《Incandescent》Chapter 18


Blake's lips pressed against mine vehemently and his passionate intensity made my heart burn. My lips were frozen solid for a moment in shock, unsure what to do. Then Blake's hands wound into my hair pulling me even closer towards him as his lips parted and my whole body set alight. I began to copy his movements and kiss him back just as forcefully. I wound my hands into his shirt and reveled in being able to touch him, being able to touch all the places I have watched for weeks in yearning but knowing I would never be able to touch.

Blake's lips were moulding around mine in ways I didn't even know was possible. Every touch, every way he moved his mouth made my stomach flutter with happiness and the way he touched me made me feel like I was special to him, like he actually cared about me. Was this normal? I wouldn't know, but what I did know was that he was making me feel like I was the most precious diamond in the world.

Pressing myself closer to him so our chests moulded together sent an electric shock straight through my blood and I wound my hands into his messy dark hair. It was surprisingly soft. But my overzealous motions caused Blake to push back, his hands wounding out from around my neck.

He was breathing heavily as he panted trying to catch his breath. I myself was gasping for breath and felt like I might pass out, from lack of air or from the intensity of what he made me feel, I wouldn't know.

My hands were still wrapped into his shirt and as he pulled away even further they fell to my sides. His opened his eyes and they were glassy like he was in shock. I myself was lost for words and thoughts, all I could think about was how I wanted him to slam his lips back onto mine. I stared into his eyes watching his reaction with my chest seizing up in anxiety this time, does he regret kissing me?

His eyes turned from glassy to ice cold as he looked into my eyes and my stomach plummeted. He regretted it.

His jaw clenched and with his muscles tensed up he jumped up and left me without a single word, even after kissing me like that. I stared after him dumbfounded as he opened the latch into the tree house and slammed it behind him as he climbed down the ladder and stormed off back into the party, leaving me here still gasping for breath without a single word explanation for his reaction.

The passion that was burning my chest earlier now rose into my throat making me feel nauseas. That was a mistake.

I wrapped my hands over my mouth still recovering from the kiss and his unexpected reaction, but all I felt on my hands were how numb my lips felt from where his lips had slammed into mine.

It took me another few minutes to recover and my eyes were glued to the door where Blake had stormed through just hoping for him to return. But I knew he wouldn't, he regretted his actions. And that was all I was to him just an object. I should have known better. I sighed and ran my hands down my face before rising with unsteady knees. Now I knew what they meant about a kiss that could literally make you weak to the knees.

In a dazed state I made my way down the tree house and crept back through into the party roaring outside. I decided to take the back exit away down the side of the house through the gate away from everyone, so I could get home ASAP without running into anyone, I couldn't deal with Sarah right now. I really just needed my teddy, bed and bible.


I crept down the side pathway and snuck past a guy passed out on the floor until I reached the side gate. I reached up to yank the lock open when I heard the soft pitter patter of steps of someone approaching behind me. I froze as panic surged through my body, unsure who it could be.

I spin around wildly with my fists outstretched ready for a fight when I come face to face with a guy in a black cap. It was pulled down over his face, so I couldn't distinguish who he was, but I did know one thing. A guy following you down a dark alleyway with the only other living creatures around being passed out is not a good thing.

He continued to stalk forwards until he was right in front of me.

"What do you want?" I barked crossing my hands over my chest, putting on my tough girl persona, yes, I had one of those.

"Are you Rose Darlington?" He asked ominously in a rough tone. Instantly my muscles tensed as alarm bells sounded in my mind. So, he wasn't here to stalk an unsuspecting young woman down an alleyway, he was here to stalk me specifically down this dark alleyway. I didn't like that at all. But what he wasn't aware was that I was a black belt and he was an unsuspecting young stalker.

