《Incandescent》Chapter 12


The man against the wall choked out a horrifying sound, gasping for breath as Blake cut off his oxygen supply with his wrists. Blake dropped his hand from around the guys throat and he collapsed, sliding down the wall. Blake then slammed his forearm into his throat again, allowing him to breath but still keeping him restrained. The man's face cringed up in pain and slid to the side as his neck went limp. It was then that I recognised the man as the bartender with tattoos all down his arm, Cameron.

My hands flew to my mouth to stifle the gasp of horror from what Blake was doing, hurting himself was one thing but hurting someone else I wouldn't stand for that. I stepped forward into the alleyway to put an end to this when something sparked my interest. Blake pulled something out of his hoodie pocket, a small piece of paper. It was the old-rusty piece of paper that he snatched out of my hands before I was able to look at it earlier today.

I tilted my head to the side as I watched, curious. Blake thrust the piece of paper in front of the barman's eyes. He glared at Cameron through the skull mask, he looked horrifying. I couldn't believe what Blake was doing, he was literally hurting Cameron for information.

"Do you know who this is?" Blake growled in a deep tone that he was putting on, so his voice wasn't recognisable. But I recognised it as I knew him so well. Cameron's eyes widened as he looked at the paper and then hesitated for a long time before answering.

"I don't know man, just let me go." Cameron spluttered up blood as he pleaded. Blake knew he was lying.

"You are lying, you used to supply him drugs," Blake increased his hold on Cameron's throat and his eyes bulged in fear as his air supply was cut once again. A dodgy lamp placed over the top of the backdoor into the pub was the only source of light illuminating the scene. So, Blake and Cameron kept darkening when the light ran out of fuel and then flickered back on again after a few moments. It was making my heart race harder at not being able to see what was occurring for moments on end.

"Tell me what you know about him or I will hurt you," threatened Blake as he pulled his fist back and punched Cameron in the face with sickening force. A gasp escaped my lips in horror and I clasped my hands over my mouth. Cameron's head smashed back into the faded red brick wall. His head lolled to the side as if he lost all his strength to fight back. Then suddenly his eyes snapped open.

"His name was Jason Theodore. The last time I saw him was a year ago and I made a deal with him at the orphanage gardens." Blake nodded back in satisfaction and pulled his hood even further over his face. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as recognition washed through me. I knew who Jason Theodore is, he used to go to my school.

Lisa and I used to be quite good friends with him until he moved schools. He was a short, stocky guy very quiet but when you got to know him he had a confidence to himself that made people flock to him.

"Did you ever see him at this pub?" Blake seemed calmer now that he was getting answers.

Cameron was quiet for a very long time and he closed his eyes tightly, like what he was about to say was going to be treacherous.


"Only once," he agreed reluctantly.

"What was he doing here?" Blake pried.

"He was drinking heavily with a girl, they were fighting."

"What were they arguing about?" He inquired. Cameron sealed his lips shut, squashing them together forcefully. He wasn't saying anymore. Blake noticed this, and I saw him place him hand into his pocket again. I only caught the slight shine of silver as the light caught the sharp edge of a knife. Blake placed it against Cameron's stomach and cut through the skin of his stomach. Cameron's face crumpled up in pain and he yelled out. Nauseas rolled through me from seeing such a sight. Blake was torturing Cameron. Blake yanked the blade away and it was riddled with crimson blood.

"I only caught one thing, the woman she said, if you don't get the money then they will all die. Then he stumbled out the pub and that was the last I ever saw of him."

"I promise that is all I know," he begged. He was looking towards the floor as if looking into the eyes of his attacker was too terrifying for him. I couldn't see Blake's face but by the way his head tilted to the side I knew he was smirking. He got what he wanted.

The silver knife flashed in the moonlight and I caught sight of the red blood smeared over its length as Blake placed it into his pocket again.

"Thank you for your assistance, now if you tell anyone about this encounter I will personally tell the police about your escapades as a drug dealer." Blake growled and then he released his hold on Cameron, allowing him to crash to the floor. Then he was gone. He sprinted around the corner and disappeared in the darkness of the night. I was left staring after the scene in absolute shock. My hands were shaking by my side and I needed to wipe the sweat on my palms onto my pants.

Cameron crumpled up into a ball as he cradled his stomach in his hands. I noticed a sliver of blood that was staining his white shirt and hands. He kept moaning like he was in agony. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just leave Cameron there to die and bleed out, but I must admit I was scared to approach him. Blake said he was a drug dealer. But I had to get over that.

Cameron might be a potential drug dealer, but he was also a human being that has a right to health care. Tentatively, I cautiously crept over towards Cameron cowering on the floor. I knelt beside him far away enough where I could run if he acted adversely.

"Are you okay?" I whispered as I placed a hand onto his shoulder. He flinched away violently from my touch and his black eyes snapped to me like I had just hurt him.

"Leave me alone, I am fine," he groaned still not moving from his position. I hesitated, he didn't look fine to me. Blood was trickling down from his lip and a large blouse was forming on his cheek, he could be concussed.

"You need medical attention, let me help you up." I whispered softly, trying not startle him and grabbed him by the shoulder. But my words and actions had the opposite effect. He turned hostile.

"I don't need your help." He lifted his head to scream at me and it was only then that I noticed how red his eyes and dilated his pupils were. He was on drugs. I stumbled a step away from him, my heart jumping in my chest in fear from his outburst.


