《Splash of Color》22: It Takes Two


The news spread faster than you expected, voices fluttering about how Oikawa was now off the market as you aimlessly walked through the hallways on a bright Monday morning, yawning as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. Ami stood by you almost like a guard dog, her stares making people turn away from you two even with her small form.

"...What was he thinking..." Ami grumbled to herself, eyeing down anyone that wanted to interrogate you for answers.

You had opted to just let people figure things out on their own, not entirely interested in telling every person you saw about your recent relationship. All you needed to know was that the feeling was mutual and you two had made plans to make things work out after graduating.

However, Oikawa wasn't very discreet, not that he needed to hide it or anything, but pressing a light kiss on the crown of your head as soon as he saw you first thing in the morning made everything blow up sporadically. He sent you a cheeky grin before he walked off with Iwaizumi, calling out that he'd meet you for lunch later today.

You rolled your eyes at your current predicament. "He really wasn't..." Ignoring the stares from the people you two had passed by, you raised your hand in a wave, letting Ami know that you could take it from there. "Thanks for walking me to my classroom."

Ami huffs, placing her hands on her hips, her eyes narrowing at people she suspected would approach you about your current relationship. "No thanks needed, I need to make sure you're okay." Staring at you with concern, Ami's lips curl down into a slight frown. "I just don't want a repeat of what happened last time...I mean, you were just friends with him before but now...!"

You quiet Ami down by patting her arm softly. "He's just excited, don't hold it against him." The corners of your lips twitch up into a smile. "As for any future problems, I knew what I was getting myself into when I got into a relationship with him. I can handle it."

Ami lets out a resigned sigh as she nods at you. "Alright. But...!" She holds up her index finger and gives you a hard stare. "If anyone gives you a hard time, don't keep it to yourself okay?" Her look doesn't waver until you tilt your head down slightly for a small nod.

With that, Ami's expression reverts back into a grin before she walks off to go to her classroom, telling you to have fun at lunch today with Oikawa. Once her back is turned, you reach your arm out and grip the door handle, sliding the door open.

It wasn't hard to figure out that the chatter died down considerably, your classmates eyeing you like the people in the hallway. Even your girl friends in the class locked their eyes on you, waiting for you to reach your desk so they could bombard you with questions. Letting out an internal sigh, you brace yourself for the impact as you make your way to your desk at a considerable pace.

"[Surname]-chan!" One of the girls greets you with a beaming smile, unable to contain her obvious excitement. "Is it true?!"

Another one of the girls beside the first one questions you at the same time. "Or was Oikawa just being too friendly with you this morning?"

"I mean he is pretty friendly..." A classmate pipes up beside you, making you realize the growing crowd around your desk. You raise a brow at the multiple people asking you questions at the same time, not leaving any room for you to actually answer them. You decide wait for them to settle down.


For Oikawa to handle a crowd like this on a regular basis made you see why he has so much energy all the time, matching the energy around him to keep people engaged. However, you were no Oikawa so you needed another way to handle this situation.

As soon as the thought passed your mind, you heard Iwaizumi's gruff voice call out to the people around you to back off and give you some room. Your classmates are startled by his booming voice, usually saved for Oikawa and his antics, and slowly backed up until Iwaizumi and Tadashi got through to you. Tadashi stood by your desk to keep people from crowding around you again and Iwaizumi said nothing more, eying everyone down until they gave up and went back to their seats, grumbling about how they wouldn't be able to ask Iwaizumi questions either at this rate.

Once they all went back to their own conversations, Iwaizumi turned to you, his brows scrunched slightly. "Sorry you have to go through this." He clicks his tongue in a 'tsk'. "He shouldn't have done that this morning."

You shrug before letting out a chuckle. "What's done is done." An amused expression forms on your face. "But you've had to deal with Oikawa since way back so it's not such a big deal. But thanks." You add, turning to face Iwaizumi and Tadashi.

