

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I crouched behind the trees trying to make myself as inconspicuous as possible. My heart was racing like a jackhammer in my chest and fear was gripping my insides causing my breath to be released in gasps.

I peaked my head out from behind the branches of the trees and what I saw made my breathing stop. A black figure dressed in a dark cloak was standing over something I couldn't see. I watched in horror as it pulled out a knife from its pocket and started down at its prey. The knife was hanging at its side casing an ominous feeling sink into my bones.

I saw the victim squirming on the floor as it tried to wriggle through the dirt but to no avail. The black figure pounded and sprang down onto the floor to forcefully bash its hand into their throat. I couldn't see who the prey was their face was masked my darkness. The figure squeezed their throat and I hear the muffled sound of a horrified scream.Then the figure pulled its other hand back that was holding the knife and plugged it straight into the victim's chest.

Panic washed through me sending adrenaline through my body as I pounded forward to try and stop the figure but I was too late. I fell forward from out of the protection of the trees and onto the fallen sticks that cracked under my weight.

The knife sunk into the person's chest and their head fell back onto the dirt, dead. Blood splattered everywhere and onto my face. I stared horrified at the dead body. Blood started pooling out around the dead body who's face I still couldn't see. I let out an involuntary gasp of horror not thinking about the consequences.

Then the figure spun around and its dark evil eyes set on me.

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