His eyes flashed and then he jumped up from his position like he wasn't wounded at all. Then he ran down the alleyway like he was being chased.

I watched after him with my heart beating wildly in my chest and fear churning my stomach. After a few moments the sound of his boots clumping the cobblestones of the alleyway faded away. I was frozen immobile for a few minutes just waiting for him to run back or to collapse to the floor as he ran.

I rose from the floor with shaky legs and moved back towards the pub. My mind was reeling from what I just saw, images of Blake hurting that man kept flashing in my vision. I couldn't believe what I saw, I didn't want to believe it. It was one thing stealing a bike but threatening someone. I couldn't let that slide. Blake has gone a step too far. I wasn't watching where I was going as I wandered through the pub searching for Lisa, I needed to get out of here.

My eyes were searching through the crowds of bodies dancing, singing happily. I felt like I was in a different world to them. But as I was searching my eyes landed on someone at the bar and a jolt of something akin to fear rushed through me as I set eyes on Blake. He wasn't wearing his hood or mask anyone and was dressed in the same outfit from before he attacked that man. He was clear of any blood or evidence from what had just happened not five minutes earlier. He was sculling two shots of vodka and was ordering more alcohol. It looked like he was trying to drown out what he had just done.

As I stared at Blake I wasn't watching where I was walking so I didn't even notice when I walked past Sarah, Dinah, Talia and Jack. Liam and Dean had left the table and Blake was no longer with them. Which meant it gave them free reign to attack me.

"What is she doing here?" Spotted Talia, pointing right at me. They all immediately stopped their conversation to turn their heads to me.

"She looks like a clown dressed in that," laughed Sarah.

"Are you trying to impress Blake?" taught Dinah." The most you could attract in that outfit is a cockroach and that's only to piss on you." Those words coming from Blakes friends caused my stomach to roll with nausea. She was right, what was I thinking coming here? I was a freak and the only thing that came from it was witnessing a crime. My chest restricted causing my breathing to increase in pace, I couldn't do this. For the first time tonight, I felt like a hooker in these clothes rather than someone attractive.

"All I can see in that outfit is your fat ass," grinned Sarah, the girls were all fitting with laughter, their heads coming together as they whispered things to each other, about me.

I wrapped my hands around my chest sinking into myself. This was all I was going to hear about at school from now on and the thought made my stomach roll with anxiety. I began to stalk away from them but as I did so I had to move closer towards Jack and as I passed him he knocked his smoothie drink off the table and into my clothes.

"That looks better," he sneered. The slimy liquid soaked through my clothes and left patches of blended fruit left on the material. Panic gripped my insides as I realised Lisa's clothes were ruined. Humiliation caused my emotions to crack as my former friend group all laughed at how I now looked. I couldn't bear to see the delight in their eyes and it felt like it was tearing my heart apart.

With hiccupping breaths and a tear streaming down my face I ran from them. But my motions were awkward, and I didn't notice when Jack pulled his foot out. In my jerky motions my own foot became stuck in his and I went flying to the floor. My face whacked into the tile floor sending a sharp pain to radiate from my cheek. The fruit smeared into the floor, further ruining my clothes. The humiliation was maddening, all I could hear was their laughs and taunts as my eyes settled onto the dirty floor. I wanted to cry and scream and run away. But I was so torn apart that I couldn't do either. I just wanted to get out of there. A tear streamed down my cheeks and my breathing turned into hyperventilation.

That was when a I saw a hand draw into my vision. My eyes trained upwards from my hands to settle on Blake who was standing over me. He was reaching his hand down to me and gestured with his head for me to take his hand. In my panic ridden state I didn't even consider not taking it. Just seeing his presence caused that tight restrictive feeling in my chest to relax, allowing me to breath normally once again. I reached out my hand and placed it into Blake's warm one. His hand wrapped around mine and he pulled up, so I was standing next to him.

"Thanks," I breathe.

He gave me a tight-lipped smile in return, but it was overridden by a burning emotion in his eyes, rage.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, reaching a hand up to wipe a chunk of fruit from my forehead. My heart skipped a beat in my chest as his skin touched mine.

"Yeah," I tried to smile. When he was satisfied that I was alright he pulled me behind his body and turned around on his heels to face the others.

"What is wrong with you people?" Blake seethed. His jaw was clenched tightly, and his eyes were narrowed into a deadly glare. I noticed Sarah's eyed widen in fear and shock as she realised she was caught out by Blake. Jack avoided Blake's gaze as his eyes turned to him.

"Do you think that it is okay to do that to another human being?" He growled, his tone was like poison, lethal. They all shrunk away from Blake, he looked scary as the anger took over him.

"And you, how dare you trip over a girl?" Blake accused Jack.

Jack raised his hands in surrender, trying to calm Blake. "Mate, calm down its only a joke." But his words had the opposite effect, Blake's face turned red and his hands balled into fists at his side.

"That was not a joke, that is bullying." Blake grabbed Jack by the shirt and lifted him into the sky. Blake swung his other fists back and punched Jack right in the jaw.

Then the fight broke out.


Hey everyone!! I hope you are all fabulous!! :)

Another chapter YAY! I have gotten back into writing again and am really enjoying writing this story. So hopefully more I will have more regular updates now. A bit of dark stuff in this chapter, sorry I can't help it! And we are finally getting a bit of mystery. Woop!

I hope you all are enjoying the story, thank you to everyone who has commented and voted so far with your encouragement. I really love hearing what you all think of the story.

Thanks again, Elaine Xx

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