Iwaizumi's lips quirks up into a small smile. "Well if you need any help, let me or Oikawa know."

You return the smile and nod before your attention is turned to Tadashi. "I'll try to help as well," he pipes up from beside Iwaizumi, giving you a grin paired with a thumbs up.

The bell rings soon after, Iwaizumi and Tadashi giving you one last smile before they went to their seats.

After they leave, you continue putting your materials on your desk, finally noticing a piece of paper slipped onto your table. Looking at it questionably, you open the note, curious of the contents.

Come to the stairway at lunch.

You blink slowly before you close it, wondering if this was some sort of interrogation or something else. Considering that your desk wasn't messed up like before, it wouldn't be right to assume that the person who wrote this note held any malice. Nodding to yourself, you make a quick 'sorry' in your head as you made up your mind to go to the stairway at lunch without letting Ami know.

When you look up from your desk, you feel hard stares coming from the left of you. Turning your head in that direction, you realize that it is once again Oikawa's fans. The only difference was that their stares held no distaste like the first time; rather, they looked sort of nervous, fidgeting when they noticed you stared back.

They turn away from you quickly and face their backs to you, leaving you to connect the dots about the sender of the note.


Lunch time hits and you slip out of the classroom undetected, heading over to the stairway like you had done some time ago. It wasn't hard to find them, being a large group of girls crowded around the stairway, stopping their chatter once they noticed you making your way towards them.

You say nothing, raising your hand a little and giving a small wave as you looked at them impassively, waiting for them to say what they wanted to say.

The next moment, they all stand up and gather around you quickly, startling you a bit. But what startles you more is when they all synchronized a bow.


"We're sorry [Surname]-san!"

The leader of the group straightens up from her bow first and thrusts out something for you to take, her arms stretched out as she held onto a small item. Reaching out slowly, you grip the item she was holding out for you before taking a look at it—a gift card for the art store.

"We didn't exactly apologize about messing up your canvas before..." She mumbles out, her eyes shifting away from you as she squirmed under your quizzical look.

"Oh that..." You scratch your head, your lips pursed at the surprising turn of events. It didn't occur to you that they would actually apologize for that and actually make an effort to making peace with you. "I don't really mind. If anything, you helped me out and it looks even better now so...thank you." You give a small smile when the leader gapes at your expression.

She holds out her hand and gives you a hard stare. "Sorry for the trouble and..." She trails off, her other hand scratching the back of her neck slightly. "...congrats on getting together with Oikawa."

You grin, taking her hand and giving it a firm shake. It felt nice that they were facing you head on and that this dispute between them was officially over. "Thanks."

As both of you let go of each other's hands, she lets out a cough to break the awkward silence forming between you two. "Anyway, you should go meet up with him for lunch now."

Seeing her set up your cue to leave, you send all the fans a small smile before heading off to find Oikawa, a skip in your step as your heart felt considerably lighter at the pleasant surprise that just happened.

It wasn't hard to find Oikawa, running into him as soon as you turned a corner.

"Ack!" He lets out a yelp when you crash into him, holding you steady so you don't fall on top of him.

"Tōru-kun?" Your brows scrunch up into a confused look when you pull away from him, noticing his shifty motions. "What are you...?" It only takes another second for you to click things together—he might have had something to do with the fangirls just now.

Oikawa finally looks you in the eye, gauging your expression before giving you a broad smile—to which you realized he used when he wanted to hide any other expression he had. "Ah! I found you~" He says to you airily, gripping your hand and starting to walk with you in tow. "Lets go eat lunch at the roof!"

You sigh and follow along with him, making you realize you didn't give Oikawa enough credit. Although you could handle it on your own, it was reassuring to have another hand in aiding you. He made you realize that it would be okay to rely on him. You give his hand a soft squeeze.

"Thanks, Tōru-kun."

He returns the gesture, knowing you had already figured him out. "Anytime."



