《Samragni- The Empress》Part 9: the new love and new rival..?


Ragini: Sanskar..? I was asking you something..!

Sanskar comes out of his thoughts. Swara just comes and smiles at him. He puts his head down in shy. Ragini doesn't understand his behavior.

Adarsh who was there itself: what Sanskar..? Are you thinking about your love??

Ragini looks amazingly at Adarsh: chote papa..? how come do you know about his feelings? You are lifelong brahama chari right..!

Adarsh: oh, come on empress..! These kinds of things aren't a big science to have only experience and know... moreover, you are not a kid, you should know everything..!

Dp loudly: this is not the time to discuss those things..!!

Everyone look at Dp.

Dp: while, kingdom is going to be in trouble, your minds and hearts should work on how to fight not how to love..! this time, you have to be strong, and not weak thinking about it...!

Ragini, Sanskar and Swara firmly look at Dp.

Dp: Ragini and Sanskar... you are the main parts in the war tomorrow. Now, it's your practice time...! Come on take your swords..!!

Ragini and Sanskar takes the swords. Sanskar looks at Swara.

Dp shouts: now start..!!

Ragini beats on Sanskar's sword, but he falls down. Everyone amaze.

Ragini: where is your mind Sanskar?? Concentrate..!!

Dp goes furiously at Sanskar and raises him up.

Dp: you fool..! what are you thinking?? The person who is standing in front of you is your enemy in sword fight..!

Ragini holds the sword and looks at him firmly.

Dp: and your aim is just to defeat enemy..! Now fight..!!

Sanskar holds the sword tightly and comes before her. both starts the fight. Their swords sound is reflecting all the practice place. Other soldiers also stop practicing and look at them. No one is losing or winning.

Adarsh: I think Sanskar is only opponent to Ragini in sword fight..!

Dp nods his head.

Swara and Uttara keeps amazing, "they are fighting as real enemies..!"

They both come face to face.

Ragini: keep going Sanskar..! Show this power in war tomorrow..!

Sanskar: and surely, one day I will defeat you samragni..!

Ragini smirks and beats his sword. It flies in sky...

Dp holds the sword. "No one can be her opponent..!" he states.

A soldier comes and shouts, "I'm so sorry Samragni devi, King Nikil has run away."

Everyone shock.

Next day,

Raajat's army and Ragini's army are facing each other. Sanskar and Laksh are at both sides of her. Dp is at complete left and Adarsh at complete right.

Laksh sees Ragini feeling somewhat nervous. To make her free,

Laksh: Ragini devi, how Lakshini is feeling? I forgot to ask about him.

Ragini: you prince Laksh, don't you have any time sense..?

Laksh: my god..my goddess, you are looking very beautiful as warrior and in anger too...

Ragini looks angrily at Laksh: I will kill you first, before killing that RAajat...

Laksh: haaa...that much big boon for me? Do it right now my empress..do it right now....

Laksh's brother who was beside him: bhayya, what are you asking Samragni to do?

Ragini says that can just be heard to his brother: your brother has gone mad, why don't you show him to raja vaidy??

Sanskar: samragni, any problem? Why do you need doctor now?

Ragini in anger: Sanskar, I'm not understanding is it a war or something??

She goes forward before Raajat.

Laksh smile: now see my lioness in complete confidence..!

Ragini: cheating and wars are not new to you king Raajat. But, you already know how you were defeated in my hands before.

Raajat: that was your time. Now, it's my time.


Ragini: then let's see who has the fate.. let the war begin..!

The war starts. Sanskar, Dp and Adarsh are seriously fighting. Ragini is defeating whoever comes in her way. But, crazy prince laksh is looking at her while fighting too.

Then someone tries to attack Laksh, Ragini kills that person throwing a dagger. Laksh amazes.

Ragini: prince laksh, be serious..! this is war..!

Then someone tries to attack her, Laksh throws him down.

Laksh: I know devi, I can concentrate on many things simultaneously.

Then he beats other one just looking at her. she amazes.

Then Raajat captures Adarsh.

Raajat shouts: Samragni..! your chote papa is in my custody now. I will kill him, if you won't bend your head to me.

Ragini shocks.

Adarsh: for my stupid life, don't bend your head. Fight on empress..!

Raajat: soldiers, capture her..!

Soldiers come and hold Ragini. She beats them. Then she hears Adarsh shout, "aaa..!"