"Why does it matter to you?" I growled but my words shook. I took a step back, so my back hit the wooden gate, nowhere else to retreat too. Something in my tone alerted him to the information that I was in fact Rose Darlington. His head tilted upwards, so his cap rose to reveal one of his black eyes and half of his face. My breath caught in my throat when I recognised him and instantly dread caused my stomach to drop.

It was the guy from the pub and the drug deal, Cameron. His prominent jaw bones from being way too skinny were what I recognised first and then his dark empty eyes. His dreadlocks were tied behind his head and I noticed the tattoos that stuck out from the clothes as they ran up his neck and down his wrists. My heart began pounding as adrenaline streamed through my veins as my body prepared for the fight or fight response but before I could react he pounced at me.

His hands wound over my mouth muffling my scream and his other hand withdrew a knife from his pocket that he placed to my throat.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets and my body tensed filling with pure fear, as I felt the cold tip of the knife sink into my skin. His black eyes bore straight into mine and I knew that he was high on some sort of drug.

"Tell me the password for your code studio account?" He demanded, pressing the knife harder into my skin and I flinched away from him violently fear shooting through my paralysed muscles. Only when he loosened the knife on my skin and released his hand from around my mouth was my mind able to process what he asked, and confusion knitted my already raised eyebrows together.

If I told him the password then he would have access to all my previous codes, it would give him the pathway to use my skills to do tremendous damage. I didn't even know how he knew that this was the account my sister and I had been creating codes that could potentially be used for illegal purposes. I was just creating them to help me get into IT college with no intention to actually use them.


"Why do you want to know?" I questioned shakily, perturbed by his question. His eyes tried to focus on my face, but they kept swirling all around.

"I was payed to get this information from you no matter how." His other free hand rose to wrap around my arm squeezing painfully and I nearly screeched.

"Who needs it?" I tried to keep my voice steady through gasps of terrified breaths.

"Like I am going to tell you that," he scoffed and began laughing like his statement was the funniest thing in the world, he truly was high. And that is why I knew that he would be easily incapacitated. Thank you Mary the best sister ever for making me learn self-defense I thought to the sky.

Using his distraction, I raised my knee into his groin forcefully, he screamed out in agony and crumbed to the floor, allowing the knife to leave my neck. I ducked from under his body and grabbed his arm in a vice grip twisting it behind his back as he spun to his knees, screaming out. I yanked the knife out of his grip and then placed it to his neck as he gasped in shock, he was now on his knees with his arm twisted behind his back and a knife to his throat.

I smirked at his obvious confusion as to how that happened.

"Now mate," I hissed into his quivering ear. "Tell me who put you up to this?"

His whole body was shuddering in fear and his dark eyes pulsing out of his sockets as he tried to comprehend what was going on but couldn't due to his frazzled sense of consciousness. He didn't speak so I used the same manoeuvre as before in reverse twisting his body around, so it was facing me which twisted his arm nearly out of its socket. He screamed out in pain.

"Someone with the username Number25," he cried and spluttered, completely giving in, he had no way to fight back.

"Did they contact you through your code studio account?" I demanded.

"Yes," he nodded frantically, I could see the wild desperation in his eyes. His hands began to claw at my neck and they wrapped around them for a moment, but he was no match for me. I sunk the knife harder into his skin and his hands loosened their grip around my neck. But before he could drop them completely I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and yanked me back into a warm chest. The hands instantly dropped from my neck and my own hands dropped the knife I was holding as I am forced away from Cameron.

Then other softer hands wound to cup both my cheeks. My face is turned upwards, so I am staring into dazzling blue eyes filled with concern, and by the wrinkles around his eyes barely contained fury. My wired nerve endings instantly relaxed as I looked into those eyes, not even realising that I was feeling so tense and terrified even though I was in control of the situation.

"Are you okay?" Blake asked with worry laced through both eyes as they searched my face desperately.

"Yes," I breathe, and Blake visibly relaxes, his tense muscles softening. But then his eyes narrow and his jaw clenches and his acrimony made me realise that from his perspective it the scene had just looked like. Cameron had his hands around my neck and was attacking me. Blake couldn't see that I was the one who actually had Cameron incapacitated.