Your brow twitches at your current predicament, your chopsticks holding a piece of food from your lunch as you stared blankly at Oikawa's open mouth, him waiting for you to feed him. Considering how he helped you out today, you gently feed him, hearing Oikawa hum with delight as he bit down on the food.

"Your homemade lunches might just be my new favorite~!"

"Did you seriously compare it to milk bread..."

You both resume your playful banter for a while until Oikawa begins to quiet down, his face holding a contemplating look.

"So...about you moving away after graduation..." he starts slowly, "...is it safe to say that you wouldn't mind having a long distance relationship?" He gives you a side glance before he lets out a quiet laugh. "I'd really like it if we could find a way to make it work."

You lean against his side before speaking. "Long distance relationships are hard..." You feel Oikawa tense up against your side. "But as long as it's you, I'd like to make it work as well." You pull away from him and give him a bright smile. "You can't get away from me that easily~"

Oikawa's face softens at your bright smile. "I'll visit you too." His eyes avert from yours as he speaks his next few words. "It takes two to run a relationship, so rely on me more." He rubs the nape of his neck nervously when you stare at him blankly, your mouth gaping a little.

"Hm, you sounded quite cool just now~" you teased and before Oikawa could let out a retort, you patted his cheek lightly before cradling it in your hand. "You're right, it does take two. Please take care of me from now on."

His hand overlaps with yours before his eyes begin to close as he starts to lean in towards you, only for you to lean in and lightly bump your forehead against his.

"Eh~ Why not?" Oikawa whines as you pull back from him, rubbing his forehead with a pout present on his face.

You only cock your head to the side, urging Oikawa to look in that direction.

"Geh!" Oikawa shoots up from his seat, pointing at the third years from the volleyball team inconspicuously hiding in the shadows by the door of the rooftop entrance. "What are you guys doing here?!"

"Ah, he found us!"

They scramble out from their hiding spots, giving Oikawa teasing smiles as they made it clear that they wouldn't leave Oikawa in peace.

"Ara, ara~" A guy with messy black hair calls out before Hanamaki joins in.

"Oh~" Hanamaki jokingly covers his mouth with one of his hands.

Iwaizumi stays under the shade, raising one hand up to say hello, still eating his lunch.

Hanamaki and the other guy hum teasingly, their brows wagging at Oikawa.

"Go away~!" Oikawa whines as he flicks his wrist to tell them to 'shoo'.

"Eh~ That's not fair, I haven't properly met her yet," the guy beside Hanamaki complains, walking towards you as he pointed to himself. "I'm Matsukawa Issei, nice to meet you."

You look up at him and give a nod, paring it off with a small smile. "Oh, um, nice to meet you too. I'm [Surname] [Name]."

Matsukawa blinks at you for a moment. "Oh~ I see why now..." He mutters before Oikawa cuts in between you two.

"Now you've met, now go...!" Oikawa points at Hanamaki. "And why are you here?! Shouldn't you be eating with your girlfriend?"

"Oh..." Hanamaki waves his hand to dismiss Oikawa, his bored face still present. "She told me to come back with news on what's going on..."

You sigh to yourself. "...Ami..."

The rest of the lunch period consisted of Oikawa trying to fend of Hanamaki and Matsukawa from asking you questions, you amusing them by responding to it. Iwaizumi walks over to you guys soon after and sits by you, once in a while pitching in to tag team against Oikawa.

"Heh~ We'll get along just fine." Matsukawa gives you a thumbs up, Hanamaki doing the same.

You blink slowly at Matsukawa's serious look and Hanamaki's bored one, their faces contradicting their joking gestures. Letting out a chuckle, you return the gesture with a grin.

"That's good to hear~"


Ami chatters on for most of the time when you two get settled in with your canvases, teasing you about the information that Hanamaki provided her with. Tadashi chuckles at Ami's antics from beside you, once in a while piping in and teasing you as well.