She shocks and looks at him. Raajat has made a cut in his neck.

"chote papa..!" she shouts.

Dp: Ragini...! There are no parts of emotions here. If you bend head, this empire has to bend. Sacrifices are the next step to success.

Ragini: what do you mean mama sri? I can't risk my chote papa's life..!

Ragini shouts: Raajat... we are calling off the war.

Sanskar and Laksh looks shocked at her. Raajat laughs victoriously.

Soldiers hold dp, Sanskar and Laksh. All their soldiers keep looking confusedly.

Soldiers bring Ragini before Raajat. Raajat is sitting on elephant.

Raajat: now bend your head Ragini Devi..!

Adarsh smirks looking at Ragini. And Ragini too smirks looking at Adarsh. Raajat confuses and a kind of doubt runs in his heart.

Ragini pulls a rod which is in the ground. The land breaks under her legs. Everyone move backwards. They hear a heart breaking elephant sound loudly. All keeps looking shocked. The elephant raises from the ground and Ragini correctly comes at back of it in the seat arranged.

Raajat keeps looking at her shocked. Adarsh reminds a fb, where Ragini and Adarsh has kept elephant in the underground, a two soldiers to take care of it. it can get sufficient oxygen, a machinery is arranged, so that when she pulls the rod, it comes up. It was all done on before night.

Dp too amazingly looks at it.

Ragini: thanks for helping me Lakshini..! (yes, it's lakshini)

Now, Ragini jumps from her elephant to Raajat. Raajat falls down. Now, both comes face to face fight.

Raajat: what a cheating?

Ragini: everything is fair in war..! and, cheating you is really important.

Now, both starts. All continues their war.

Ragini throws him to ground. She is about to kill him, Raajat raises his hand showing his defeat. Then Ragini leaves.

Sanskar: it's better if you kill him.

Dp: there is no need to kill the dead person.

Laksh: but, it's not safe to leave him..!

Ragini: let him go...! It's king's quality to leave the person who asked for pardon.

Raajat stands and goes away.

Dp: hmm...now we have to be alert every day. We can't underestimate Raajat.

Ragini keeps thinking something. Laksh suddenly shouts in pain. He is severely injured. His brother comes near him and takes him away.

Ragini keeps looking at him. Sanskar keeps hand on her shoulder. "come on queen, these are common in war."

They all go away.

Ragini and Swara are alone in the room.

Ragini: there is someone in the palace who helped Raajat.

Swara: what? But, on whom we can doubt?

Ragini: I don't know. I'm not understanding whom to believe or not. Who has helped that Nikil to escape? Unless, someone helps, he can't escape.


Then someone knocks the door. It's Uttara and Sanskar.

Uttara: a clue has been found.

They all go into a room. Adarsh, Dp were already there. And there is an other person too.

Ragini: who is he?

Sanskar: he claims that he has seen a man with veil who helped Nikil to escape.

Ragini: what he was doing at the jail side at that time?

Adarsh laughs: samragni, he is one of the prisoner.

Others all just laugh a little.

Ragini: then, can you identify the person??

That prisoner: yes maha raani devi, I have seen his face clearly. I can paint him. Because I'm a painter.

Ragini: I don't want to believe this person. He is a prisoner. How can we believe him?

Dp: don't say like that Ragini. He is prisoner, and that's why he needs our pity. So, he will help us to overcome his punishment.

That prisoner namaskars to Ragini.

"yes empress, please give me chance."

Ragini nods her head. He starts painting. She sits aside, as she is un interested in it.

After a while,

Prisoner: samragni devi, it's finished.

Ragini only goes near painting to see it. and she is shocked.

Dp: so, who is it?

Ragini looks at prisoner.

Ragini: are you sure??

Prisoner bends his head: yes empress..!

Swara: ragini, show his painting fast...we can't handle this suspense.

Ragini takes deep breath and turns the painting to them. Everyone are hell shocked.

"Prince Laksh...!!" all exclaims.

Everyone is in shock to see prince Laksh in the painting. Ragini is silent.

Adarsh: I don't want to believe...

Sanskar: even I don't want to believe...

Durga Prasad: why don't you want to believe? Any special reason??

Sanskar: pitasri..., bcz prince Laksh loves Ragini so much. How can he do that?

Dp and Adarsh are amazed with his statement.

Dp: what?? He loves our samragni..! but, how come do you know?? And why didn't you tell us this before??