Before I could explain what was happening Blake's gaze flickered past my face and settled onto the crumpled form of my attacker. Instantly Blake's eyes dilate and the vein in his neck pulses as fury overtakes him. He pushes me behind him and I stagger a few steps to gain my balance.

Blake glares at Cameron tilting his head to the side in a glower so malicious I feared for Cameron's life. Cameron was cowering against the gate and had his hand cupping his broken shoulder and he was groaning in agony. Blake took in the scene and his eyes flickered back to me and this time I was pride in his eyes. But then his eyes flickered back down to my neck and when they did his eyes darkened and he bared his teeth as he saw that blood was dripping down my neck from the wound Cameron inflicted on me.

In a flash Blake's his head snapped back towards Cameron. Blake took a menacing step towards him and I noticed when Blake's gaze locked on the lost knife that I dropped, and he picked it up.

He swirled it around in his hand as he stepped up to Cameron and pulled him up from the floor with his shirt. Blake slammed his weak body into the gate. Cameron's eyes were now darting around in pure fear but there was no getting through to this rage filled Blake.

Without another thought Blake stabbed the knife into Cameron's shoulder socket that I had already twisted out of place. Cameron screamed out in agony and torment as blood squirted out from his shoulder and the knife tore through ligaments and cut at bone.

Horror flittered through my body as I rose my hand to my mouth to hold in my own scream of terror. Blake seemed to be in some sort of trace, filled with pure anger and hostility and the only thing that could get him out of it was hurting Cameron. Blake yanked the knife out of Cameron's shoulder which caused blood to stream from the wound and another round of agony filled screams from Cameron.

The bloody knife hung at Blake's side ominously, I watched as the blood droplets fell down the glistening silver surface and dropped to the floor in grouse splatters. I realised in that moment that I could finally understand what Blake told me when he was drunk that if I knew who he truly was, what he had done in his past I would see him as poison. He was talking about this side to him, the one where anger controls his every move and he would be willing to hurt someone, maybe even kill someone.

That thought caused my hands to shake in fear from the thought of what Blake was willing to do next with that knife, I had to stop this.

"Blake stop," I hollered in assertiveness and grabbed his forearm yanking him off Cameron. Who was now a ball on the floor screaming in agony, with blood pooling around his shoulder.

Blake's head snapped towards me and what I saw there sent a shock straight to my heart and it began hammering in fear. His eyes were black, completed dilated as anger had taken over his mind. His eyes softened a touch as he looked at me, but I could see all he wanted to do was turn around and hurt his guy even more. I needed to get through to him.

I wrapped my hand around Blake's hand that had the knife hanging at his side and he allowed me to pry the knife from his grip, placing it into my pocket.

"Blake, I need you," I pleaded allowing my tone to be filled distress and the need for him to sate it. His jaw unclenched, and he fully turned his body towards me. "Please take me home," I cried wrapping my hands around his waist.

Instantly he wrapped his hands around my back and whirled one hand into my hair to cup my head to his chest. I breathed out a sigh of relief, he was calming down. He lowered his head, so it was buried into my hair and I felt the air on his breath on my head as he gasped in deep breaths trying to calm down.

I dug my head into his chest and breathed in the scent of his shirt, and even the horrible situation we were in I still couldn't help how my heart reacted to being this close to him. He had never hugged me before, I had never felt this close to him before. I could hear his heart pounding away as my ear was snuggled into his neck and my stomach was flipping as he drunk me in so equally.

After a long moment Cameron screeched out in agony again and Blake rose his head from mine to glare at him. We couldn't stay here, I needed to get Blake out of here before he inflicted any more pain on Cameron. I unwrapped myself from Blake and grabbed his hand, yanking him away from Cameron. He followed reluctantly after a few pushes from me but eventually followed. We rushed back into the party which was still roaring away, luckily the music was too loud that no one could near Cameron screaming.

