《His Ava》Chapter 7


I was working the night shift today. Amanda was also on the same shift. We were doing our usual rounds when the nurse came and told us that there was an emergency surgery and we need to assist Dr. Campbell. He is our most senior heart surgeon and a very experienced one. It's a great opportunity to learn from him.

We quickly get ready for the surgery and do all the necessary pre-op procedures. I came to know that the patient is Henry Kingston. He is Adrian Kingston's grandfather. Everyone knows the Kingstons.

The surgery takes 4 hours and it's successful. Dr. Campbell tells me to take care of post-op and puts me in charge of looking after Mr. Kingston as Amanda is already checking on some other patient. He goes out to inform the family about the status of Mr. Kingston.

After the post-op is done, I go to have my dinner with Amanda. I had night shifts this week and today is the last day of the night shift. My day shift starts tomorrow so I need to continue tomorrow's day shift also and then go home. Yeah, I know an extensive day at work. So I need some food to get me going.

"Done with the post-op?", Amanda asks me.

"Yes, I can't believe we got to assist Dr. Campbell"

"Yeah, lucky we were in this shift. We get such an opportunity rarely"

"How is your patient", I ask her

"He is doing well. Getting discharged tomorrow", she tells me. It's a happy day for us when our patient gets better and goes back home.

I finished my dinner and on my way to check on Mr. Kingston, I got a text from Ben.

Ben: Hey Ava, how is your night shift going?

Ava: It's going on and on. What about you


Ben: Just chilling at home

Ava: Did you text me to just rub it on my face.

Ben: Well you know me

Ava: You know Henry Kingston had heart surgery today

Ben: What! When did this happen

Ava: In the evening, he had emergency surgery. Please don't tell this to anyone. I don't know if anyone knows about it and I don't want to get into trouble.

Ben: Don't worry Ava, I am not going to tell anyone

Ava: Ok bye, got to go

I quickly type the message and press send and suddenly I bump in to someone. I need to watch where I am walking. I look up and the man turns around. Holy shit! It's Adrian Kingston. I say sorry and then go inside to check on Mr. Kingston. After coming out Adrian talks to me and after that I leave.

Oh my god! I can't believe that Adrian Kingston talked to me. The way he called my name does something to my insides. He even told me to call him Adrian. I have never felt this way before. My heart is racing so fast. I pinched myself to confirm that I wasn't dreaming. I was relieved that I didn't embarrass myself in front of him.

He looked even more handsome up so close. He was so tall that I had to tilt my head to look at him. He has hazel eyes and a sharp jawline with a little beard. I think he came here directly from work because he was still in his suit. He talked nicely and was not arrogant at all. He was just being courteous, Ava. He probably wouldn't even remember me if we meet again.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Amanda calling me.

"Hello, where were you lost, I have been calling you"


"Sorry, just a bit distracted", I say shaking my head. Get him off your head, Ava.

"I saw you talking to Adrian Kingston. What did he say", she asked raising her eyebrows

"He was just asking about his grandfather". If not for that, he wouldn't have talked to me.

"Ok let's go, there are four patients. They had an accident. Nothing major. Just might need a few stitches", she said.

"Oh ok let's get it done with", I said and followed her.

The rest of the night went smooth without any emergencies. I even got 2 hours of sleep.

In the morning, I went to Mr. Kingston's room. He has been shifted to the VIP room. I went there and checked his vitals and noted down everything in the chart before the senior doctor came for rounds. Adrian's parents were also present in the room.

"How is he, my dear", Adrian's mom asked.

"He is doing good Mrs. Kingston. He will be awake sometime later today", I replied.

"That's good to hear", she smiled

I went to attend to the out-patients till afternoon. Then I went to check on Mr. Kingston. I went in and he was awake.

"How are you feeling Mr. Kingston?"

"I am fine. Just a bit sleepy due to the medicines"

"Don't worry, those are for the pain and you will be discharged tomorrow"

"Can't wait to go back home", he said smiling

I smiled at his response. I was checking his vitals when the door opened and Adrian came inside.

"Hey grandpa, how are you? ", Adrian asked.

"I am totally fine", his grandfather replied.

"You gave us quite a scare yesterday", Adrian said.

"Don't worry, I am not going anywhere till you get married", his grandfather said jokingly. Adrian laughed at that.

How can someone be so perfect? I noticed that he gets dimples and makes him even sexier. God, I am behaving like a teenager whenever I am around him. Get yourself together Ava.

Just then he turned towards me. "Hi Ava", he smiled. Wow! He remembers me.

"Hi Adrian", I replied smiling.

"How is my grandfather doing", he asks me

"I already told you I am fine Adrian"

"Yes but I want to know it from the doctor. Only then will I believe it", he told his grandfather and turned towards me. "So Ava tell me"

"He is fine and all his reports came back normal. He might get discharged tomorrow"

"That good to hear", he replied smiling and his grandfather gave him an 'I told you so' look.

We were just standing there and heard a throat clearing. It was Adrian's grandfather.

"I should get going", I said and left the room.

After finishing my shift, I went home. I freshen up and change into my pajamas. I am too tired even to have my dinner. I just went to bed and a certain hazel-eyed man invaded my dreams.

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