《His Ava》Chapter 11


The date night

I still can't believe that I am going on a date with Adrian. He texted me that he will pick me up at 6:30 but didn't tell me the place. Yesterday Ben called me to ask about the party. I told him everything and also about today's date. He told me to meet for lunch tomorrow as he has something to tell me.

I am wearing a black full sleeve dress that is a little below my knees and with a slit on the side. I styled my hair into a bun with a few loose strands in the front. I was just finished with my makeup when I heard the doorbell ring.

I go and open the door and it is Adrian standing there looking all hot and sexy in his suit. How does this man look so damn handsome every fucking time. It should be illegal.

"Hi Ava", he said smirking knowing very well that I was checking him out

"You look stunning", he said looking at me. He gave me a bouquet of beautiful red roses.

"Thanks", I was blushing so hard.

"Come in, let me just take care of this and we will leave". As he entered my apartment felt cramped. I quickly put the flowers in the vase with water in the kitchen and came back to the living room. He was looking around.

"Can you please tell me where are we going to", I asked him

"Patience Ava, you will know soon", he said smiling

"At least tell me if I am dressed appropriately for it", I said pointing my hand towards me.

"It's perfect", He said eyeing me up and down and licking his bottom lip. Such a small action from him had me all hot and bothered. I took my bag and locked the door. After that, we went down to his car. He opened the door for me and I sat in. He then came in and started the car. After 30 minutes we reached the place and of course, it was Kingston Hotel. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he just shrugged. This one was not the same hotel that I went to the party, but the outside is similar. He gives his keys to the valet and puts his hand on the small of my back. His touch is making my heart beat faster. I looked at him but he seemed not at all bothered.


We go in and the staff greets him. I see the restaurant to my right but we don't go there. Instead, Adrian took me to the elevator. I don't ask him anything. Maybe there is another restaurant on one of the floors. The elevator stops on the 25th floor and we get off it. After a little walk to the left, I saw a door. He opens the door and there is a beautiful terrace with a table in the middle inside a gazebo. The gazebo is decorated with flowers and lights. There are lights on either side of the path that leads to the gazebo from the door. Everything is so beautiful.

"Shall we?", he took out his hand.

"Yes", I said putting my hand in his. We both walked toward the table. He pulls out my chair and I sit saying thank you.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it. It's so beautiful and perfect", I said smiling. I just can't stop smiling.

"Glad you liked it", he said rubbing his neck. The waiter came and poured the champagne.

"I didn't know there is a place like this here", I said looking around.

"There isn't, it's special for special people like you", he said and I blushed. If this continues, I would be a tomato at the end of the night.

"How long have you been in New York?" he asked

"Born and raised in Brooklyn", I replied

"So, your parents still stay in Brooklyn?"

"Umm...., my parents died in an accident."

"Oh, I am so sorry"

"It's ok, that was a long time ago", I replied. I didn't want to ruin the mood so I changed the topic.

"Shall we order? I am a bit hungry", I said looking at the menu

"Sure. Did you decide what you want?"

"I'll have whatever you are having but, in the desert, I would like something of chocolate" I said. He ordered for both.

"So, you like chocolate?"

"Love chocolate. Tell me about you. What do you do in your free time? Do you have any free time?"

"Of course, I do. I spend time with my family or hang out with Connor at clubs or bars. But since Connor got married, it's no longer fun going alone"

"Do you play any sports?", I asked

"I used to play football in high school and college", he said like it was nothing.


"Let me guess, you were the captain"

"Yes, I was", he smiled

"I knew it. You totally look like the heartthrob and heart breaker of girls in high school and college. The hot and sexy captain"

"So, you think I am hot and sexy", he smirked. Shit! what did I say.

"Umm....", I didn't know what to say. Why do I embarrass myself like that?

"You look so cute when you blush", he grinned showing his dimples. I just wanted to kiss him at that moment.

"What are you thinking?" he asked

"I thought you would be all cold and serious guy", I said aloud my thoughts.

"Wow, why did you think so?", he asked

"In the books I have read, the CEO is generally like that. Serious and doesn't care about anyone", I said shrugging

"You have read too many books. Is it bad that I am not like them?"

"I have read a few and no, I like this CEO better", I said winking. and he chuckled.

Soon the waiter brought us food and I was saved from my embarrassing moment. The food was so delicious. He told me about his work and family. The time passed by and I did not feel bored even once. I wanted to spend even more time with him. After dinner, we sat there and talked for some more time. We both stood up as it was time to leave.

Suddenly, Adrian comes to me and he is very close, just inches apart. He is looking at me with an intensity that has my insides melting. I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach. My breath hitches in my throat and my lips feel dry. I lick my lips looking at him. I wanted him to kiss me and I parted my lips. The next moment he pulled me closer with his hand on my waist, the other hand at the back of my head, and his lips on mine. I felt like time had just stopped. He growled and deepened the kiss He swiped his tongue on my lower lip and I parted my lips to let him slide his tongue in. I ran my fingers through his hair. His hair was smooth and silky. We both pulled back only when we ran out of breath. It was the best kiss I have ever had. My knees gave in and I would have fallen if he wasn't holding me.

"Wow. I wanted to do this all night", he said with a shaky breath.

He gave me a soft kiss again and then we left. We reached my home. He got down and opened the car door for me. I came out and he walked with me till the gate.

"I had a wonderful time today. Thank you for everything Adrian", I said smiling

"I should thank you for coming on a date with me and making my day awesome". I just stood there biting my lower lip not knowing what to say.

"You need to stop doing that", he said removing my lip from under my teeth with his thumb. His touch sends tingles to my whole body.

"I am trying very hard not to kiss you"

"Then don't", I said looking at him and he groaned.

He leaned forward and kissed me and I kissed him back with more passion than I had before, and we stood there kissing.

"I think I need to leave now because if I don't, I am afraid I will not be able to leave", he said putting his forehead on mine and I just nodded not able to speak.

"Bye Ava"

"Bye Adrian"

I open my door and go inside. I sit on my bed and touch my lips. I just can't believe that I kissed Adrian. I grin widely. I fresh up and get on my bed to sleep but the date and the kiss keeps running in my mind. After a long time of tossing and turning, I finally sleep.

I waited for her to go inside her building and then got in my car and left. As much as I don't want to, I am trying to take it slow.

When I went to pick her up, the moment she opened the door, I just couldn't stop staring at her. She looked stunning. And the tease she was giving me unknowingly with the slit of her dress wasn't helping either. I wanted to ravish her right there but I controlled so hard.

After the dinner, I stood there contemplating whether to kiss her or not, but when she parted her lips, I just lost it. I kissed her. I knew it would be good but that was the best. I have no words to describe it. Her lips were so soft. I go home and take a cold shower. I sleep thinking about her.

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