Blake's eyes were disheveled, and expression still filled with rage, I had blood dripping down my neck and fear still making my eyes wide. People were staring at us as I pulled Blake through the thick of warm bodies dancing to the music still like nothing had happened. I glanced back at Blake to make sure he was okay. A shock ran through my veins as I realised he was staring at our entwined hands. Both of them covered in blood.

I continued pushing through people until we made it to the front door and rushed out into the fresh air. After breathing in a deep breath of fresh air and closing the door to all the noise I felt better. I heard the soft chirping of crickets and allowed their soft sound to relax me.

Blake was still breathing heavily behind me and was squeezing my hand so tightly it almost seemed it was the only thing that was keeping him planted here and not running back to finish off Cameron. We hurried back down the street until we reached his bike, and only then did he let go of my hand. But only to place both hands onto my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asked again but this time he was himself, more aware of all my cuts and bruises.

"I am fine," I whisper. But my words went onto deaf ears as his eyes scanned down to my neck to see where Cameron had cut me. His eyes bulged out of their sockets and I could almost see steam poor out of his ears. His hands tensed on my face turning in ice cubes.

"What did he do to you?" He growled, and I could see it took all of his effort to stay here with me and not run back to Cameron. I started rambling to stop him and keep him distracted.

"This is all and its nothing a good band aid can't fit. But that guy he was absolutely stoned off his rocket. He ambushed me when I was leaving the side gate and a knife to my throat asking for my password for my code studio account. Naturally I refused and used my self-defense moves to bring him to his knees, literally. Then you rocked up." My words died by the end as I didn't want to retell that part of the horror filled story.

Surprisingly as I told the story my desires to calm him had the opposite effect, his face flushed, and he growled menacingly from the back of his throat. My eyes froze on his face startled by his reaction.

"Shit," he swore and let go of my face and stormed a few meters over towards a gate which he kicked violently. "He was after you," he barked ominously and ran a frustrated hand through his dark hair. My eyes snapped to his eyes, shocked by his words.

"What does that mean?" I yelled back at him, his actions were starting to freak me out, did he know what this was all about? Did he know Cameron was after someone tonight?

His eyes flickered back to mine and when he saw that my eyes were now fear filled and I was hugging my arms around my torso to prevent my hands from shaking his features became veiled, hiding all his emotions. He hurried over to me and grabbed the helmet off the bike and wrapping it around my head.

"Nothing, we need to get out of here."

I didn't argue with him, that was all I wanted. Although I wasn't letting this go just yet.

The ride home had only one word to describe it, terrifying. I had my head tucked into Blake's neck as he sped through the quiet night at a ferocious speed, if the cops saw us we would be send to jail without a doubt. He swerved around corners like he was on a race track and once I actually felt my leg brush up against the gravel road.

My tight chest relaxed as we reached our house and I peeled off the bike with shaky limbs. Blake placed a hand onto my arm to help me off as I tripped a few times. When I was steady on the ground and my breathing rate was back to normal I glanced up at Blake.

My heart dropped to the floor from the look in his eyes. They were wild and dark with rage and I knew there was no way he was going inside and to bed right now. He looked like the pure vision of a bad boy, he had blood stained his hands that were resting on the accelerator of his black motorbike. He had no helmet on and his dark disheveled hair was swirling around his face in the wind. His expression was still filled with enmity, his jaw clenched, and his blue eyes filled with darkness. I watched him in worry, he shouldn't be on a motorbike while in this state.

"Are you sure you aren't hurt?" Blake asked again, and I wasn't blind to the softness in his expression as he asked this.

"Yeah," I nodded a few times and then a few times more when I flailed my arms and legs to the side to find them all functioning.

"Good," he snapped but I saw the wildness in his eyes dissipate slightly and his tight hold on the handlebars loosen. I refused to move and watched him unsure what to say to calm him down.

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