《His Ava》Chapter 3


Ben has been my best friend since high school. I am so glad to have him in my life. He has been with me during all the ups and downs of my life. Even his parents are so good. They treat me like their daughter.

He is currently in the Sales & Marketing department of Kingston Hotels. He is very handsome with blonde hair and blue eyes. Women flirt with him wherever he goes but to their utter disappointment, he wasn't interested in them.

I reach my home and freshen up and wait for Ben. To be honest, I was waiting for the food as I was starving. I started watching TV. I have recently started watching Korean dramas. Also, they are just so good. Don't even get me started on the male leads.

After some time the doorbell rang and I quickly got up to open it and took the pizza from Ben.

"Hi to you too Ava", Ben said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I am way too hungry to follow courtesy right now so don't mind", I replied. He followed me inside. We sat on the couch and started eating.

"How was your day?", asked Ben.

"It was fine, assisted in a surgery, checked a few patients, the same thing every day", I replied.

"What about your sweetheart? Didn't you meet him today?", he smirked.

"Eww Ben, Josh is not my sweetheart and he is never going to be", I replied irritated thinking about him. He just gives me creeps sometimes.

"Poor guy has been trying on you for so long. You are so cold-hearted, Ava"

"I don't like him Ben, and he is full of himself and you know that too". Ben met him once when he came to the hospital.

"Leave about Josh, tell me how was your day", I ask him to change the topic


"Same old, my jerk of a boss, bossing around everyone. Taking ideas from us and presenting them as his" he sighed.

"Why don't you people talk to someone about him. It's so wrong that he represents all your ideas without giving you guys any credit"

"Yes we are going to do that soon, it's not that easy. No one wants to lose their job"

We finished our pizza and sat silently. I know that Ben wanted to tell me something. Moreover, he was just stalling, so I finally decided to ask him what it was about.

"So.." I said.

"So..?" Ben asked.

"I know you want to tell me something Ben, so spill it out already", I told him.

"It not right that you know what's going on in my head", he said

"We have been friends for too long to know that about each other", I said patting his shoulder.

"We have the office annual party this weekend and this year they allowed us to bring a date", he said excitedly.

"Oh wow! So you and Daniel will be going, that's good", I replied grinning

Daniel is Ben's boyfriend. They have been together for about a year now. They both are so in love. He is a good guy. He works as a stylist for the fashion magazine 'Blink'. We also became good friends. I love hanging out with them but sometimes I feel like a third wheel.

"Yeah about that, he has to go for a shoot in LA, so he is not going to be here. And just listen to me before shouting"

I know where this is going but I just nod my head telling him to continue.

"So we have decided that I will be taking you with me"

"No, I am not going with you, Ben. Please leave me out of this", I replied


"I am not asking Ava", he said shaking his head

"I am busy and is it compulsory to bring a date", I asked scrunching my eyebrows

"No it's not but I already told that I will bring a date"

"I am not interested and you should have asked me first before confirming that".

"Come on Ava, I know that you have a morning shift that day and off the next day so you can come. It's better than sitting at home"

"Why do you have my schedule again? ", I asked irritated

"So that I know when you make excuses", he chuckled.

"I am not going to share it with you next time. There is no privacy", I replied a bit dramatically.

"Oh please stop it. There's no need to be so dramatic. We are going off-topic. let's discuss the party"

"But I don't want to go", I replied. It's not like I don't like to go to parties. It's just that, there will not be anyone I know.

"Come on Ava, have fun once in a while."

"I don't know anyone there and I will be bored", I replied.

"You know me and if you don't even come how will you know whether you will have fun or get bored"

"You might get busy with your colleagues"

"It's just a party Ava and who knows you can get lucky and meet some hot guy over there. There are so many hot guys working in my company"

"When will you and Daniel stop matchmaking. The last date I went to, he turned out to be a creep". I cringe remembering that. He just wanted to get in my pants and kept touching me at every chance. I just told him that there is some emergency at the hospital and left. At times like that working as a doctor comes in handy. You could just escape saying you have an emergency.

Yes, they keep me sending to blind dates. First, it was only Ben, but now Daniel also. With those two ganging up on me, I rarely have a say in that and end up going to the dates.

"It was just one time Ava", he sighed

"I know but you need to stop doing that", I told him with a serious face. I seriously don't want to go on those stupid dates.

"You will not find a guy just sitting at home", he replied defending himself and I glared at him.

"Ok I will stop setting you up on blind dates if you come to the party with me", He was looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. Fine, I will come with you", I said as I was happy with the deal.

"That's like my girl. Daniel will be happy to help you with the dress", he said happily.

"Ok, tell him that I will be going shopping with him tomorrow. I could do with some new clothes", I replied excitedly.

"Aren't you too excited for someone who doesn't want to come to the party", he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Why would I deny an offer when I get a free stylist to shop with", I replied sticking out my tongue. "Also I need some new clothes. It's been too long since I went shopping"

"How are Aunt and Uncle", I ask Ben

"They are good"

"It's been a long time since I talked to them"

"Yes, mom has been complaining about you, that you have not called her. You better call her soon"

"Oh ok, I will"

"Ok then, I will leave now"

"Ok, Bye Ben"

"Bye Ava" he said and left.

After he left, I watched one more episode of the drama that I have been watching, since I wasn't sleepy. Then I went to bed.

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