Soon the club ends for the day, Ami leaving quickly to pick up her brother from school. Tadashi takes his time packing up his materials, glancing at you from time to time until he speaks up.

"You're a good friend."

You turn your attention to Tadashi, waiting for him to elaborate as you put your paintbrush down.

"Ah! I mean..." Tadashi's eyes dart around his surroundings as he laughs awkwardly. "You've just been so patient with Ami even though she's been teasing you non-stop today."

You roll your eyes when you're reminded of Ami. "She means well but she totally contradicted herself." You shrug your shoulders and let out a light chuckle. "But then she'd just say that this would be one of the friend benefits."

Tadashi laughs, zipping up his bag. He gives you a small wave, letting you know that he'd be off. However, before he turned around, you speak again.

"Just so you know, you're a pretty good friend too."

His eyes widen slightly before he gives you a soft expression. "I...Thanks, I actually needed to hear that."

You grin. "Well I can let you know anytime!"

Tadashi gives you one last smile and thanks you before he turns to leave, bumping into Oikawa by the doorway. "Oh, Oikawa. Sorry about that."

"Ah, no. It's alright." Oikawa doesn't move from the doorway, scratching the side of his head before he holds out a fist. Tadashi blinks confusedly at his gesture before he smiles and bumps his fist to his.


Oikawa nods at Tadashi, stepping to the side so Tadashi could slip by before he makes his way towards you. "Ready to go?" One of his brows rises at your expectant face. "...What?"

You glance at the door Tadashi left at for a moment before you sigh, slipping your bag over your shoulder. "Well, as long as you guys made up for whatever happened..."

Oikawa grins as he takes your hand and laces his fingers with yours. "Yup, that's all you need to know~"


By the time Oikawa walked you home, he quieted down considerably, making you concerned with his sudden silence.

"Hey...what's up?" You nudge your shoulder to his side, Oikawa turning to you with a strange look.

"Ah...no. Nothing is wrong..." He waves off your concern, leading you to roll your eyes at him.

"If you're going to lie, at least make it believable Spotty."

He's quiet for a while again, letting go of your hand until he mutters something under his breath. "Not sure if you'll be too happy about it."

"Well, I'm not too happy that you're stalling—" Your voice gives out when Oikawa leans in close so suddenly, stopping both of you in your tracks as his breath fanned against your lips.

You could feel your heart stop when he closed the distance and softly pressed his lips against yours. It was light, as if he was waiting for you to pull away anytime you got uncomfortable and it warmed your heart that he was considering your well-being. Noticing your lack of movement, he slowly pulled away to gauge your reaction. You didn't know how you felt at that moment or what expression your face was making.

What you did feel was your face burning, your heart thumping unbelievably hard, and the slight tingle on your lips. Your head snaps towards him. "You..?"

He shuffles back a little to give you room to breathe. "Ah..." He subconsciously places his hand behind the nape of his neck in an almost nervous manner. He takes a deep breath before he shoots you a broad smile.

"Oh, that's the face I was looking for~" he teases as his eyes skimmed over your flushed face with accomplishment. "It wasn't fair that you weren't as flustered as I was when you kissed me." His voice gets softer as your ear picks up what he mutters under his breath.

"And I'll make sure to burn this image in my memory so I'll remember it even when you move away."

Your heart jumps once more, his soft mutters ringing clear in your ears. You take Oikawa by surprise and take hold of his stray hand at his side once again, intertwining your fingers with his and smiling softly at him.

You couldn't wait to see how else you would grow alongside Oikawa. If it was him, you would try your hardest to make it work despite of the distance. Feeling Oikawa squeeze your hand before giving you a tender smile, you knew he felt the same.

"Then I'll make sure you'll get sick of it!"

"You can try Rudolph~"


I present to you the ending of their high school story.

For new and old readers, thank you for the feedback and the support to this point (:

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