Sanskar: I thought you all know it.

Adarsh: we were not in confirm of it. you shouldn't have kept it as secret. Bcz, it is something related to the empress of this kingdom.

Dp: yes Sanskar... and now I'm getting doubt... that's why Laksh wants to trap Ragini??

Ragini silently moves away from there.

Swara: I think, she is hurt with the truth.

Ragini goes into her room. Changes her attire and gets ready in other disguise. She slowly steps out from palace. No one sees her, but Sanskar sees.

Ragini takes her horse. Sanskar follows her secretly. Ragini observes that Sanskar is following her. she turns to him.

Sanskar: samragni...

Ragini: Sanskar..! I'm going on my personal work. If you have any respect on me don't follow me..!

Sanskar: but, I'm concerned for your safety...

Ragini: I know how to fight for myself. Plz, go back. And don't dare to disobey me..!

Ragini tells those words with bit anger. Sanskar amazes as it is first time Ragini talking with him like that. He goes back.

Ragini continues going. She reaches Maheswaari kingdom. She reaches the palace of Laksh. She slowly goes inside the palace, with no one's notice.

Laksh's three brothers are with Laksh. He is on bed and his brothers are applying medicine for him. His 1st bro applies on wound. Laksh shouts in pain.

Ragini hears his voice and slowly stays at back of door.

Laksh: u my idiot brother, do it slowly.

1st brother continues his treatment.

1st bro: then, who asked you to see samragni while in war also?? If you have concentrated on your own war....

2nd bro: you couldn't have got these many wounds.

3rd bro: this time, pitasri also not in this kingdom, otherwise he would have given big lesson to you..!

Laksh: more than him, you three are eating my brain..!

Ragini smiles silently.

Laksh: what you three know the value of her?? do you know why I kept looking her in the war... bcz, it is the only chance when I get to see her. I can see only her in court, and that too not every day. Moreover, I was concerned about her in the war.

1st bro keeps medicine strongly on his wound in anger. Laksh shouts again.

1st bro: then did she bother about you? You love her this much. But, she never cared about you.

Laksh remains silent.

1st bro: you are this much injured, did she come to see you? At least did she send any letter or any others to see you and come..! no... but you are still dreaming about her..!

Laksh: you go away from here. I don't want your treatment. Why are you cursing my goddess like that??

1st bro: bhayya, I didn't curse her. I'm just telling...

Laksh: hey...go away leave me alone.

1st bro: sorry bhayya...

Laksh: go away yar...I have to sleep.

The three brothers come out of room. Laksh sleeps upside down on bed. So, he couldn't see anyone. Then Ragini slowly enters the room. She takes the medicine bowl.

Laksh: my bhai, thanks for coming. I said you to go, but I'm feeling really pain. Do something...

Ragini applies on the wound on his back gently. Her cheeks get red as she is seeing his bare top. Her hands shivers while she is applying medicine.

Laksh: yar...why are your hands so soft suddenly.

Ragini smiles.

Laksh: my brother, don't ever talk about Ragini again like that. Whether she loves me or not I always love her. she is a great ruler of this empire, why she will come for this small king to see his well beings.

Ragini keeps listening to him silently.

Laksh: my legs are paining bro....

Then Ragini keeps pressing his legs.

Laksh: Chandra..(1st bro) is that you..? why are you not talking anything??

His brothers just come listening to his voice. They are amazed to see Ragini over there. Ragini gestures them to be calm.

Laksh: Chandra...speak something.

Chandra: yes bhayya...

Laksh: do you remember our mother..?

Chandra looks at the painting of their mother. Ragini also sees.

Chandra: why are you talking about mother now?

Laksh: you, vijay and ajay(other two brothers) always used to cry that you want mother. Then, I consoled you always.

Vijay: that was past..we were kids then....

Laksh: I want to give you mother love. That's why I want to marry Ragini. Bhabhi is indirectly a mother right.

Ragini amazes with his words.

Chandra: but, why only Samragni..??

Laksh: I didn't love her knowing her as Samragni. I loved her as normal girl. And, later I came to know about her. and I will marry none other than her.

Chandra: ok, you can talk about her later.

Laksh: arey, let me tell yar. When I'm telling about her I'm forgetting all the pains.

Vijay and Ajay: bhayya...

Ragini just keeps smiling.

