《Incandescent》Chapter 2


On the walk home I put my earphones in and raised the volume to the loudest that it could go. I was trying to quiet the dark thoughts that were intruding my mind. I didn't want to think about the fact that my old best friend just physically hurt me and now bullies me relentlessly. It hurt to think about before when we used to spend every second together. The pain of the reminder of my old life was like a kick in the stomach.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I thought about when we used to live next door to each other and Sarah would come over every morning just to have some of my dad's cooking. That memory was probably one of the happiest memories that I have. That's why the constant bullying of Sarah now hurts more than I thought was possible. I mean I have been bullied my entire life I was used to it, I'm the church freak. I thought I could handle anything that any of those bullies could throw at me but that was until Sarah joined them.

I was so lost in my painful thoughts that I didn't notice that a motorbike has sped around the corner just as I stepped forward to cross the road. I knew I should have taken my earphones out so I could hear the cars on the road but I didn't expect any cars along the quiet road that lead to our house, that was engulfed by the trees in the woods. The motorbike zoomed towards me at a frightening speed that wasn't going to allow the driver to stop before hitting me.

I feel adrenaline pulse through my veins and my breathing to stop as I prepare myself for the hit. My eyes were glued to the driver's eyes and I notice his eyes widen and the panic within them. A scream lodges itself in my throat, as I stand paralysed waiting for the bike to hit me. The screeching of the tires is the only noise I can process and just as I think the bike will hit me it suddenly veers to the side. The driver turned the wheel away from me but it caused him to lose control of the bike. He went straight towards the other side of the road where the bike fell into a ditch, which caused the driver to be thrown from the bike.

I watch in pure horror as the driver flew threw the air at a frightening velocity. But luckily he lands in a thick bush, which breaks his fall. Immediately I ignore my frozen muscles and sprint over towards where the driver fell with panic causing my movements to be frantic. I reach the bush and fall to my knees in front of the driver who was lying with his face tilted towards the sky with his eyes closed. He wasn't even wearing a helmet. I noticed a cut on his face and down his shoulders where the bushes must have dug in on his fall and a dark bruise down the side of his leg.


"Are you okay?" I ask with worry lacing every word. The driver groans and opens his eyes, which look straight up into my frightened ones. Their bright blue shade immediately capture my attention and suck me into them as he stares up at me without blinking or looking away. It was then that I noticed how young he is and he attractive he is. He seemed my age or a little older but the most noticeable thing about him was his soft, beautiful features. He had black hair that fell over the side of his face and a straight long nose. He was beautiful and my own eyes were glued to his. A few moments pass and he still doesn't look away, it causes me to start to feel breathless. I start to worry that he might have hit his head a little too hard.

"Are you okay?" I repeat and reach a hand towards his forehead where blood was dripping out of a cut. Then suddenly he slaps my hand away from him.

"I'm fine," he grumbles darkly and pushes himself off the ground but he moves too fast and has to stop himself as he sways violently. Without thinking I instinctively reach out and hold his shoulders to stabilise him. He allows me to this time and he takes a few seconds to get his bearings. Then he seems to gain control of himself again and his eyes turn cold, into slits. He pushes himself back away from me so my hands slide off him and fall to my side.

"I said I'm fine, don't touch me," he grumbles with resentment lining his tone as he stands up to his full height which was a lot taller than I originally thought. I feel embarrassment wash through me as he pushes me away. I stand up as well to my full height.

"Okay. I'm sorry,." I put my hands up in front of my face in a surrender gesture. "I was just trying to help," I explain. He glares at me with clear hate radiating out of his eyes.

"It would have helped if you looked before you crossed the road, what kind of idiot are you? Now my bike is ruined," he seethed. I feel my mouth fall open in shock at his harsh words. How dare he? Is his bike all he cared about?

"Well I'm not as much of an idiot as you to drive so fast on a motorbike with no helmet," I snap back and cross my hands across my chest.


"I can drive as fast as I want to," he growls and crosses his own hands across his chest. For some reason this infuriates me further.

"Well you nearly just killed yourself and me," I bark as I gesture to the cuts all over his face and bruise down his leg.


"What is wrong with you?" I explode harshly. He takes a step towards me so he was towering over me even more as he glares down at me like I was a piece of dirt on his shoe.

"What is wrong with you?" He counters just as harshly. I feel my hands shake in anger at this infuriating boy that I have only just met.

"Ah," I groan and run my hands through my hair. I didn't know how he has managed it but he has made me so riled up and fuming over just saying a few words. And the strange thing is I never get angry with anyone, he was just so full of himself. "You are the most infuriating person I have ever met and I have only known you for one minute" I yell at him and stomp my foot onto the ground.

"Thank you little miss perfect," he says with a sneer. "And you are childish as fuck." I felt my hands turn into fists and I actually wanted to punch him in the face. I have to take a step away from him to stop myself from plummeting my fist into his pretty face. But what I wasn't expecting was the look of fear to cross the guys face and for him to suddenly reach forward and grab me around the waist. He yanks me towards him forcefully and my body falls into his. Without thinking I reach my hands out to stop my fall and wrap them around his waist.

I am tucked into his body when a car speeds along the part of the road where I was just standing. I feel my heart pound wildly in my chest from my near death experience. He just saved my life. I glance up at this strange boy with gratitude in my eyes. He looks down at me with a strange blankness in his expression, so different to his glare from before. For some reason I feel my heart jump in my chest from that look and being so close to him.

"Thank you," I admit softly and it comes out so quietly like a breath of air. Instantly his eyes turn cold and he pushes me away from him.

"What is wrong with you? Do you want to die?" He shouts at me. Shock once again streams through me at his strong hate for me even when he doesn't know me. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Why are you being such an asshole?" I yell back.

"Because you deserve yelling at. How did you not hear that car? Are you deaf or something?" he snarled harshly. His words hurt me and I try hard not to show it. Little does he know that I actually am partially deaf and I can only hear things when they are close to me. I didn't hear that car coming at all. It has become a common topic to bully me by at school.

"Why don't you just go away?" I command.

"I will," he agreed and suddenly turned his back to me. He walks over to his crashed motorbike, picks it up and slides his leg over it so he is sitting on it. It takes him a few tries but eventually the bike starts up and he revs the engine loudly and speeds off as fast as the bike lets him.

I stare after him for a very long moment just trying to come to terms with this guy. I snap myself out of it and continue to walk back along the road to my house. On the walk home only one thought goes through my mind on repeat. What the hell just happened?

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