《His Ava》Chapter 5


The day of the party

I arrived at the party. My mom and dad are already there. They have been married for 30 years now and still totally in love with each other. My dad retired three years back and gave me full responsibilities for the company. Whatever I am today both personally and professionally is because of them.

"Hey mom, Hey dad", I hug them both.

"Hey Adrian", they greet me back

"How are you?", my mom asks me

"I am fine, mom. How are you guys"

"We are fine. Where's your date". My mom always talks right on point. Never the one to stall around. Her sole purpose right now is for me to get married.

"There's no one mom. I came alone", I said shaking my head

"But this year you allowed everyone to come with their dates", she asked scrunching her eyebrows

"Yes but it's not mandatory. They can come alone or bring a date. It's their choice", I tell her

"I thought at least this way, you will let us meet someone", she sighed

"I knew it was your idea when dad suggested this". My dad was standing beside and laughing.

"Leave my poor boy Vanessa. He will get settled when he wants to", he said looking at her.

"Fine, he never listens to me anyway", she huffed

"It's not like that mom. I will talk to you guys later", I said and left from there not wanting to discuss anything further about my love life with my mom.

Then I go and meet my sister, Lydia, and my best friend, Connor. Lydia is an interior designer and she works in our interior designing department. Connor and I have been best friends since childhood. He is also the COO of Kingston Hotels.

My sister is married to my best friend. They got married 6 months ago. I didn't know at first that they were dating.


One day I just wanted to hang out with Connor but he wasn't lifting his phone So I went to his home. I have his keys so I open the door and see Connor and Lydia kissing on his couch. The moment I see that I become so angry. I quickly separate them and punch him hard in the face.

"What the hell brother", Lydia screams at me shocked. She quickly goes to pick him up.

"What the hell were you doing with my sister? You are my best friend but I swear if you fool around with my sister and hurt her, I am going to break your bones", I said seething with anger.

"Calm down Adrian, I am not fooling around. I really like Lydia and we have been dating for four months now", he said

"Is it true?", I asked shocked looking at Lydia

"Yes brother", she said looking down at her hands.

"Then why didn't you guys tell me about it earlier? ", I asked

"Because we thought that you would do something like this Adrian. And we were waiting for the right time", Connor replied

"Also, we didn't know you would just barge in like that. There's a thing called knocking or ringing the bell", Lydia said irritated

"I never needed to do that. I have a key to his house and he never had a woman in his house before"

"Now he has, so you better do that", she said pointing her finger at me

"Yeah ok I will", I said. She is my little sister but she can be scary sometimes.

I said sorry to both. I should have guessed something was fishy when he was making excuses whenever we went to the bar or club these past few months and he would leave without a woman around his arms.


I love my family. I don't have anyone special in my life. I was fine with the hook-ups but now looking at my parents and my best friend, I feel like I am missing something. I don't know if I would meet someone special that I would fall head over heels for.

The party has started and I go on the stage and give a small speech and thank everyone and tell them to enjoy the party. I don't want to bore them with lengthy speeches. Moreover, many of them came with their dates and I want them to enjoy their night. I come back to where Lydia and Connor are there and find them kissing. God, these two get started anywhere.

"Come on guys, get a room", I tell them. I love them and I am happy for them but It's just weird to see my sister and best friend kissing.

"Don't be a grouch, brother. I am going to tease you so much when you find the one", Lydia replied and Connor stood there smiling holding her hand.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen anytime soon", I tell her.

"We will see about that"

"In your dreams Lydia", I smirked

I went around and talked to some of my employees. After talking to them I turn back and see a beautiful woman at one of the tables. She was laughing at something the guy had just told her. Her laugh is so addictive and I just can't stop looking at her. I wanted to make her mine. Whoa! Where did that thought come from? I don't even know her.

I don't think she is one of my employees. Because I finalize all the employees so I have seen everyone and I have never seen her in my office. It's good because I don't want to get involved with any of the employees. After all, it just becomes weird and messy. Maybe she came with someone. I think I saw the guy she was with, in the meetings that I attend with the sales and marketing team.

That means she already has a boyfriend. I felt a pang of disappointment realizing that. She is making me feel things that I have never felt. Moreover, I don't even know her name. I don't understand what is going on with me. I keep staring at her and hear someone clears their throat.

I turn back and look at Lydia. She looks in the direction I am looking at and turns towards me and smirks.

"Looks like somebody is smitten", she says

"It's nothing like that", I say with a straight face. Of all people why should Lydia be the one that caught me staring at a woman.

"I saw you staring at her. If I wouldn't have come, your eyeballs would have popped out", she made a pop sound.

"I wasn't staring at anyone. I was just looking around"

"Yeah right, just looking around", she shakes her head

"Lydia, can you please shut your mouth"

"Nope, never going to miss a chance to tease my brother", she giggled.

"Ok I was looking at her but she already has a boyfriend", I sighed

"Oh, don't worry it's not like the end of the world. Moreover, you can get anyone you want, you are Adrian Kingston"

"I don't want anyone Lydia. Let's go and have dinner" I said, changing the topic.

I warned her not to talk about it. I kept looking at her a few times throughout the party. It looked like she was having a good time and was happy.

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