Laksh continues: I have started loving her looking at her eyes... those eyes are...

All brothers: bhayya....

Laksh: what happened to you all? You know, I have seen your bhabhi 1st time four years back... she came out in a disguise. I never know then, that she is princess ragini herself. Hmmm...she is specialist in changing disguise.

Ajay: now also came in disguise.

Vijay closes his mouth.

"what??" Laksh amazes and turns back and shocked to see Ragini. She stands. He too stands.

Laksh: I'm sorry Ragini, I made you to press my legs.

Ragini bends her head seeing his bare front. He hurriedly covers his top with a cloth.

Ragini: actually prince Laksh, I want a small help from you.. but, I think I came at wrong time...

Laksh: no samragni, plz never think like that. I'm ready for your service always.

Ragini looks at him.

Next morning,

Swara and Uttara are searching for Ragini. She is nowhere.

Ragini enters into the kingdom just then, Laksh is beside her on the horse.

Ragini: thanks for the help prince.

Laksh: samragni, it's very small help.

Ragini: but, I have risked you a lot. You were not well.

Laksh: hmmm, I don't want these kinds of things between friendships.

Ragini smirks: ok my idiot Laksh, go and take rest.

Laksh laughs. He goes away.

Swara and Uttara are amazed to see Ragini is coming from outside.

Swara: Ragini, where were you all night??

Sanskar just comes there.

San: why are you asking her?? She is Ruler to this empire. She can do anything and everything..!

Ragini looks at him in anger.

Rag: exactly Sanskar..!

San: but I'm your mama's son. I have right to know where you went.

Rag: just mama's son. Not my husband..! to be authoritative on me..!!

Uttara: relax dears. Why are you fighting like this suddenly..!

Adarsh just comes.

Adarsh: Ragini beta, what happened to you??

Ragini: ask him to be in his limits chote papa..!

Sanskar: it's better if you also know your limits Ragini. Being an empress to this empire, what is the need to roam at mid night out?? That too alone?? If something happens to you??

Ragini: ohh...are you worried about me? Or, you are doubting me??

Sanskar: seriously, what is the need for you to go out late??

Ragini shouts: Sanskar..!!!

Swara, Uttara and Adarsh are shocked. Dp just comes. Rag and San stops their fight. They both go away silently.

After sometime court starts. Laksh and Sanskar are not there in the court.

All other province kings are present.

Dp: Samragni, all the province kings are completely supporting now.

One king: yes empress, our doubts in the mind have gone. We thought a lady can't rule. But, we are feeling ashamed to say like that.

Other king: not just this empire, but all others are also telling. You are the best empress... yesterday war has proved that you are perfect heir of Samraat Shekar..!

Everyone: Samragni Ragini devi ki... jai ho...

Ragini feels happy. Then she starts the general court.

Ragini: we have different conceptions on escape of Nikil.

Adarsh: ya... we have doubt on prince....

When he is about to continue Ragini cuts his dialogue.

Ragini: whoever it is, we are not going to leave him. And, he will be considered as the country's best culprit.

Then a soldier comes.

"Samragni devi kaa jai ho.. so many people have come to talk to you..."

Ragini: ok, I will come before them.

Ragini comes out and surprises to see many people waiting for her out of palace.

Ragini surprises to see the vast number of people came for her. everyone are cheering,

"Ragini devi, jai ho..."

She shows her hand and everyone will stop.

Ragini: I'm so thankful for the love you all are showing me. May this Samragni know the reason??

One man: maharani, Raajat was defeated just because of you. Our so many problems are solved now.

Other one: no one in Raajat army is dared to look at us again. We are doing our business happily.

Ragini: I know, some of the parts in our empire used be in his forced control. Now, they all are free. You need not fear for him anymore. If any problem comes, this Samragni will be before you..!

The people keep cheering her. Ragini looks at them smiling.

Ragini's golden ruling will start. In the same way of her father, she also looks after the people as her own children. In the situation of justice, she gives equal judgment to everyone. People also praise her as the other form of Dharma.

As she wished, she opens new schools only for women where they are given all sorts of ancient education.

The neighboring empires never dare to attack the Gadodiya empire. They have to become friends or they have to remain idle just as Raajat. In her ruling, there is no rich or poor, lords or slaves. All people were living happily. The province kings have also been supporting her.

Dp and Adarsh used to amaze that their Ragini is ruling the empire wonderfully.

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