《Forbidden - Rated M》Four| hard to get.


One Week Later.

Today I finally got my work done at a decent time so I was actually able to get off and go to the grocery store. The boys love my loaded potatoes so I decided to make that for them and afterwards, Ariel and I are going to make cookies.

Leaning on the buggy, I pushed it around the store trying to grab all I needed. I stood in front of the frozen cookies trying to decide if I should take the easy way out or make them from scratch.

As bad as I wanted to be lazy I know that Ariel would love to make them from scratch, so I guess I'll get the stuff for that.

I started to walk away when somebody grabbed my waist making me quickly turn around. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Hey Ms. PO Lady." Christopher stood there smiling like an idiot.

"You should be so grateful that I left my gun in the car."

He laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you, I saw a familiar face and wanted to say hi."

"Hi." I tried to walk away again but he grabbed my arm.

"Woah, why you in a rush?"

"Because I have to get home and you and I can't talk outside of the office."

"You think somebody from the grocery store gone tell?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment.

"You never know who could be here. I didn't expect to run into you. Now I'm going to leave because I'm not about to lose my job over you, I have three kids to feed." I started walking away.

"So you have kids?" He asked following me.

"They're my brothers and my little sister. I have custody of them."


"My mom is in rehab." I'm just spilling all the tea, mainly because I'm not paying attention to who I'm talking to and I'm trying to make sure I pick up the right ingredients, or Ariel will end up with low fat cookies.

"Oh damn, sorry to hear that."

"Why am I even telling you this? Why are you still following me?"

"You told me cause you like me and you want me to take you out on a date then get you naked afterwards."

My mouth twisted up trying to hold in my smile. "1. I don't even know you well enough to like you, we just met a week ago and 2. You can't take me out or do the other thing because I'm your PO."


"So what you saying is, if you weren't my PO, you'd let me get you naked." He walked up closer to me, his chest was touching the tip of my nose. He smelled delicious.

"Don't you have groceries to get?"

"I do, I make the best lasagna in the city. You should let me make you some." He just wasn't letting up.

"I have to go, seriously. Have a nice day Christopher."

"I love when they play hard to get and please call me Chris."

"Well Chris, I'll see you in two weeks. Hope everything is clean." I looked down at his crotch.

He laughed. "You're hilarious, I can't wait to see what other characteristics you have."

Shaking my head I walked away. God took his time with that man but I'm not about to even go there with him.

My job or some dick, which one should I worry about?

After leaving the grocery store and making a few other stops, I headed home. As soon as I pulled up the door opened and Jermaine appeared.

He walked up to my door and opened it. "Hey, what you doing home so early?"

"I got done with my work on time, if I can make that an every day thing I'll always be here around this time."

"Cool, oh shit you got groceries! Do I see potatoes?! Oh yeeeeeah."

I laughed. "Yeah, Im making my loaded potatoes for you guys and some home made cookies."

"I must be dreaming."

"Hush, Get the bags." I grabbed my briefcase and went inside the house. "MIAH, ARIEL!" I screamed. I know they're around here somewhere.

"Miah went to his girl house and Ariel got the door closed so she probably can't hear you." Maine said walking inside.

"Boy why you carrying like 20 bags?"

"We only make one trip to the car."

I let out a small laugh then headed upstairs. I went and changed then went into Ariel's room. "Well hello there gorgeous!"

"Bree!" She yelled jumping up. My little sister is the light of my life. When I found out my mom was pregnant I was shocked as hell but when she was born she immediately became my baby. She was so beautiful and still is. My mom thankfully managed to stay clean while she was pregnant but the minute she went back into her habits I took Ariel because she wasn't going to be raised around that and eventually my brothers followed suit.


So many people have tried to convince me to put Ariel's dad on child support but the man doesn't even have a legal job and I knew nothing about him but his street name and that just so happens to be one letter.

I hate him.

"What are you doing home?" She asked. I know I'm going to hear that question probably a million times today.

"I got done with my work on time so I decide to go to the store and guess what I got?"


"Ingredients for us to make cookies."

"Yes! Can we make them now?"

"You have to eat dinner first but as soon as your finished we can get them all made up and put into the oven."


"And can we have movie night?"


"You're not going to fall asleep are you?"

"No I'm not, I promise." I literally fall asleep 10 minutes into the movie whenever we have movie night and I feel so damn bad about it but work wears me out. "Go get cleaned up, I'm gonna start dinner."

"Okay." She ran into her closet to get some pajamas then into her bathroom.

I worked my ass off for the House I have now. 7 Days work weeks at times. I didn't want Ariel to share a bathroom with my trifling ass brothers. Every house I looked at had nothing I wanted so I got this one built, and while it got built we were crammed in my two bedroom two bathroom apartment.

They were so excited when I finally moved. Everything I do is definitely for them.

Heading back downstairs, I walked into the kitchen. Jeremiah was back, he and Maine were discussing something until they realized I was there.

"Hey sis." Miah got up and hugged me.

"Oh you're not going to ask what I'm doing home so early too?" I laughed.

"Jermaine already told me." He laughed while sitting back down.

"Mmhm, so I hear you gotta little girlfriend."

"Something like that, we still trying to figure things out."

"When can I meet her?"

"One day."

"Okay, she bet not be some little hood rat."

"Naw, I don't mess with hood rats. She's a cool girl, I'll bring her around one day."

I nodded. "It's time for us to have one of our favorite conversations again about you two going to visit mom. The visitation day is coming up and like I told you guys last week she really wants to see you, it's been almost two years since the both of you went."

"Aubree no matter how many times we talk about this the answer still gone be the same." Maine said. "We don't want to see her, there's nothing for us to talk about, it ain't about to be no hugs and kisses. Every time we go, you end up spazzing so I don't even see why you do it. Just let her finish out her program and we'll see her whenever after that."

"I'm glad you mentioned that because someone has to be responsible for her when she does come home. Our grandmother doesn't live here and none of her siblings want her around."

"So she's coming here?" Miah asked.


"Why?! Aubree she don't give a fuck about us. She chose that drug dealing nigga over us, that's who she cared about. Go find him so that they can stay together."

"And then when she ends up back on drugs what are we going to do?" I questioned. "Look I'm upset with her just as much as you are but I'm not going to look over the fact that she's our mom and I'm not going to let her just go anywhere and she gets ahold of drugs then we're back at square one. You both have every right to be hurt and upset but she's staying here whether you like it or not."

"You know what, I don't even give a fuck. I'll be up out this bitch before she gets out of rehab anyway."

"I get that you're in your feelings but this reckless ass mouth can stop. I have no problem knocking your teeth out ya mouth. Don't disrespect me Jeremiah." I pointed my finger in his face.

"Whatever Aubree, you're not my mother." Miah said getting up. Jermaine looked at him like he was crazy. "Maine lets go." He bumped past me and walked upstairs.

Without hesitation Jermaine followed like a lost puppy.

You can see who's the outspoken one. And poor Jermaine just follows him through everything and I absolutely HATE it. I know that twins have that weird connection but Jermaine is going to end up being by himself because I see I'm going to have to kill Jeremiah.

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