hi Adrian, I am fine. How are you?"

"Much better now. Thanks for forgiving me", he said.

"I didn't say anything about forgiving you Adrian", I said with a straight face, deciding to tease him a little. He looked shocked.

"I thought...."

"That's the problem with you, Adrian. You think a lot", I said cutting him off trying hard not to laugh.

"Sorry tell me what you wanted to say," he said and I started laughing. He was looking at me confused.

"Relax Adrian, I was just teasing you. You should have looked at your face", I said still laughing.

"I missed your smile", he gazed at me intently. I blushed and looked anywhere but him.

"Does that mean you forgave me", he asked.

"Yes, I decided to give us a chance. I am trusting you, Adrian. Please don't break it.", I said

"I promise that I will never break your trust", he said with so much sincerity.

We had our dinner and it was time to leave. But I didn't want to leave. I liked spending time with him. We both were waiting for my car. I wanted him to kiss me but he was just standing there with his hands in his pockets. So, I decided to make a move. I turned towards him and pulled him closer and kissed him. He was shocked at first but then he kissed me back.


"You are making it hard for me to leave", he said

"I don't want you to leave", I said looking directly into his eyes.

"Let's go", he said taking me along with him.

"But what about my car?", I asked.

"I will tell my driver to get it", he said. We went to his car and he told the driver to bring my car to his house and we left in his car.

As soon as we reached home, he pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. He moved my hair aside and started kissing my neck. I moaned when he kissed my sensitive spot. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He took me upstairs to his room still kissing me. He gently dropped me on the bed.

I felt something warm beside me. I moved closer towards the warmth. I slightly open my eyes and see Adrian sleeping. He looks sexy even in his sleep. I smile recalling the last night. Last night was just awesome. I had sex before but this was on a whole different level. I just felt ecstatic.

I slowly got up without waking him up. I took my clothes and went to the bathroom. Adrian woke up when I came out. He was still naked but half-covered with a blanket. His chest with his perfect abs was on display. I gulped looking at him.

"Good morning beautiful. Like what you see", he said with his sexy grin.

"Good morning Adrian", I said and blushing

"You weren't shy last night", he said with a smirk.

"Shut up Adrian", my cheeks were getting hot.

"You look cute when you are shy"

"Where are you going so soon", he asked

"My shift starts early so I need to go and before that, I have to go home to change because I can't go in yesterday's clothes. So, I need to leave now"


"Ok give me 5 minutes. I will drop you"

"No need of that, my car is here right, I will go", I said. I kissed him and said bye and left. I went home, got ready, and left for the hospital. I was going for my rounds and suddenly Josh pulled me and took me to a corner.

"Josh, what are you doing? Leave me", I screamed.

"Who were you with last night at the restaurant", he asked pushing me against the wall and gripping my wrist too tight. It is going to leave a bruise. I tried to push him with my free hand but he wasn't moving.

"Why should I tell you? It's my personal life and what I do is none of your business. Now leave me", I said with anger.

"I like you Ava and you know that. Why don't you give me chance?"

"I don't like you Josh and I have told you so many times. You need to move on". His face became stiff with anger. I got scared at the way he was looking at me. He came closer to me and breathed in, near my neck. I felt disgusted. And then he left. I stood there for some time controlling my breathing. I then went to the washroom to wash my face. Amanda was there. I told her everything that happened with Josh. She told me that it would be better to file a complaint against him. I said ok and went and did that. The rest of the day passed by quickly. I got a call from Adrian when I was about to leave.

"Hi Ava, where are you?", he asked

"Hi Adrian, just finished my shift leaving now. What about you?"

"I am outside the hospital waiting for you", he said


"Yes, come quickly". I went out and saw him standing against his car. He saw me and waved at me. I cut the call and went to him. And he kissed me.

"What are you doing here?", I asked

"Just came to see you. I missed your beautiful face", he said with his sexy grin

"But you saw me just this morning", I said smiling

"Yes, but it was way too long", he said and took my hand. His eyes landed on my wrist and suddenly he became serious. I didn't understand what happened. I look at my hand and shit I forgot about the bruise.

"Ava, what happened?" he asked with a clenched jaw. I didn't know what to say. I was still thinking what to say when he asked again. "Who did this to you Ava?". There is no use hiding it from him. So, I told him what happened. After hearing me he became furious. If Josh was in front of him, he would have had some broken bones.

"Where is he?", he asked

"It's ok Adrian, just leave it", I told him

"It's not ok Ava, he hurt you"

"I already took care of it. I complained against him". But he wasn't having it. "Please leave it", I pleaded.

"Ok let's go", he said

"Where are we going?", I asked

"To my house. We will have dinner over there today. Leave your car here. I will drop you tomorrow"

"So, you think that I would stay the night with you again?", I asked raising my eyebrow.

"I know you can't resist this", he said pointing to himself and winking and I giggled.

"You are so full of yourself", I said and he just shrugged his shoulders. We left and we had one more blissful night. I could get used to this.

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